Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1168 Arrangements For Them Are Clear

"This old man is cultivated in the holy realm. Isn't it as easy as cutting melons and vegetables to kill a few half-holy ones?"

"Looking at the world today, it's only five-finger skills that can compete with this old man!"

The old beggar held his hands behind his back, held his head high, and said domineeringly. While speaking, an invisible terrifying momentum spread like a tide, and he was so shocked that he and the dog backed away.

Li Xiaobai was also surprised. This old man's cultivation seems unfathomable, but he became so strong in a short while. It is true that his words are old beggars. He was only in a fairyland when he left. When did this happen? Repaired?

"Senior, these are all our own people, no outsiders, don't pretend, how did you get the power in your body?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"My little brother has lived his whole life, and every bit of power in his body has been cultivated diligently by himself!"

The old beggar's expression was indifferent, his aura was terrifying, and the power of immortal energy in his body was overwhelming, he wished he could find a place to flex his muscles immediately.

Li Xiaobai was suddenly speechless, he still didn't know how much this old guy weighed, and nine times out of ten, something big happened to him, and this old man was too involved in the drama now, and he completely regarded himself as a gangster God.

I am not afraid that the counterfeit's cultivation base is low, but I am afraid that the counterfeit's cultivation base is equal to the real master's. They look the same, have the same body shape, have the same personality, and have the same breath. If even the cultivation base is the same, then the fake can become real.


"Boy, beat him up, this old thing just needs to be cleaned up!"

Er Gouzi encouraged from the side.

"The strength of the strong in the holy realm, is it easy for you to test it?"

"Don't provoke the old man. Although we have suffered together, the gap between us is already like a moat."

The old beggar seemed a little displeased and said.

"Oh, let me go, let him pretend, boy, get him! Let him have a real beating!"

Seeing the old beggar's pretentious posture, Ji Wuqing was also furious.

But at this time, the terrifying and oppressive atmosphere in the hall suddenly faded away like a tide. Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing felt relieved, and looked at the old beggar. There was no trace of the terrifying aura like a mountain whistling and a tsunami, as if he had returned to the period of an ordinary bad old man again.

One chicken and one dog were stunned.

The old beggar himself was also stunned, his eyes were full of doubts, he looked down at his dantian, and touched it unbelievingly, but there was nothing, the cultivation in his body returned to the fairyland again, just now that ruined the world The terrifying power that destroyed the earth faded away in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.

This scene feels familiar!

Li Xiaobai looked at the old beggar with great interest. When he was in the Fairy Continent, the other party's cultivation was sporadic and he often lost the chain. He didn't expect the same scene to reappear at this moment. The power in his body disappeared inexplicably. Become normal again.

"Senior, what did you just say?"

"What chasm?"

Li Xiaobai asked cheerfully.

"This seat is a strong man in the holy realm, don't be rude!"

The old beggar has a stubborn mouth, he is too involved in the drama, since he really controlled the power of the holy realm, he has completely regarded himself as the little emperor.

Li Xiaobai could only express his helplessness in this regard, every time he had to undergo a realistic beating to return to normal, he turned his wrist and took out a long sword, and waved it casually.


100% launched by empty-handed and white-knife!

The old beggar's knees softened, he raised his hands above his head, and knelt down in front of Li Xiaobai in a familiar and experienced manner.

At this moment, he woke up in a second, with a familiar feeling of bewilderment welling up in his heart. Seeing that his eyes were a little straight, Li Xiaobai withdrew his sword in a timely manner and released his skills.

The old beggar raised his head blankly and stared straight at Li Xiaobai. The moment he knelt down just now, his first reaction was that the angle was a bit skewed, and kneeling directly would hurt his knees.

He is a strong man in the holy realm, an invincible existence, how could he have such a strange experience in his mind?

"Senior, have you ever appeared in a play?"

"Senior's acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, but the acting is really too deep. If this continues, I'm afraid I will lose myself!"

Li Xiaobai said with a light smile, the sound came to the old beggar's ears like thunder, and his eyes instantly woke up after a shiver.

"Fuck, it's like a dream!"

"Why is the old man's strength gone?"

The old beggar came back to his senses, a little dazed.


He had already appeared in the play when the top of the mountain was suspected by Wu Zhi, but he didn't expect that in the next second, a terrifying power that could kill immortals and Buddhas emerged in his body, and in an instant, he entered the play even deeper.

At this moment, after careful perception, the boundless power like mountains and seas in the dantian has indeed faded and disappeared, and some of it is just the strength and cultivation of monks belonging to the earth fairyland.

This power should be related to the senior Xiaolaodi. The old beggar is a power of the soul that was split from him. The two are originally from the same source, and it is normal for them to be able to communicate with each other. His own strength was transferred to him.

Li Xiaobai pondered in his heart and made a judgment.

It's just that after returning to the sect for so long, there is no trace of the other party. It seems that the rightful master has not really come in person.

"How does senior feel now?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Hehe, I feel very refreshed. After being hit by that boundless force, the old man feels that all the shackles on the road of cultivation are gone, and there will be no bottlenecks in the road ahead. As long as the cultivation base is reached, you can break through immediately!"

The old beggar said.

"Wang, you old man is really lucky, it must have been secretly helped by a master in the holy realm to get you out of the trap just now!"

Er Gouzi pouted and said.

Ji Wuqing made up the knife mercilessly, "You'd better restrain yourself recently. If you recruit the right master, we'll see how you end up!"

"The milk baby was robbed by thieves, and they don't know the real purpose of the other party. This matter must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Li Xiaobai didn't bother to listen to the two beasts arguing, and shouted "Xu Yuan!"

"I've seen Senior Brother Li, I'm here!"

"I have an unshirkable responsibility for the loss of the milk baby, and I ask my brother to punish me!"

A figure flickered, and Xu Yuan entered the hall respectfully, cupping his fists and clasping his hands, his appearance was very respectful.

"Well, I already know about this matter. You don't need to blame yourself. When you mention it, Senior has invited a lot of semi-saint powerhouses from various sects. You are so good at teaching me. I don't need to teach you how to do it?"

Li Xiaobai smiled lightly.

"Brother Li, don't worry, the purpose of the second peak of Jianzong is that everyone is equal, and there will be no specialization. Whether it is a monk in the semi-holy realm or a newcomer who has just entered the practice world, I treat everyone equally!"

Xu Yuan patted his chest and said, not only did the senior brother not blame him, but he entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, which really moved him, he must train the newcomers for the senior brother!

Li Xiaobai nodded, "Well, that's right. Remember, it's the first time for these semi-sages to come to my Jianzong, so we must let them really appreciate the scenery of my second peak. This trip is fine!"

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Li, I'll go and make arrangements for them clearly!"

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