Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1249 The Statue Must Be Big Enough And Hard Enough!

Li Xiaobai also had a Huazi hanging from the corner of his mouth, swallowed the clouds, and controlled the blood-colored tentacles in the void to max out and shoot towards Jinlun Fawang, with amazing power.

"Sure enough, you are a master of the Blood Demon Sect, Master Nicholas, you actually colluded with the head of the Blood Demon Sect to attack and kill Buddhist masters in the Western Continent. Kill people, otherwise you will face endless pursuit!"

"My old man advises you to be kind, just leave here, but just pretend nothing happened!"

Jinlun Dharma King waved his Zen stick in his hand, the golden Buddha light shone everywhere, and the blood-colored tentacles seemed to wilt, their power was reduced a lot, and they were cut into several pieces easily.

Attribute points + 10 million...

drop! It is detected that the host has acquired tens of billions of attribute points, and the defense can be advanced!

Host Li Xiaobai!


Demi-holy defensive power (999999991 billion) can be advanced!

The golden light on the body surface flickered, and after a burst of inexplicable breath, Li Xiaobai stepped into the rank of semi-holy in an instant.

The values ​​on the system panel and the options in each column have undergone earth-shaking changes. The most obvious thing is that the defensive power required for this advancement is getting more and more ridiculous. There are many, and there is an additional task of standing a statue.

Standing statues Standing up a statue of oneself is only a statue that can be admired by all people.

Note that this statue must be big enough, hard enough, and strong enough!

The task of erecting a statue is quite simple. This statue is similar to the Buddhist statue, and they are all objects that can absorb the power of faith, but I don’t know how to guide the power of faith to the sculpture. This point may be able to find the answer in Buddhism. .

"This kind of are not a master of the holy realm!"

Jinlun Fawang looked at the bloody tentacles that had been smashed into pieces by his golden Zen staff, and he was stunned for a moment. Just now he was just instinctively protecting himself under pressure, and was ready to run away, but the seemingly unstoppable bloody tentacles actually Was directly defeated?

This is definitely not the power that a strong man in the holy land should have. As a strong man in the holy land, the power is different in nature. The cracked bloody tentacles are also a fact, so the fact is self-evident!

The bloodline of the core elder of the Blood Demon Sect in front of him is fake, he is a counterfeit, he is not a master of the holy realm at all, the strength on this bloody tentacle is only a semi-saint, equal to him!

"Who are you guys? Come to our pure Buddhist temple in the Western Continent to bluff and cheat, and what are you trying to do!"

Jinlun Fawang scolded sharply.

"So much nonsense, old man, take it down!"

Li Xiaobai withdrew the Blood Demon's heart and said coldly.

The Xiaolaodi beside him stretched out a big hand and shook it. All the Buddhist monks with status in Jinlun Temple were firmly imprisoned and their cultivation was blocked. The dantian was sealed and could not feel the slightest power, just like ordinary people.

"From today onwards, our four villains will take over the big and small affairs of Jinlun City. Anyone who has committed crimes should be put in prison. After my master recovers the entire Western Continent, you will be sent to prison." Wait for Fa-rectification!"

Er Gouzi barked.

"You don't need to be too impatient. Although it's because these bald donkeys let you wait for more than ten years, it's not too late. You simply met this master. As long as you live well and follow this Buddha, you will have a realm. There will be some, when the Buddha clears Jinlun City, you will be the abbot and abbot of each temple!"

"Comrades, the hardships and hardships in the past were not setbacks, but opportunities. Now that ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties have been overcome, the accumulation of these years has made your mind more tenacious, and only by laying a solid foundation can you go further on the road of practice." Far!"

Er Gouzi looked at the many monks in the field and grinned. He said with a single word the thoughts deep in everyone's hearts. It has been abandoned for so many years. At this moment, there is finally an opportunity to soar into the sky, and everyone will firmly grasp it. In this way, these reversed people fell from the Buddhism of the Western Continent to their side of the four evil men.

"Amitabha, follow the will of the master, and we will follow the master's lead in everything in the future, and we will never slack off!"

There was a look of joy in the eyes of all the monks. Not only did they deal with Jinlun Fawang in front of them, but they also offered to take them in. It was only for a short while before they could clearly feel the pain in their bodies. The increase in strength and the in-depth understanding of exercises, if you stay for a year or so, not to mention semi-sacred, there will be no problem in the fairyland, right?

A few monks in the crowd volunteered to escort Jinlun Fawang and his party out. Needless to say, where Li Xiaobai lived last night, they will live there from now on. Useless, it is equivalent to being a useless person, who can only let it go.

"The site in the center of the city needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Tomorrow, the Buddha will give a lecture in the city. In addition, the Jinlun Temple will be remodeled. The Buddha will sell a super powerful magic weapon that can clear the heart, improve eyesight and improve understanding!"

Er Gouzi grinned, waved his paws to direct the movements of the people, and quickly cleared out an empty house. As a function of opening a shop, selling Huazi was their primary purpose, and the rest were incidental.

"It's just such a city, even if it's under the nose of Daleiyin Temple, as long as you are cautious, it will not be a problem."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"It's a pity that the speed is too slow. It takes so much effort to recover a small city in the border area. There are countless such cities in the Buddha Kingdom. They are as vast as a sea of ​​mist. The longer the battle line is stretched, the easier it is to collapse!"

Xiao Lao Di smashed his mouth and said slowly.

"It's indeed a problem, but if you want to build a towering building on the ground, first lay a foundation as a base camp, and the road ahead will be easier."

Li Xiaobai thought about it for a moment and said, "It's true that we have to fight city by city until the year of the monkey, and we have to think of ways to speed up the process."

"Tomorrow is over, let's take down this city first."

Er Gouzi waved his little paw, quite stylishly, "Xiao Lizi, drive back to the palace!"

at the same time.

outside world.

The news of Master Nicholas's salvation of sentient beings spread like wildfire. With just a few words, countless monks broke through the bottleneck and advanced to the next level of cultivation. As soon as this news came out, the entire Jinlun City was boiling.

There are hundreds of people word of mouth, and they are all Buddhist disciples from major monasteries, unconditionally gaining the trust of many believers and retail investors. After all, these are people from major monasteries, and they all applaud. Is the great monastery applauding?

"I heard that the master is rebuilding the temple and will sell the magic weapon. I will buy it tomorrow!"

"God has eyes!"

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