There was a flash of light in the void, and Elder Chen came back again, along with a blood-robed old man.

Just now, the shocking explosion sound from the Hehuan lineage spread throughout the small half of the sect, and all the surrounding disciples heard the huge roar, and they were a little confused.

The ground was trembling, and a bad premonition arose in her heart, wouldn't the bald man just rely on his semi-holy cultivation to be as tough as He Huan?

You know, that pool is just a small training place in the Hehuan School, and the real Hehuan School has a strong man in the holy realm. It's a waste of time.

Elder Gorefiend will not embarrass the Hehuan family, but he will definitely not let her go.

"What's going on, Bald Qiang, but you are killing people in the sect?"

Elder Chen was condescending, staring at Li Xiaobai, and asked with a livid face, she had already seen the mace on the other's shoulder, so she didn't think so, and this guy made another move just now.

"Just now these little goblins wanted to murder the Sa family. The situation is critical and the Sa family has no choice but to protect themselves. This is called emergency avoidance. I hope you worded it more accurately."

Li Xiaobai said calmly, but his eyes were sizing up the blood-cloaked man behind him. This one should be the elder blood demon who is responsible for recruiting the disciples of the disciples.

"Are you bald and strong?"

"The cultivator who killed my sect's disciple and took away the decree from my seat?"

The blood-robed man asked, but he couldn't hear the joy of life.

For a big faction like the Blood Demon Sect, recruiting disciples would not alarm the strong Saint Realm at all, and he was in charge of this matter just as a name to make a contribution, and he never thought of such a trivial matter And when he needs to come forward.

The previous decree was nothing more than a whim, but he never thought that this bald man was not affected by the artistic conception of the word "Zhi Ge", on the contrary, he directly took away his decree in a frenzy, and now he is having fun again One line caused a big shock. If one is not handled well, maybe his blood demon lineage will form an enmity with the Hehuan lineage. This is what he doesn't want to see. It's not harmonious either, no one will be merciful if you can kill the other party, so no one will have grudges with others for no reason.

In order to prevent the Hehuan sect from misunderstanding, he had to come forward.

"The Sa family is bald and strong. The Sa family came to the Blood Demon Sect to be an elder. Unfortunately, this elder Chen doesn't seem to believe it. She is young and her cultivation level is still low. The Sa family does not blame him, but you, brother Blood Demon, are strong in the holy realm. You should have some discernment, don't you see the slightest bit of the Sa family's cultivation?"

Li Xiaobai was prepared and said calmly.

Rather than becoming a disciple and looking for opportunities to get close to the milk baby step by step, it's better to have an awesome identity as soon as you come up. No matter where you go at that time, it will be a matter of course. Although the risk is higher, it is more efficient, once and for all.

There is a 50-50 opening in hand, and you only need to operate at the right time to get it.

"You come to the Blood Demon Sect to be an elder?"

"What kind of elder do you want to be, isn't your Excellency also a holy monk?"

The blood demon stared at Li Xiaobai, his eyes were full of suspicion, he didn't take this face, he was not good at face, he couldn't see the cultivation base, he couldn't see the cultivation base, no matter how he looked at the bald man in front of him, he was just a mortal , there is no trace of immortal power in the body.

But being able to stand here shows that the other party is not easy. As a strong man in the holy realm, he naturally knows that the power of immortality is not the only power in the COSCO world. The power of the original has been transformed into a new power, which is usually not perceived at all, such as the power of faith in Buddhism.

If the bald guy in front of him is really a master, then he should not be underestimated.

"Naturally, you should be the Supreme Elder. If you are under the suzerain, you can be above ten thousand people. The Sa family's cultivation is the best in the past and present. Whoever wins me can win the world."

Li Xiaobai said proudly with his head held high.

"Arrogance, do you still want to keep pace with this seat?"

The blood-robed man seemed a little displeased with his words.

"Naturally, the Sa family's cultivation is comparable to yours, so why not be an elder?"

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, showing his big white teeth. Now the sky is dark, and the time should be close to midnight, and today will pass soon. He can activate it once every five or five days, that is to say, as long as he gets the timing right, he can activate it once a day. In a short period of time, he launched two 50-50 splits, and he was unscathed in a two-hand fight with the blood demon elder, which was enough to gain the trust of the other party and create an image of a peerless master.


"Elder Gorefiend, don't be fooled by this guy. If he dies, he will be half-holy. If he dares to deceive a strong man in the holy realm, you know what will happen to him!"

"If you kill people in public in the Blood Demon Sect, don't expect to walk out of the sect unscathed!"

Elder Chen said furiously, judging from the current performance of the other party, it was nothing more than resisting the blow of the semi-holy monk with his physical strength, and in addition to destroying the stronghold of the Acacia lineage, there is only one semi-holy monk here. , and the strength is not very high, it can also be done by a semi-holy monk with high strength. This guy is running the train with his mouth full, and he is simply killing himself.

"Want to fight the Sa family?"


Li Xiaobai hooked his hand towards the elder Gorefiend, and said calmly.


Elder Chen scolded coquettishly, and suddenly pressed down the big blood demon handprint with the palm of his hand. With full firepower, he went straight to Li Xiaobai. Seeing the half-sage in front of him seriously attacking with all his strength, Li Xiaobai quietly hid the pressure under his tongue He swallowed a few Tianxiang life extension pills in his stomach.

Attribute points + 15 million...

Attribute points + 15 million...

Attribute points + 15 million...

The field was full of smoke and dust, and Li Xiaobai's body had a faint tendency to crack, but under the action of the Antenna Renewing Life Pill, the injury was repaired in an instant and returned to its original state.

The damage caused by this attribute point is already close to the upper limit of the damage that the defense can withstand under the blessing of the Explosive Clothes Magic Art. If it is higher, his body will burst apart.

However, with the Tianxiang Life-Extending Pill, a small crack can be restored in an instant, and nothing abnormal can be seen for a while.

After a few breaths.

The smoke cleared.

Li Xiaobai was still carrying the mace, staring at the two people above him indifferently, unharmed.

"The little girl has good means."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"This is impossible!"

Elder Chen's pupils contracted, his face horrified, "I took over my blood demon handprint with pure physical strength, who are you, I have never heard of you as a number one person in the Zhongyuan world!"

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