Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1195: Setting Off Human Fireworks

"You're still flirting with the Sajia at a very old age, the Sajia won't accept your tricks!"

Li Xiaobai greeted the old woman with the mace in his hand, and the magic-sealing sword energy directly hit the opponent's body, hooking off a large piece of flesh and blood. The old woman's body was very weak, although the magic-sealing sword energy could not really hurt the opponent, but It is still possible to cut off a few pieces of flesh and get some flesh wounds.


"how can that be!"

"The power of the domain is useless to you?"

The old woman was completely shocked, and quickly left the battle circle in a flash, and took a elixir casually, and the severed flesh and blood returned to normal.

But the shock in my heart has not dissipated for a long time. The power of her semi-holy domain has no effect on the bald man in front of me. This is a scene I have never encountered since my debut. This kind of offensive on the spiritual level will more or less seem a little unsuitable, how can there be no reaction at all, and directly see through the falsehood?

Li Xiaobai cast his sword energy, and the bloody sin value above his head manifested again, appearing in front of the old woman.

"Sin is worth ninety-nine million!"

Seeing this long series of blood color values, the old woman's pupils trembled again, she only had a crime value of over ten million, and the bald man in front of her had a full ninety-nine million!

This is a sin value of nearly 100 million. In her cognition, the only ones who can reach this value are those who are strong in the Holy Realm, but how could the other party be a Holy Realm? How could the Holy Realm come to her to kill the younger generation? monk?

How could he participate in the entry trial of the Blood Demon Sect?

"You, you, you... who are you, and what is your cultivation level!"

The old woman said tremblingly.

"Sajia never talks nonsense. If you feel that you have the strength to play with Sajia, Sajia doesn't mind playing with you!"

"But you are a dying person who has stepped into the coffin with one foot, so you don't have to make a fuss anymore. The Sa family is afraid that you will spit it out."

Li Xiaobai said in a low voice, just now, he made a bold decision in his heart to kill the old woman in front of him.

Godzilla cannot be used, and will be recognized by the Blood Demon Sect, so the remaining cards in hand will be easy to play.

"Hehe, it's just pretending to be a ghost. How can you be a strong man in the holy realm? This is the training place of my Hehuan lineage. Soon other masters will come to encircle and suppress you. You can't escape!"

The old woman's eyes were gloomy and cold, her feet exerted strength, and she rushed to Li Xiaobai in an instant. A huge green snake shadow swayed in the void, and with every movement of her body, it entangled with Li Xiaobai, and she wanted to kill him with a thunderous attack.

Li Xiaobai still stood with his hands folded, his face very calm, looking at the old woman who was madly attacking him in front of him, he calmly took out a scroll from his cuff, and unfolded it directly in front of the old woman.

This is a pair of calligraphy, on which there are two big characters "Zhi Ge" written in dragons and phoenixes!

This is the decree of the elder Gorefiend at the beginning. As long as you see it, you will sink into the artistic conception. There will be no more conflicts. How long can you last.

At this moment, the snake shadow in the void dissipated suddenly, and the murderous intent exuding from the old woman's body also disappeared, and everything returned to calm. In front of this scroll, she remained motionless as if she had been cast with a fixed spell, and her eyes were a little lax , Lost in the artistic conception of the picture scroll.

Same as Li Si's reaction at the beginning, Li Xiaobai felt relieved, this scroll is effective for half-sages, but I'm afraid it won't last long, so he turned his wrist quickly to exchange for a handful of Pai Daxing from the system mall, pinching the old woman's mouth without saying a word He poured it directly on her.

In the end, I was worried about exchanging it again and pouring it down for her. Although Pai Daxing only had the power to blow up the Heavenly Wonderland, the explosion in a group could not be doubled, let alone exploded in the stomach of the old woman. Even if you don't die, you have to be maimed this time.

After doing all this, Li Xiaobai put away the scroll and silently retreated into the distance, waiting for Pai Daxing to explode. Not only did the light of the word "Zhi Ge" on the scroll in his hand become a little blurred, even the handwriting became a little blurred. Use it again and it's dead.

Pulling Meng Qi back into the distance together, his eyes were fixed on the reaction of the old woman in front of him.

At this moment, Meng Qi is at a loss, and Li Xiaobai's sin value of nearly 100 million shocked her. Zun has seen all kinds of strong people before and after, and in her cognition, there is no half-holy one with a sin value of more than 50 million. Ten thousand such a terrifying value.

Could this bald man be a strong man in the Holy Realm?

As soon as this thought came out, she couldn't get rid of it. A master of the holy realm who understands the sword energy of sealing demons, isn't this the top expert of the Blood Demon Sect?

No wonder he would protect her, it turned out that this adult already knew everything!

"Ex... brother Qiang..."

Meng Qi called out.

"Hush, please watch the fireworks, super big one."

Li Xiaobai stared at the old woman with a wicked smile and said.

At this moment, the eyes of the old woman gradually cleared up, recalling the experience just now, she was covered with layers of cold sweat, the artistic conception in that scroll directly pulled her in, if the other party hadn't closed it, she would lose her mind at this moment It may not be possible to come back!

"What was that just now, it must have been written by a big shot!"

"Even a cultivator like Laoshen who specializes in spirit and soul can be drawn into the artistic conception inside, which is not what ordinary monks do!"

"I didn't expect you to have such a treasure, but why didn't you take advantage of the victory to kill Laosang directly, and why are you so far away?"

The old woman looked at Li Xiaobai with doubts in her eyes.

It was a great opportunity just now, if the opponent Lei Ting made a move, she would definitely die, but now she has retreated so far, what is she going to do?

However, she had already experienced the strength of the opponent, and she already knew in her heart that the odds of winning were slim, so she retreated temporarily at this moment, and waited until the arrival of the large army.

But just at the moment when she was in the air, she only felt a colic in her body, as if piercing her heart, she let out a scream and then fell down.


"You did it!"

"What did you do to the old man!"

The old woman looked terrified. She noticed that the injury in her body was spreading at a terrifying speed. Her internal organs were being smashed to pieces. She tried desperately to use the exercises to suppress the injury, but it was counterproductive. There seemed to be something in her body. They are constantly colliding and want to get out.

Seeing this, Li Xiaobai said calmly, "It's nothing, Sajia turned you into a firework, and you are about to explode."

Pai Daxing rapidly swells and explodes by absorbing power. At this moment, the more the old woman uses her skills, the more powerful the power of immortality in her body will be, and the process of Pai Daxing's absorption of power in her body will also be accelerated. At this moment It has already swelled to the extreme, and the old woman's belly can be clearly seen bulging piece by piece, like a big leather ball.


The old woman was crazy, and the terrifying aura in her body swept all directions. She didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and the violent power of immortality came out from her body.

I only heard a "bang", and there was a thunderous explosion from the old woman's body. In an instant, the blood-colored mist exploded in the void, and countless small pieces of flesh and blood were scattered. The fireworks bloomed, and there was a bloody storm.

"Bang bang bang!"

A large number of resource magic weapons broke out. This is the second time that Li Xiaobai has killed a half-sage, and once again obtained massive resources. The last time he killed a half-sage, he directly made hundreds of millions of dollars in the auction. Immortal stones are worth more than 100 million, and other magical medicines are countless, and they are extremely precious. Find a place to auction them, and you can have a deposit of 1 billion again.

"How are the fireworks going?"

"Is it still in place?"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, a bloody light flashed in the void.

The bloody value above its head soared again.

"Sin is worth 110 million!"

The sin value has soared, and it has been completely promoted to the value that can only be possessed by the strong in the holy realm. No one would have thought that a monk with such a terrifying value is just a junior in the fairyland.

Meng Qi was dumbfounded. She witnessed the moment when the bald man in front of her had a crime worth over 100 million.

"Senior, are you really a strong man in the holy realm?"

"True or false, false or true, who can tell clearly. If you think it is, then it is. If you think it is not, Sajia is no different from Qi training period. Everything is based on the heart. At your age It's still shallow, and you will gradually realize the Tao."

"Sajia is not a strong man, Sajia is just an aspiring young man who wants to fly his ideals in the Blood Demon Sect!"

Li Xiaobai ran the train with his mouth full, and played tricks on people.

Meng Qi was very excited, senior is teaching on the spot!

"Understood, thank you for your teaching, Senior!"

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