Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1231: Possessed By Fading God, Constant Bad Luck

"Hey, he's the second uncle, so he's left in the Blood Demon Sect!"

"Boy, you are not afraid of being killed if you act so aggressively. If you implicate your Buddha, I will never end with you!"

When the small wooden box was opened, Er Gouzi jumped out first, with a displeased face.

It was in the wooden box, but it had just seen the outside situation clearly, and it almost disappeared, so there was no danger.

"Fortunately, I didn't use my deity this time, otherwise I would have to die again."

Ji ruthlessly muttered.

"The Blood Demon Sect has never paid attention to it. Even if it kills him seven times and seven times, I have already anticipated this wave."

Li Xiaobai said that he could be so calm with the picture scroll given by Beichenfeng. He knew that the other party was definitely not aimless, and it was impossible for him to bring the picture scroll into the Blood Demon Sect for no reason.

Now the power of the picture scroll is erupting in the Blood Demon Sect and displayed in front of the Blood God Son and all the elders. This may be his purpose. As for the reason, he does not want to guess. In short, there is no malice towards him, and we can still have good communication.

Moreover, he made a lot of money during this trip. Although he spent 100 million yuan to block the golden skull's attack at the last moment, it was nothing compared to the top-grade fairy stones he looted.

You know, all the vicious monks who went to the Blood Demon Sect to participate in the selection this time have all become his dead souls, without exception, those resources that exploded from the dantian of the monks in the Heavenly Wonderland were naturally snatched by Li Xiaobai.

When I turned around and sold these resources, hundreds of millions of dollars were paid in properly. I feel that making money is as easy as breathing.

Checking the attribute value panel, he has obtained the two medicinal materials needed to advance to the semi-holy defense, and the attribute points have reached 8.3 billion, and the promotion can be successful with another 1.7 billion.

The only thing that makes people feel a little uneasy is the state of being possessed by the decrepit god. He now seriously suspects that a series of incidents such as encountering the son of the blood god in the blood pond are caused by this negative state. If there is no bad luck, maybe he directly You can break out of the mountain gate.

"Master, there are monks fighting monsters ahead!"

Fu Tiantian said suddenly.

"Ignore it, ignore it, it has nothing to do with us, hurry back to the Eastern Continent is the kingly way!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, showing no interest.

But in the next second, a long sword slid down the sky and pierced directly between his eyebrows.

Er Gouzi was so startled that he jumped three feet high, "Wang, boy, be careful!"

The value jumps on the system panel.

Attribute points + 500,000...

"What the hell am I..."

"Who is sneaking up on me!"

Li Xiaobai was furious, and stared at the sea ahead with his eyes wide open. He saw several monks on the sea level staring blankly at his position, and one of them was holding a scabbard in his hand. The sword was thrown by the opponent.

"Brother... Fellow Daoist... No, senior, this junior slipped his hand just now, and the sword flew towards you for some reason, senior, please don't blame me, we are attacking this sea clan monster! "

The young man said, with a look of fear in his eyes, he had been slashing at the monster with all his strength just now, but for some reason, the long sword in his hand was involuntarily released and shot at another monk on the sea level. He was still a big boss when he looked up, and he was unscathed when he received his sword hard, and his strength was unfathomable.

"Hmph, this means you're at sea. If you're on land, you won't be able to get away without eight million people!"

Li Xiaobai snorted coldly, turned his wrist and directly pocketed the sword in front of the young man.

He didn't mean to care too much, this was the effect of the possession of the spirit, and he couldn't spend more time in the dangerous sea because of such a trivial matter, otherwise he didn't know what would happen.

"Thank you for your generosity, senior!"

The man seemed to be relieved, and rushed into the battle group again with a wave of his palms.

Li Xiaobai pushed the golden chariot under his feet to the extreme, wanting to reach the destination as soon as possible.

"Boy, can you bear this?"

Er Gouzi looked at Li Xiaobai suspiciously.

"Big things are turned into small things, and small things are turned into small things. It's not easy for everyone to go out, so bear with it!"

Li Xiaobai was impatient and said directly.

"Heck, you bastard!"

Ji ruthlessly mocked.

But at this moment, there were several bursting sounds, and then Li Xiaobai only felt that something hit the back of his head. It didn't hurt, but the values ​​that jumped on the system attribute point panel were real.

Attribute points + 500,000...

Attribute points + 500,000...

Attribute points + 500,000...

Looking back, three swords and two knives were slashing at his forehead impartially.


"Do you want to be so accurate!"

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines.

"Senior, our brothers accidentally slipped our hands, please don't blame seniors!"

"We are members of the Sword Forging Sect, and we must personally apologize to our seniors in the future!"

The few young people in the distance shouted loudly.

Li Xiaobai didn't take them to heart at all, he had a bad feeling, it seemed that staying in this sea area for a long time made the bad luck stronger?

There was only one sword just now, but now there are three swords and two knives. If he stays for a while longer, will he attract terrifying monsters?

Thinking of this, the speed of the golden chariot increased a bit here, riding the wind and waves, and setting off a storm.

"Fucking boy, you can bear this, there is something wrong with you!"

Er Gouzi was dumbfounded, and he swore that this was not the Li Xiaobai he knew.

"Be patient, it's not easy to come out and mess around. We must have a heart of support and encouragement for the junior monks."

"Look, how beautiful the world is, how clean the air is..."

Li Xiaobai took a deep breath to calm down the agitation in his heart, but before he could finish speaking, the sky suddenly darkened.


The roar was like thunder, shaking people's blood and blood.

Looking up, a big bloody mouth appeared above the golden chariot at some point, and was about to bite it off.

A few escaping lights hit the sea in the distance, and they were still the same group of young people from before.

"Sorry senior, we don't know why it suddenly attacked you!"

"We didn't mean to!"

Er Gouzi stood up when he saw the man, patted his chest and said carelessly, "It's okay, this kid doesn't care, he said, take a step back..."


"It's not over yet!"

Li Xiaobai was completely enraged, the mace in his hand swept across, and a shocking sword light pierced the sky, splitting the monster in two instantly.

All the young people on the sea stared blankly at the scene in front of them. The sky seemed to be torn in two. What kind of strength does this require?

"Made, I can't bear it anymore, I will kill all those who are not open-eyed!"

Li Xiaobai was cursing, this additional state was a bit fierce, it was like a field that was always open anytime, anywhere, constantly getting bad luck.

Er Gouzi grinned, "Boy, is there something wrong with you?"

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