Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1242: The Strongest Anti-Routine

Li Xiaobai whispered to Xiao Laodi and others for a moment, the eyes of the group and the beast were all shining, they heard a great plan!

"Let's go, let's go to the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Continent!"

Er Gouzi said excitedly, and entered the territory of the Buddha Kingdom with small steps at the head of the horse. White smoke was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and Huazi flew up inhaled.

"Although this move is a bit risky, it is indeed a good way. The identity of the old man just happens to be your escort, but it has to be said first, every resource you earn must be divided equally!"

Xiao Laodi nodded, his small eyes were treacherous.

Ji Wuqing nodded and said, "That's right, 2.50% per person!"

"No problem, don't worry, when will I, Li Xiaobai, cheat you!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, a group of people walked into the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, the surrounding scenery was golden, and the green mountains and green waters were covered with a layer of Buddha-like light. .

This is the foundation of Buddhism that has been accumulated for thousands of years. With such a strong faith, the monks in this Buddhist country must be thoroughly brainwashed. If they want to dig a corner here, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort.

Er Gouzi took the lead, followed by Li Xiaobai and Ji Wuqing. After Xiaolao Diduan, several people maintained their formation and went straight to the small town in the border area of ​​the Buddha Kingdom. The core area belongs to the sphere of influence of Daleiyin Temple. It is not easy now To contact each other head-on, they will take the route of encircling the city from the countryside.

After half an hour.

Buddha Kingdom, border area, outside Jinlun City.

Er Gouzi circulated the power of the immortal essence in his body, and a long string of golden numerical values ​​above his head manifested.

"The merit is worth one million!"

"Damn it, when did your dead dog's merit rise to one million?"

Li Xiaobai and Ji Wuqing's eyes were full of astonishment. From memory, when they met last time, this guy's merit was only more than 500,000, and he didn't see him reciting scriptures hard on weekdays, so it turned into a million ?

"A dog with millions of merit..."

Emperor Xiao Lao also stared at Er Gouzi closely, as if he had discovered a new continent. You must know that there are only a handful of eminent monks and great virtues in Buddhism who can reach this value, less than one palm, and now a dog can actually reach it. This kind of realm?

And judging from the performance of Fang Ping Riri, he doesn't look like a good person, why did he become a monk with millions of merits?

"Buddha, I am considered a disciple of the Buddha, mere merits and virtues are worth nothing, and I can easily catch them!"

Er Gouzi walked towards the city gate with a big grin and a big mouth.

The kind-hearted monks around all looked sideways at him, and they were stunned. They found a dog with millions of merits. What happened to this world?

"Am I dazzled?"

"Why do I see that the dog's head is golden?"

"Millions of merits, this is a god dog with millions of merits!"

"Speaking of which, I heard a month ago that a master came out of Daleiyin Temple, who has 500,000 merits and is also a god dog. Could it be that they are the same kind?"

"I am more concerned about how many good deeds I have to do and how many scriptures I have to read to accumulate this level of merit!"

The monks looked at Er Gouzi with horror in their eyes. You must know that they have worked so hard to recite scriptures day and night, and now they only have tens of thousands of merits. In the pure land of Buddhism, their merits can exceed 100,000. Can be revered as a wise man.

Looking at the merits of the entire Buddhist sect, only the abbots, abbots and masters of those big temples can count on one hand, and all of them have unique insights into Buddhism.

Now that a dog can actually have such a merit value, they feel that the Dharma of their entire life has been cultivated on the dog.

It's really a fucking dog, hell!


"All benefactors, the poor monk Nicholas and the two dogs have recently been lucky enough to break through a million merits. Today, they are walking all over the territory of the Buddha Kingdom on foot. It is to spread the Dharma for all living beings and witness the moment when the poor monk's merits exceeded tens of millions!"

"Those who want to know how to quickly gain merit can follow the poor monk into the city, and the poor monk is willing to lead the entire Golden Wheel City to attain enlightenment!"

Er Gouzi began to yell in his male voice, and walked towards the city, immediately attracting the attention of a large group of monks to follow.

"Nicholas two dogs?"

"This name doesn't look like a monk from the Western Continent. Could it be a practitioner from a foreign land?"

"Amitabha, the monks in the world belong to one family. Now Master Nicholas is willing to spread the Dharma and help us practice and solve our difficulties. It is a great good thing. I will follow whatever I want!"

"That's right, as the saying goes, what the teacher says is taught by heaven, there is no distinction between teaching and learning. As disciples of Buddhism, we should abandon all mundane worldly thoughts and not judge others by appearance!"


"Great goodness!"

Er Gouzi's words made all the monks very excited. They don't care whether they are humans or dogs. They can't fake the millions of merits. People all over the world witnessed its practice, this is a big event that is enough to shake the Buddhist sect!

As expected of a master, a million merits are not enough, and they even started to seek tens of millions of merits. They have to take a good look at how to obtain this merit value, maybe a few years later, they can also become revered masters!

Li Xiaobai followed Er Gouzi, watching more and more monks gathering behind him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously, the plan went well, these monks followed, and it was passed on from person to person, word of mouth, so With a million merits as a gimmick, passers-by immediately turned fans.

But these are just the gimmicks in the early stage, and the real blockbuster is next.

After a quarter of an hour.

Ergouzi paraded half of the city, and the believers gathered behind him could not see the edge at a glance. It can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Walking to the central area of ​​the city, an open area, Er Gouzi stopped and cleared his throat.

"You benefactors must be very curious about how the poor monk has cultivated millions of merits. As a successful person, the poor monk can say responsibly that step-by-step practice, recitation of scriptures, and study of scriptures are just empty talk, with little effect. If you want to have a profound understanding of Buddhism, you must put it into practice!"

"Only by the unity of knowledge and action can we truly comprehend Buddhist classics!"

Er Gouzi looked around and said loudly, the crowd is very quiet, everyone is listening to its words carefully, remembering every word and sentence in their hearts, and will slowly figure it out in the future.

"Master, I understand the truth, but how can we combine knowledge and action?"

someone asked.

"Good question, today's benefactors are blessed, because the poor monk will use his own experience to show the world what it means to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Benefactors, please take a look at this monk. You may not be familiar with this person, but if you mention his identity, I am afraid that everyone will know. He is one of the core elders of the Blood Demon Sect. He is an elder of blood. He has been burning, killing, and looting all year round. The monk set up a challenge for himself, to save him within the territory of the Buddha, and to wash away his sin worth over one hundred million. If he can complete it, he can relieve the suffering of all living beings, and it will be a great merit!"

Er Gouzi stood beside him, pointed his paw at Li Xiaobai beside him and said calmly.


"It's up to you, I want to see how you want to save me!"

Li Xiaobai cooperated very well, and with a roar of anger, his whole body was full of fierce flames, and he casually cast a sword energy on the sky, and a long series of dizzying evil values ​​suddenly manifested in the void.

"Sin is worth 130 million!"

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