Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1246: Foreign Monks Can Chant Scriptures

next morning.

Li Xiaobai sat upright in the prison cell, and the smoke was misty.

After a whole night of Huazi's nurturing, the prisoners in the entire prison regained their sanity, and he also obtained a lot of useful information.

For example, the entire Jinlun City is controlled by the Jinlun Temple, and the temple controls most of the city's economic lifelines. Almost all major and minor matters are decided by the Jinlun Fawang.

Few of the prisoners held in this prison really committed unforgivable mistakes, and most of them were sent to prison because they blocked the financial resources of Jinlun Temple or blocked the financial resources of other temples. Here, and after being intensified by the strength of belief, I still think that I have made a mistake rather than others.

This makes Li Xiaobai feel quite scary. It can be said that mastering the use of the power of faith is equivalent to being able to completely brainwash people into their loyal servants casually, even if they are sent to prison. It is still the case.

However, after Huazi's breath cleared the Lingtai, everyone, without exception, yelled at Jinlun Temple after recovering. It was all because of Jinlun Fawang that they spent several years of youth in prison for no reason.

Scanning the system defense value panel, the value in the achievement column has not changed.

The achievement task can be reversed (0.1% of the current progress) can be completed.

Perhaps the population base in the Buddhist Kingdom of the entire Western Continent is too large, so that there is no qualitative change in the tens of hundreds of people in the Duhua area, just like the monks in the pagoda, although all the leaders are imprisoned. , elite monks, but the number of people is too small, all the floors add up to only a few thousand, which is just a drop in the ocean compared to the entire Buddhist kingdom, and there is a long way to go to achieve the target of the reverse degree system task.

"You will be free in the future. Master Nicholas will amnesty the world and open a temple in Jinlun Temple to teach scriptures. You can come and listen at that time."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, he did not disclose his information to these monks, he only said that a holy master came back here to give a lecture. Hearing this news, these monks couldn't be more excited.

"Thank you brother for letting me know this news. You even saved me with a special magic weapon. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to get out in this life. I'm so grateful for your great kindness!"

The monks are grateful.


The cell door opened, and the jailer cultivator guarding the outside came in, and respectfully invited Li Xiaobai out.

The prisoners inside didn't know his identity, but they knew it perfectly. They approached Li Xiaobai step by step with extreme caution and took him out.


Nothing on the road.

After a quarter of an hour.

Li Xiaobai was brought to the Jinlun Temple by a group of monks. At this moment, the Jinlun Temple was overcrowded, all of them were Buddhist monks who heard the wind and came to listen to the master's teachings.

In one night, a small forum was set up in the training ground of Jinlun Temple. Er Gouzi was in the middle of the whole seat, crossing his legs like a human monk. Xiaolaodi and Ji Wuqing looked at the people below from the left and right. Under the gesture of the Buddhist monks, Li Xiaobai stepped forward.

"How do you feel that the monks who came today have such strange shapes? They all look the same fucking, huh!"

Er Gouzi squeezed out a few words from between his teeth. Now that there are so many people staring at him, he doesn't dare to do something extraordinary to make people catch him.

"They all have the same face. Although their clothes are different, their aura and eyes are similar. It is not difficult to see that many of these people are brothers from the same sect. They should come from the same Buddhist monastery. Presumably, this must have been done secretly by King Jinlun." Did you make a small move?"

Ji Wuqing also said that for old fritters like them, such an obvious thing can be seen in an instant.

"It's all monks from Buddhist monasteries, retail investors have been blocked out, presumably they want to let their own people out, so as to make things easier for them?"

Li Xiaobai also said.

"But it doesn't matter, Hua Zi, no matter who it is, it will only become our own people in the end!"

This is also their confidence in this trip. The effects of Hua Zi and Tang Neng Yipin are not to mention the monks of these ordinary monasteries. During the Qi training period, if you become a master of the holy realm, nothing will fail.

"Amitabha, Master Nicholas, this temple is small and can't accommodate too many people, so we can only select some monks to come here to listen to the teachings, but master, don't worry, the old man has sent people to the central area of ​​the city to repair the forum. In three days, Master can move to the center of the city to give lectures on Buddhist classics, and then all the people in the city will be able to practice under your seat, which can be described as immeasurable merit!"

Jinlun Fawang came over and bowed with his palms folded, and said cheerfully.

"Amitabha, the Dharma King took the trouble to clean up the venue without paying a lot of money. The poor monk is very grateful!"

Er Gouzi also grinned and said cheerfully.

"Then the old monk will not waste his time, master please!"

Jinlun Fawang bowed again and saluted very well. He looked like a tiger with a smile on his face.

Li Xiaobai was put on a rope again and pulled behind Er Gouzi. The temple gradually became quiet, and many monks sat on the ground, quietly watching the little white dog on the podium, wanting to hear how the other party planned to preach.

You must know that although their Dharma is not advanced and they have not realized any profound and unpredictable Dharma, their horizons are still quite broad. Because of the relationship with Jinlun Temple, they often go to other big monasteries to listen to the lectures of eminent monks. For the teaching of morality, what should be said and how to say in the first speech of this master who is new to the country, the process is already very clear, and he will not deliberately give more face just because the other party has millions of merits.

Yesterday Yinlun Dharma King explained that he was not allowed to give face to this new master, even if the other party has millions of merits, but he is not an eminent monk in the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Continent after all, no matter how exquisite the Buddhist teachings of foreign monks are, they will not be easy to use here.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness. It is really the good fortune of the poor monk to come and listen to the poor monk's nonsense today. Today, the poor monk will give you some practical things. After a sutra, you can let everyone present Ascend!"

Er Gouzi stood beside him, grinning and talking, but for some reason he seemed to be stuttering and unclear.

Li Xiaobai observed that this guy's tongue seems to have not been straightened all the time, and a row of white objects can be vaguely seen under the base of the tongue, which is Huazi. This guy is not satisfied with just hiding a Huazi in his mouth. Pressing it into a whole row is amazing!

"Master, please start your performance!"

Some people in the audience got impatient and urged, they are not really here today to listen to teachings, they are here to spoil the situation, if something goes wrong, Jinlun Fawang will not be afraid of them.

Start early and end early is king.

"Okay, since that's the case, please read a spell with me!"

"Wuhu, take off!"

Er Gouzi yelled loudly, and the thick white mist between the opening and closing of the big mouth released, floating in the audience, and all the monks couldn't help shivering in an instant, feeling their bodies were lighter than ever before, and unconsciously followed the chanting.

"Wuhu, take off!"

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