Wisps of white smoke entered the body, and everyone in the venue felt a sense of coolness penetrating through the body, and the spirit altar was clear.

Huazi's breath entered his body, the power of immortality in his dantian suddenly increased a little, and there was a steady stream of power emerging, and the difficulties and confusion about the exercises in the past were all solved at this moment, like a miracle!

"This... this is..."

"The strength in my body has actually increased!"

"The Great Consummation of the Human Immortal Realm. The little monk has been in this realm for three full years. I didn't expect that the bottleneck was loosened after listening to a few words today. I am afraid that this little monk can break through and become a master of the Earth Wonderland when he returns!"

"Wuhu, take off, what kind of spell is this? It seems that I have heard similar spells from the monks of Daleiyin Temple before. It has such magical power. Could it be that the monks from outside are better at chanting scriptures than us?"

The pupils of many monks in the field shrank, their eyes were horrified, but they just said four words casually, which made them break through!

Not to mention them, even the eminent Buddhist monks in the first row had a turmoil in their hearts. You must know that those who came here today are all the abbots and abbots of various monasteries, or they are the supervisors, not the disciples of the disciples. It can be compared, in order to show respect for the master, the last time he came was the cultivation base of the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Not to mention that Jinlun Fawang is still a semi-holy existence, but when the white smoke entered his body, even their bodies trembled, and the five elements increased greatly. Just like this breathing effort, they actually had a deeper understanding of Buddhism , Could it be that this is the energy with millions of merits?

"White smoke escaped from the dog's mouth when he recited the mantra. I'm afraid the white smoke is inseparable from the word Wuhu Feifei. The old man has no response when he utters these four words. Presumably it needs a corresponding Buddhist method." Being able to spit it out, this is definitely a great Dharma. If you can learn it better, if you can’t get it, you need to report it to the masters of other major temples as soon as possible, so that they can make a decision early! Jinlun Temple can also take this opportunity Invite credit for some benefits!"

Jinlun Fawang narrowed his eyes slightly, his nose involuntarily twitched, and he couldn't help greedily sucking the second-hand Huazi that filled the air.

In just a few short breaths, he clearly felt all the subtleties of his own Dharma that had been neglected in the past. If it weren't for the presence of everyone, he wished he could show his supernatural powers and inhale all the white smoke into his body.

This dog is also amazing. He gave such a big gift at the beginning. He has been to many masters before and listened to master classes, but all of them are obscure. People talk about others on stage, but he is in the audience. Sleeping on his own, what he talked about was either heavenly scriptures or common sense that everyone has long understood. It is unprecedented that a few words can make all the monks collectively break through like today!

To increase the cultivation base and power of others without the slightest side effect, even if the eminent monk of Daleiyin Temple came, he might not be able to have this kind of heat and skill, right?

"How about it, can the scriptures recited by this foreign monk, my master, still be heard?"

Er Gouzi grinned and laughed.

"Amitabha Buddha is simply miraculous. I have also listened to the teachings of many masters, but I have never heard of such a miraculous effect. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I am afraid that I would never believe that there is such a thing in the world. Miracle, Master Nicholas's Dharma is profound and exquisite, I am afraid that the old monk and others will be hard to come by in their lifetime!"

Jinlun Fawang is quite polite and humble.

"Hehe, it's good that you know that not everyone can be as good and successful as this master, but as long as you learn a little superficial knowledge, it's not a problem to stand on your own!"

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if you are stupid and can't comprehend the slightest, as long as you stay by my master's side for a long time, your cultivation will also improve by leaps and bounds!"

Er Gouzi said triumphantly, his face was like the best in the world of this Buddha.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness, so there is Master Laonicolas, and my disciples are dull in aptitude, I am afraid that the master needs to pay a lot of attention!"

The reactions of the people in the field were all within their expectations. Li Xiaobai saw the hypocrisy of the masters in the front row and knew that these people might not have realized that he was about to become a poor commander. With such a miraculous effect, who would stay in this ruined temple and eat and wait to die every day?

No matter how completely useless your Buddhist brainwashing is, the brainwashing is only the loyalty of the monks to Buddhism, and the idea of ​​wanting to become stronger has never changed. Besides, they came here with two Gouzi, who is an eminent Buddhist monk with millions of merits, offered a breakthrough method on his own initiative, and none of the monks in Jinlun City would refuse.

Destroying this city can almost accomplish a small goal.

"Well, that's right. From now on, I will read a small mantra every day, everyone, with this master, Wuhu, take off!"

Er Gouzi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said loudly.

"Wuhu, take off!"

Everyone in the arena cooperated very well. For any of them, today is a golden opportunity. Thanks to the job that ruined the scene, otherwise, I don’t know how long I will have to wait for this opportunity!

Every time Er Gouzi called out, the white smoke in Jinlun Temple became thicker. After a few calls, the body of each monk was wrapped in thick white smoke, and the frenzied eyes in his eyes gradually calmed down. Gradually extinguished, a daze and dullness appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Li Xiaobai's mouth curled up unconsciously. Only at this moment did Huazi exert its true effect, washing away the power of Buddhist belief!

Except for a few eminent monks headed by Jinlun Fawang in the first row, almost all the rest of the monks showed confusion on their faces, as if they had just had a dream and woke up, a little melancholy and worrying about gains and losses.

"Wuhu, take off!"

Er Gouzi was completely in high spirits, and there was another long howl, which made the monks tremble again, and completely woke up!

"I... who am I, where am I, what am I doing?"

"The little monk remembers that he is a monk of the Golden Knife Gate. He came to the Buddha Kingdom to seek a snow lotus flower to heal the master. Why is he still in the monastery..."

"Fuck! Little monk, you and a certain family are both monks of the Golden Knife Sect, and you were tricked into coming to the monastery by that Buddhist master!"

"For seven full years, I actually stayed in this ruined monastery for seven years!"

"Golden Wheel Fawang, I bought a watch last year!"

After a short period of silence, the monks erupted in an instant, and the memories before and after being saved overlapped, turning the piety in their eyes into endless anger and monstrous hatred. Inside the Golden Wheel Temple!

Seeing the commotion in front of them, the expressions of King Jinlun Fawang and others also changed.

"No, Master Dog's Dharma can wash away the power of faith!"

"By the way, it is not a monk in my Buddhist kingdom, and the power of faith it cultivates is naturally very different!"

"I get it now, it's not here to popularize the law at all, it's here to teach the world to dig the corners of the Western Continent!"

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