"This thing is really the sun!"

The egg knife was so shocked that his scalp exploded. This is a natural disaster. It cannot be resisted by humans, even if it is a strong man from the holy land. How could anyone in the world be able to drag the sun?

And there are only two children?

"This power is nothing small. The sun is like a wheel, and Zhongzheng is peaceful. Are these two brats trying to wipe out the Blood Demon Sect?"

"Where did this child come from?"

A group of strong people in the Holy Realm also ignored Li Xiaobai, and retreated one after another, fearing that they would get a trace of the sun's power.

"Look, the sun is approaching now, but it's not early morning, it's still late at night."

The chubby child said in a milky voice.

"When the great sun stops here, it will be day forever!"

Not to be outdone, the other child strengthened his strength a little more, and continued to pull the sun above.

The scorching fireball is getting closer and closer, almost approaching the Blood Demon Sect. The sect has turned into a huge hot furnace, and the monks are in it, accepting the roasting, getting closer and hotter.

At this time, the sky suddenly tore a big gap, and a huge white bone claw protruded from the gap, grabbed the sun, and then tore it fiercely. The scene in front of everyone was here. In an instant, it was torn into pieces like rags, revealing the original situation in the Blood Demon Sect.

The hearts of several saintly powerhouses trembled. At this moment, they returned to normal. Whether it was the sun or the two children, they were torn in half like paper figures, like a curtain falling, revealing their original appearance .

The Blood Demon Sect is still the same Blood Demon Sect, but there are no two children arguing about the sun, and there is no huge burning sun. Everything is an illusion. The few people stare blankly at the fragments of the picture that fell at their feet, on which a child is drawn, It was a cardboard man smiling at them.

"Are we under the illusion?"

"Those were all illusions just now? This is an attack on the soul!"

The Egg Knife of the Shadow Demon lineage was the first to react, his pupils constricted, and his heart became even more horrified. How capable is it to bring so many strong men into the illusion at once without noticing it?

"No, that bald man must have escaped, chase after him!"

The elder Gorefiend roared angrily, soaring into the sky, he was about to chase him out of the mountain gate.

"no need!"

"A group of wastes, raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a thousand days. You are all good at ordinary times. At the critical moment, you all lose the chain to this sect. A mere piece of paper will make you fall into an endless illusion, unable to extricate yourself. If this sect If you don't make a move, do you still have to sit and wait to be killed by the artistic conception in the scroll?"

"Blood God Son" opened his mouth and said coldly.

"I was careless. I didn't expect that person to have such a method. It's hard to guard against!"

"However, that guy must not have gone far. At this moment, follow the remaining breath in the space to chase him, and he will definitely be able to catch him back!"

There was a hint of shame on everyone's face. Among the many masters present, none of them could escape from the illusion, not even one who could see through the illusion.

"No need, even if you chase after it, it won't help. The usual artistic conception is a carrier to describe the meaning and bring people into the picture to attack, but today's artistic conception directly affects reality, combining the entire sect with the artistic conception. I didn’t notice this because the methods used are too ingenious.”

"Looking at the current Zhongyuan world that has such means, apart from this sect, only Beichen Feng of the Eastern Continent has this ability, and there is no third person!"

Xueshenzi said slowly, he had sensed a familiar aura earlier, but now it seems that it is most likely the helmsman of the Eastern Continent Law Enforcement Team, Beichenfeng!

"Confucianism and Taoism most holy Beichen style?"

"Didn't he claim to have never left the Eastern Continent's law enforcement team for thousands of years?"

"Why did you come out of the mountain today and make a big fuss in our Blood Demon Sect?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, Beichen style, the most holy of Confucianism and Taoism, is a famous existence, even though they have never met each other, but the shadow of the famous tree of people, when they first stepped into the world of cultivation, they have seen He is already a big shot standing on the top of the Zhongyuan Realm.

In their view, this is one of the few strong men who can rival the Son of Blood, the suzerain of the Blood Demon Sect.

"If he goes out in person, it means that the era of disaster is about to start, some people can't sit still, the situation is changing, and it's time for the heroes to compete again!"

"But what is the purpose of stealing Qian Tongshen? What is the meaning behind this move? Could it be that he is reminding the sect of something?"

"No, Qian Tongshen has been here for a long time. If he wants to snatch it away early, why wait until now? In this way, he also covets the child's power!"

Xueshenzi also fell into deep thought, recognizing that the method of Confucianism and Taoism, the Beichen style, did not explain the doubts in his heart, but made him even more confused.

The two families have been living in peace for nearly a thousand years, but today the other party unexpectedly came to his Blood Demon Sect to snatch the milk baby without any warning, which further proves that his judgment was correct. The child holds an unspeakable secret, and Beichen Feng also want to!

He had already felt that something was wrong. He had just snatched the child away, but a strong man came to the sect to rob him. Before that, he thought that the bald man was transformed by Li Xiaobai, the head of the villain gang. Beichenfeng has been staying in the Eastern Continent all year round, and he is very familiar with the wind and grass on the island. If it is not bad, it should be the other party!

"Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, this sect will handle it on its own, all elders please comfort your disciples, you must be more cautious in the future sect test and assessment, today's incident, this sect does not want the first Second time!"

"After we go back, we will conduct a thorough investigation of the cultivators of the Blood Demon Sect. Our sect now seriously suspects that there is a traitor among us!"

The Blood Demon Sect said lightly, he was very angry this time, a total of two people entered the sect, and now one big and one small have run away, which means that he opened up a wide range of channels to call monks to come here, which is a waste of effort and useless work.

All the elders did not dare to make mistakes, and they all responded in unison, "Yes!"


at the same time.

On the edge of the Southern Continent, somewhere along the coast, Li Xiaobai carried a small wooden box on his back and looked around furiously. He was relieved to be sure that no one was chasing him. The golden chariot under his feet slid down and jumped into the water, riding the wind and waves.

In order to prevent being discovered, he did not take a relatively safe port, but found a relatively remote area to drive. Compared with the pursuit of countless strong men from the Blood Demon Sect, this sea area seemed much calmer.

Tear off the human skin mask, revealing the original face.

"Hey hey, the milk baby was rescued, I won this wave!"

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