Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1171: The Deceitful Beichen Wind


In just a split second, the system exerted force, and Li Xiaobai woke up instantly, and escaped from the artistic conception in the scroll. This is the second time he has perceived the Beichen-style calligraphy and painting. The last time this happened was outside the hut. The couplet reveals the scene of Beichenfeng finding a new way alone, and in the end the only thing left between the heaven and the earth is the exclamation that the deviant is a demon.

But this time the picture scroll contained a complete story. Two children were arguing about when the sun was near and when the sun was far away. Is lingering in the ear, a long time lingering.

He stretched out his hand and touched his forehead, unknowingly it was covered with beads of sweat.

"You are very savvy, or very wise. You must know that not everyone who sees my calligraphy and painting can feel it and be immersed in that artistic conception."

"It's a pity that the time is too short. If you can stay in the picture scroll for a while, maybe you will find more interesting things."

Beichenfeng's tepid hoarse voice came over, and he admired Li Xiaobai quite a bit in his words. This junior monk who can always comprehend the true meaning of his scrolls is indeed a talent to create.

"Thank you, Master Rudder, for the painting."

Li Xiaobai swiftly put away the scroll on the wall, since he offered the treasure on his own initiative, how could he refuse to accept it?

A pair of small eyeballs rolled around, looking around, the room was empty, and I didn't see any other ink treasures, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, the boss of feelings is also clapping, you should be so talented. Put a few more calligraphy and paintings in the house to cultivate the sentiments of the guests.

"Don't look at it, just look at it, I hope you can think about what I said just now after you return to the sect."

Beichen Feng said as if he had eyes on his back.

"Ahem, since that's the case, this junior will take his leave first!"

Being punctured, Li Xiaobai scratched his head in embarrassment, pushed open the door and left, he was very puzzled, since the Beichen wind wanted him to join the Blood Demon Sect, why didn't he say a few more words, just Letting him go like this always felt that it was too easy to leave.

Outside the door, Edward did not leave, he still stood outside the door and waited quietly, and greeted Li Xiaobai with a smile when he came out.

"My lord, is the matter settled?"

"Sure, your rudder master is pretty good, and you will come to him next time you have trouble."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"It's natural. From now on, this will be the son's home. As long as the son wants, he can come here at any time."

Edward said cheerfully, the two chatted while walking, and after knowing the whereabouts of the milk baby, Li Xiaobai's heart also fell.

As we walked, the dead leaves on the ground slowly returned to green.

The fallen leaves were half green and generally withered and yellow. Li Xiaobai looked at it very strangely, and couldn't help asking again, "Is this also representing the mood of the helmsman?"

Edward took it easy and said, "It's cloudy and sunny."

"What happened just now?"

"The light rain turned cloudy."

Li Xiaobai "..."


After leaving the secret realm, Li Xiaobai called out the golden chariot, which turned into a streak of light and rushed towards Jianzong.

Thinking back on what happened in the main rudder on the way, I always felt that the more I thought about it, the more something was wrong. Then Beichenfeng had no reason to let him back like this, and even gave him a picture scroll. What does this mean?

Are you sure he will go to the Blood Demon Sect?

After a quarter of an hour.

Li Xiaobai returned to the second peak of Jianzong, and the first thing he did when he returned to the top of the mountain was to immediately ask the housekeeper Xu Yuan to inform him to meet with Yan Zuzi in the main hall of the peak.

"Brother Li, you came a step late. Just now, senior Wu of the law enforcement team sent a letter to the two seniors, and then the two seniors left in a hurry. Before leaving, they left a note for Your."

As Xu Yuan said, he handed a note to Li Xiaobai.

A line of words was written crookedly on it, "I am involved in important matters, I will wait a step ahead, the little brother is enough to have the baby stolen, and there will be a later date!"


Li Xiaobai's pupils constricted, so Wucheng left in such a hurry to deliver a letter to the elder?

"What about Senior Wu, where is she?"

"This...she also left, and didn't say where she was going..."

Xu Yuan said cautiously.

"What the hell am I..."

Li Xiaobai scolded his mother in his heart, and he scolded Beichen Feng's mother. This old man is not a good thing, he is slack and damaged, and he actually asked Wu Chengjue to secretly transfer Yiti Lan and Yan Zuzi away when he was going to the chief helm for an appointment. The two saints disappeared without a trace, how would he steal the milk baby back?

No wonder that Beichen Feng was not in a hurry at all, he just put him back so simply, the feelings were there because of this layer.

An envelope made the two of them leave Jianzong. If there were no other masters in Jianzong, the two would not have left so easily, but they preferred to die. They saw the appearance of the old beggar who inexplicably possessed a huge amount of immortal energy, Thinking that there are strong people in the holy realm in the sect who can deal with everything, so he left with peace of mind.

Little did they know that this old beggar's strength was just a pretense, now the strength in his body had already faded like the tide, apart from Ying Diao, a half-step human immortal master, there was nothing else in Jianzong that he could use.

So, does he really have to go to the Blood Demon Sect?

"Brother Li, do you need me to send someone to search and invite the two seniors back?"

Xu Yuan asked.

"No need, that's a strong man in the holy realm, not something you can easily find."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, waved Xu Yuan away, and angrily walked towards the peak master's courtyard, which was specially built for him. Hundreds of children were playing and playing in the courtyard. Although they were very annoyed that they were snatched away by others, they were also a little fortunate, because in this way, no one would suppress them.

In the courtyard, there are swords, guns, halberds, axes, hooks, and forks, various talisman formations emerge one after another, and there are even faint sounds of scriptures. These are the strange skills that children comprehend on their own. As time goes by, this comprehension has deepened.

Fu Tiantian was sitting aside with a small wooden box on his back, his cheeks in his hands, his eyes were straight, watching the children playing in front of him, he immediately became excited when he saw Li Xiaobai.


"There's no need to worry about anything. I already know the whereabouts of the milk baby. In two days, I will go to the Southern Continent to find him."

Li Xiaobai waved his hands to appease Fu Tiantian, and said slowly.

"The disciples also go together!"

Fu Tiantian said.

"This trip is dangerous. I'll talk about it later. Where's the teacher's wife, but is she inside?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's inside, it was sent by Butler Xu just now."

Fu Tiantian pointed to the wing room inside and said.

Li Xiaobai "As a teacher, go and see your teacher's wife first, and you go and ask your third uncle to come over and talk."

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