
Not much to say, a storage bag fell directly from the old beggar. Li Xiaobai opened it and saw that it was full of a million top-grade fairy stones.

"Wang, old man, and Ben Buddha's!"

Er Gouzi shouted dissatisfied.


Another bag of top grade fairy stones fell to the ground.


Er Gouzi opened his mouth wide and swallowed the storage bag in one gulp, looking at Li Xiaobai with a thief, for fear that the other party would try to snatch it.

"Senior, in fact, this junior has a plan. If this trip goes well, I can make a fortune in the Western Continent. I wonder if senior has the will?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Xiaolaodi anxiously and said.

"You let the old man out first."

Xiao Laodi said.

"It's natural. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much. I want to chat more with senior."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, he kept talking, but he just didn't move.

"The old man vaguely remembers that you have an unreasonable talisman, which can shift the shape and position of the two parties, just find any object and replace the old man."

The little guy said.

"Yeah, I'm preparing the talisman, don't worry, how about listening to my younger brother's plan first?"

"Senior has kindness to younger brother, and younger brother has always remembered it in his heart. Today is a rare opportunity to make a fortune, and he wants to share it with senior."

Li Xiaobai said.

"It's easy to say, as long as you release the old man, the old man will make a fortune with you!"

Xiao Laodi's forehead and brows twitched a few times, and he heard the voice, the kid in front of him is dishonest, if he doesn't agree, I'm afraid he won't be able to come out today.

Li Xiaobai took out a replacement talisman and pasted it on Xiaolaodi's body and the stone beside him. The golden light shone on the talisman. Was embedded in the crystal.

"Made, it finally came out. The counterfeit in this crystal is very weird, it is definitely alive!"

The little laodi cursed and looked at the old man Crystal with a look of fear in his eyes.

"What happened in the underground world, senior?"

Li Xiaobai asked in confusion.

"This crystal has an inseparable relationship with the counterfeit. This guy can manipulate the crystal at will. The old man just didn't check for a while before he was pulled into it. Don't look at him at the moment, but there is one thing that the old man can conclude. His body There must still be a soul in it, even if the body dies and the dao disappears, there will be a remnant soul lingering, and part of the power can be used!"

The little laodi pointed at the old man Crystal, his face full of vigilance.

He is very sure that the monk sealed in the crystal is not completely dead, and still retains consciousness. It can only be regarded as a self-seal.

"The Buddhist monk-killing master Wuyan will arrive here in less than an hour. Let's go first as a respect."

"The void in the outside world is fixed by Buddhist disciples, can seniors have a good plan?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"A small matter!"

Emperor Xiaolao stretched out his hand to pat Li Xiaobai and Er Gouzi. In the main hall, a group of people disappeared instantly without a trace. The strong in the holy realm can melt into the void, and no one can match the grasp of space. Several semi-sages from outside joined forces The restrictions laid down have no effect.


After half an hour.

Big tomb, outside the secret building.

A bloody Buddhist monk is confronting a terrifying monster.

"This monster is only half-holy, but it has such a terrifying aura. Have you ever seen it before?"

The killing monk asked silently, looking at the group of monks behind him.

"Reporting to Master Uncle, I have never seen it before. It seems to be a monster in the big tomb, which is not connected to the outside world!"

A group of monks replied, their eyes were wide open, and it was also the first time for them to see Godzilla.

"It seems that there have been new changes in the big tomb. The senior brother's decision is indeed correct. Sealing the big tomb is the right choice!"

Killing Monk Wuyan nodded slightly, and the Zen stick in his hand turned into a golden lightning, piercing Godzilla's body effortlessly.


The semi-holy Godzilla roared, his pupils dilated, he lost his vitality, and fell to the ground.

"Take its body back to study and study."

Killing Monk Wuyan was talking, but suddenly saw the huge hill-like figure in front of him dissipate into wisps of green smoke out of thin air.

What kind of monster is this?

What body structure is this?

Will it disappear after death?

"Amitabha, Master Uncle, look, there is a flame!"

A monk suddenly yelled, and the crowd looked around, only to see a small cluster of black flames burning under the Tianji Building. The flames were as black as ink, and they couldn't feel the terrifying high temperature at all, but only endless weirdness.

"This flame is extraordinary!"

"The poor monk has heard that in the big tomb that day, people from the Blood Demon Sect encountered this kind of flame. They wanted to recover it but ended up stealing chickens and losing money. Unexpectedly, today the poor The monk met me, this flame is very evil, bring it back to Daleiyin Temple to study!"

Killing Monk Wuyan flashed a bright light in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to condense the black flames into a cage with the power of immortal essence, and then burned them slowly.

"As for this secret building, don't enter it rashly, wait for the poor monk to ask the senior brother in charge before making a decision!"

"You wait for a good life to guard here, and don't let anyone get close!"

Killing Monk was speechless.

He has heard a thing or two about the horror of the Tianji Building from the mouths of survivors. This building can easily kill half saints, and among the corpses hanging on it, there are even corpses of holy people. To survive, the safest way is to find another chess master to break the game layer by layer, and break through the barriers all the way into it.

"Amitabha! Follow the orders of Master and Uncle!"


at the same time.

Western Continent.

At the border of the pure land of the Buddha Kingdom, Emperor Xiaolao appeared here with Li Xiaobai and his party. The route through the void was quite precise. step into it.

Ji in the Pocket woke up ruthlessly, and was very dissatisfied with Li Xiaobai's behavior of cheating it, but it was indeed the one who wanted to go in to play chess by itself, and could not blame others, so it could only sulk and swallow the bitterness in its stomach.

"Further ahead is the Buddha Kingdom. I heard that your kid was there last time and was wanted?"

The little laodi learned without a teacher, took out a Huazi, lit it in his mouth, and asked casually.

"That's right, the power of faith inside is several times stronger than the outside world. If there is no Huazi in it, it will be saved in an instant."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"Wang, boy, there are many crises and variables inside, taking advantage of the safety now, tell me how we can make a fortune?"

Er Gouzi tilted his head and asked.

"That is, if your crime value of over 100 million is manifested in front of people, let alone opening a shop, we will immediately become street rats that everyone shouts and beats."

Ji Wuqing also said that the evil value cannot be covered up, and it is even more impossible not to take action in the perilous Buddhist kingdom. How can Li Xiaobai avoid this?

"I have my own countermeasures. The crime value of over 100 million on my body will not make us the street rats that everyone shouts and beats, but it will become the trump card for us to stand firm!"

Li Xiaobai said leisurely.

"Just follow me and make money for you!"

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