Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1170: Two Children Debate Day

The Beichen style is still the same outfit as before, and the whole body is tightly wrapped, and all kinds of cotton and linen bedding are patchwork wrapped around the body, and it is about to wrap itself into a rice dumpling, as if it is very cold.

Li Xiaobai concluded that there must be some kind of problem with the other party's body, otherwise how could he make such weird and outrageous exaggerated actions.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. How was your trip to Ice Dragon Island? Did you encounter any trouble?"

Beichenfeng said lightly, his voice still hoarse.

"Thank you for your concern, senior. The trip to Ice Dragon Island went smoothly. The junior also arrested many semi-holy monks who were guilty of heinous crimes. They will be sent to the law enforcement team later."

Li Xiaobai said, when he has searched those semi-saints and received the ransom, he will throw them into the prison of the law enforcement team, and the disaster will move eastward. Then let those super sects settle accounts with this Beichen.

But the great god in front of him actually knew that he was going to Ice Dragon Island, and it seemed that he had been paying attention to his whereabouts all the time.

"That's unnecessary. The chief prison is tense these days and can't hold so many half saints. Just put them in Jianzong for the time being."

Beichenfeng said, his voice was calm, but he obviously didn't want to be contaminated by this muddy water.

"The younger generation came here today because of my unbelievable Jianzong doll. Many disciples scattered from the sect but failed to find any clues. I also ask seniors to guide a clear path."

Li Xiaobai said sincerely.

"Ming Road is in the Southern Continent, inside the Blood Demon Sect, how dare you go?"

Beichenfeng didn't hide anything, and said straightforwardly.


"Did someone from the Blood Demon Sect take the milk baby?"

Li Xiaobai was startled, a blood relationship on Ice Dragon Island is already difficult enough, if he went to the Blood Demon Sect this time, it would be like breaking into the Dragon Lake and Tiger's Lair, even if he brought a basket and Yan Zuzi, he might not be able to recover And back.

This Beichenfeng dared to tell him the news so straightforwardly, because he was sure of this point. No one in the world could single-handedly break into the Blood Demon Sect. This leader of the Demon Dao has been standing for many years. imagine.

"That's right, that person is a strong man in the Holy Realm in the Blood Demon Sect. Mu Xiuyu Lin Feng will definitely destroy him, and you will understand the truth that everyone is innocent and guilty. Even if the children you brought back are I dare to be jealous, let alone the Blood Demon Sect, the master of the holy realm should have come to find out the situation in the name of the Blood Demon Sect master, and then took away the most mysterious one among the hundreds of children. It’s hard to say whether it should be cultivated diligently or used for other purposes.”

Beichen wind channel.

"Since the senior informed me of this matter so boldly, I think there is already a countermeasure."

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively, he believed that Beichen called him back not only to pass such a news, but also to explain something else.

Beichen Feng Youyou said, "It's natural, as long as everything is at my disposal, it's not difficult to get out of the Blood Demon Sect."

"I also ask the seniors to order."

"Previously, the Blood Demon Sect had been cultivating the Holy Son who followed in the spiritual world as a potential successor, and there was even a tendency to let him compete with the current God Son, but now the Holy Son seems unwilling to stay in the Blood Demon Sect. The sect will definitely not be reconciled to the loss of such an arrogance, and in a few days, the Blood Demon Sect will recruit disciples, replenish fresh blood, and find the next holy son to fill the vacancy as soon as possible."

Beichen Feng eloquently said, "As we all know, the past lords of the Blood Demon Sect were all born in the fight between the Son of God and the Son of God. I will be eager to add, if you fill in the vacancy at this time, you can easily sneak into that sect, and slowly figure it out."

"Is this matter a little troublesome? Since he was able to steal the child from Jianzong, I naturally have a way to steal the child back. The helmsman can tell me the whereabouts of the milk baby. This kindness is remembered."

Li Xiaobai frowned slightly, cupped his fists and said.

He had a bad feeling in his heart, this Beichen Feng actually suggested that he break into the enemy's interior, why not just steal a milk baby, and persuade him to mention the basket and Yan Zuzi, and it will be done in minutes.

"The Blood Demon Sect has been able to stand for thousands of years. Naturally, there is a reason for it. I know what you are thinking. It is a pity that they have been suppressed in the pagoda all the year round. , the strength of a body has long been out of ten, and letting them force their way into the Blood Demon Sect may not be able to reap the benefits."

Beichenfeng chuckled, and said with a hint of contempt between his words, and his words were able to tell what was in Li Xiaobai's heart.

Li Xiaobai was startled, sure enough, the old man in front of him was paying attention to him all the time, and he even knew so clearly about Yitilan and Yan Zuzi, it seemed that he had planned it long ago!

"Sometimes you can't beat the enemy, you have to find a way to join them. This is called seeking change. Only by doing this can you survive in the bloody battlefield."

"Don't worry, you are a member of my law enforcement team. I won't harm you no matter what happens. As a member of the Eastern Continent, I also want to bring the milk baby back."

Beichen Feng said slowly.

"It's not too late for this junior to go back and think about it for a while before making a decision. Thank you, Master, for letting me know."

Li Xiaobai smiled, not daring to let go, always feeling that the old man was fooling him, but in fact he had ulterior motives.

"Forget it, it's up to you how to act. I'm an outsider after all. Just give some suggestions. It's up to you to decide whether to adopt them or not."

"Thank you, rudder master, my junior bids farewell!"

"I've been to the chief helm for so long, and I haven't given you a decent parting gift. When parting, you can take the painting on the wall at the door. If there is a crisis in the future, it can save your life."

According to Beichen Feng, when Li Xiaobai looked at the back wall, there was indeed a calligraphy and painting on the wall. The scroll was one meter long and hung in the thatched cottage. It's as simple as it gets.

The background of this painting is on a barren grassland. Two children are dancing, pointing at the sun and arguing about something, immersed in it. Li Xiaobai seems to be sucked into the painting. A child, the sound of arguing entered his ears.

One son said, "I think people are close when the sun first rises, but they are far away when the sun is midday."

One son said, "I go far away at the beginning of the day, but it is near at noon.".

One son said, "When the sun rises at the beginning of the day, it is as big as a car cover, and at midday it is like a bowl. The far ones are small and the near ones are big."

One son said, "It is cool at the beginning of the day, and it is like exploring soup in the middle of the day. Those who are near are hot and those who are far away are cool."

Li Xiaobai was stunned, this painting is... two children arguing about the sun?

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