out of the hall.

Li Xiaobai saw Wu Chengjue waiting at the door.


Wu Chengjue's face was still shrouded in an iceberg of ten thousand years, and he casually glanced at Li Xiaobai and said.

"Well, it's out."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"What were you guys talking about just now?"

"Nothing, just chat."

"Did seniors mention me?"

Li Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "I mentioned it, saying that your cultivation base is more exquisite, and I think you have experienced a lot of hardships."

Seemingly, he saw a smile appearing on Wu Chengjue's face, which was fleeting.

"Let's go, follow me to the chief rudder, the rudder master has something to say."

After Wucheng Jue finished speaking, he stepped over and disappeared on the second peak in an instant.

Li Xiaobai scratched his head. After all, the old beggar is not the real Xiaolaodi. Even if the real Xiaolaodi came, he would probably have forgotten about the junior monk who had pointed out. Why would he mention her? The lie, um, is definitely not for the purpose of increasing the favorability of the other party so that the other party can help him in the future. As the second peak master, he is full of righteousness and dignified, and his behavior will never be so purposeful.

He called out the golden chariot, turned into a streak of light and flew away following Wu Chengjue.

After a quarter of an hour.

The two came to the familiar hilltop. This is the hilltop where the small secret realm of the chief rudder is located. It is exactly the same as the last time. On the top of the hill, there are two black-robed monks holding hands, sitting on the ground boredly admiring a picture scroll.

This door job is quite idle, many law enforcement team members may not be able to come back once in half a year, and there will be no guests here to visit the law enforcement team on weekdays. In addition, the main rudder is hidden in the small world, if not for them to open the small world Outsiders cannot find this place in the world, so this is a rather leisurely job.

After seeing the faces of Wu Chengjue and Li Xiaobai clearly, the two monks of the law enforcement team immediately got up and respectfully said, "I have seen the co-rudder master!"

"Under the order of the rudder master, the two of us will go back to the main rudder and quickly open the small secret realm."

Wu Chengjue nodded slightly, and said lightly.


The two monks didn't dare to delay, pinched the seal formula with their hands, and performed their exercises. On the top of the mountain, a huge vortex of immortal power rose slowly, floating in the void to form a door. The world at the door was full of singing birds and fragrant grass Qiqi is still the familiar scenery from the beginning.

"Let's go!"

Wuchengjue took the lead and stepped into it.

Li Xiaobai followed closely behind and stepped into this paradise.

The world inside the door is completely different from what you see from outside the door. After you really step into it, you realize that the green water and green mountains are no longer there, replaced by dry ground and bleak autumn wind.

The thatched hut is located, and a layer of hoarfrost can be faintly seen on the top of it, exuding a bleak and desolate chill. Compared with the previous two times, it is simply an earth-shaking change.

Wucheng never went directly to the thatched hut where the helmsman lived, but brought Li Xiaobai to the main hall where he received the task.

An old man was busy in it, sorting out the materials.

"Tell him, I still have something to do, go ahead and say goodbye!"

Wuchengjue threw Li Xiaobai down, then turned around and left without delay.

Only Li Xiaobai was left alone, suddenly speechless, this woman came and went as soon as she said, without any sign, fortunately, he and the deacons in this hall were also acquaintances.

"Old man Edward, I have met Mr. Li!"

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Mr. Li looks even more majestic and heroic."

When the old man saw Li Xiaobai's figure, his face was filled with a smile. The old man has not changed at all, he still has a round belly, white hair and a childlike face, and his figure is slightly plump.

"This junior has seen Senior Ai, so be polite!"

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and said respectfully.

In his opinion, the entire law enforcement team is shrouded in strangeness. Except for Wuchengjue, everyone else looks a bit weird and unusual. Even the two guards just now looked a little gloomy. , coupled with the bleak and desolate environment in the small secret territory at the moment, it is hard not to arouse people's vigilance.

"Are you here because of the theft of the sword sect's children?"

Edward asked.

"That's right, did senior know about it? I hope I can tell you a thing or two."

Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"Hehe, this matter is too deep to grasp, and the old man also has only a half-knowledge. The helmsman is a clever old man, and I will take you there!"

Edward took out a letter from a pile of files and handed it to Li Xiaobai, on which he wrote "Come and see me at the helm."

This was written by Beichenfeng. He was supposed to send this letter to Jianzong to invite him to come, but he did not expect him to act so quickly. Before the letter was sent, the people had already arrived. Invisibly, this Confucianism and Taoism were holy. One less pretense.

An old man and a young man walked out of the hall and headed towards a remote corner in the secret realm, where was the thatched hut where Feng Beichen lived.

"It seems to be different from what I saw last time?"

The fallen leaves on the ground were withered and yellow, Li Xiaobai looked at Edward and asked.

Walking in the secret realm for a while, the weird feeling became more intense. The secret realm was still full of vitality when I came last time. There were monks sitting cross-legged and meditating everywhere on the roadside, and some even sat and talked about the Tao. Others, not even a single figure was seen.

"Normally, the change of seasons in the secret realm is closely related to the mood of the rudder master. The last time the rudder master was in a good mood, so the state in the secret realm was also beautiful, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. This time it was withered yellow leaves, and the rudder master's mood was a little low. It should be Reminiscing about the past, reminiscing about the dead.”

Edward smiled and explained.

"However, the helmsman has already reached the realm of heaven and man. It is taboo for us to speculate privately. We dare not jump to conclusions, let alone speculate at will."

Finally, Edward exhorted again.


Li Xiaobai nodded, this secret realm is really hypocritical, the change of the four seasons depends on Beichenfeng's mood, but this is very intuitive to feel the inner world of this great master. He needs to be more careful.

His fingers trembled slightly, and a thousand-mile forward talisman appeared in his hand without a sound, and if he saw that the situation was not good for a while, he would run away immediately.

After a few breaths, the two came to a thatched hut. The doors and windows were tightly closed, tightly pasted, and airtight.

Edward knocked on the door, "Master, the man has been brought here."

"Let him come in and talk."

A deep and hoarse voice came from inside the door, it was the voice of Beichen wind.

"Young master, please!"

Edward smiled and did a good job of politeness. He pushed open the door and made a gesture of invitation to Li Xiaobai. After he entered, he closed the door, and the room fell into darkness again after being illuminated by the sun for a moment. .

Inside the room, a figure sat cross-legged in meditation, with his back facing the door, his face motionless, and his lineup could not be seen.

Li Xiaobai cupped his fists and cupped his hands, "Junior Li Xiaobai, I have seen seniors. Recently, the children of Jianzong were stolen, and the whole sect is very anxious. I heard that seniors have some clues here, so this junior is here to bother you. Please don't blame seniors."

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