This kind of mind and capacity cannot be cultivated by ordinary people in a lifetime.

next morning.

In the center of Jinlun City, Er Gouzi took Xiao Laodi, the bodyguard, to the forum, preparing to carry out reverse brainwashing for the monks in the city.

Li Xiaobai took Ji Wuqing to find the highest boundary of the whole city from the other side, a small mountain. Although the top of the mountain is not high, it is enough to overlook the entire Jinlun City.

After thinking hard last night, I finally came up with a brilliant plan, which can take back the monks in the city without any effort.

His purpose has never been to truly save the world, as long as the world is pulled out of the baptism of the power of faith and returned to the situation. To achieve this, breaking the situation violently is undoubtedly the most efficient choice.

Opening a store and letting the monks buy Huazi one by one is a later story. The most important thing to do now is to wake everyone up at this moment, and then let Er Gouzi earn everyone's joy.

on the top of the hill.

Li Xiaobai and Ji Wuqing overlooked the bottom, there was a sea of ​​people, and the monks spontaneously gathered towards the center, where one person and one dog stood.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"What are you here for?"

Ji asked ruthlessly, what he was doing on the top of the mountain, which made him feel very puzzled.

"If you want to take a single shot to get rid of this area, this is the best place. Let's send a wave of heavenly maidens to scatter flowers. Just above Jinlun City, we will launch the first shot of ideological emancipation!"

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, turned his wrist and took out two objects, a large bag of Huazi in his left hand, and a large handful of firecrackers and thunder in his right hand. His idea was very simple. Find a commanding height, use firecrackers and thunder to detonate Huazi, and blow it into powder and mist. , covering the entire city like raindrops, wouldn't all the monks in this city be able to return to normal?

The reason why firecrackers are used to start thunder is because it is the least powerful explosive. Other powers are either aimed at the earth fairyland or the heavenly fairyland. Exploding in the sky may affect innocent people, so it is better to use a smaller power.

"You want to enlighten your mind, so that the common people can see the true face of Buddhism, and then willingly defect to us? At that time, not only their resources, but even their whole beings will be ours!"

Ji asked ruthlessly.

"Yes, I, Li, have never asked for money in my life. When I see injustice, I will take action when it is time to act. These people are innocent. They have been converted by Buddhism and suffered innocent disasters. Today, Li will save the common people in the world and return to the world. A clear world!"

Li Xiaobai said with a solemn expression and righteous words.

Hearing this, Ji Wuqing was in awe, "If you have such sentiments, we are in the same realm!"

"Time is running out, I don't want to talk nonsense, just do it!"

Li Xiaobai threw two piles of hills to Ji Wuqing, one was Huazi, the other was firecrackers and thunder, which scared the little yellow chicken back.

"Be careful, you don't know how dangerous this thing is, if it blows up, I won't help you anymore."

Ji Wuqing jumped three feet high, and the firecrackers and thunder would explode as long as they were hit by a violent collision. Li Xiaobai's random behavior really scared it.


Ergouzi and Xiaolaodi have already finished their preparations. After the news was released overnight, Buddhist disciples from the whole city are here, wanting to hear and witness this miraculous moment of the master.

"Master, what mantras are the monks learning today?"

Some Buddhist disciples can't wait. He is one of the monks who appeared in Jinlun Temple yesterday. He has tasted the sweetness of Huazi, and he is a little addicted. He wants to experience that feeling again. After all, it is so cool and has no side effects , who doesn't love it?

"Amitabha, a small mantra a day, the Buddha never likes to be sloppy, just go straight to dry goods, everyone, follow me, Nicholas is awesome!"

Er Gouzi's eyes flashed with excitement, and he scolded angrily.

The monks around shouted with some uncertainty, "Nicholas is awesome!"

Can this thing really be called a spell?

Isn't this a trick to ask them to flatter and praise each other?

But just when the monks were a little confused, there was a sudden bang in the void, the sound of thunder exploded, and the sound of thunder was deafening. The sky suddenly darkened, and a large amount of white thick fog rolled in. The scattered air slowly enveloped the top of the Golden Wheel City.

"what is this?"

"This white mist... has been lying down for a long time, and it actually has the effect of improving understanding and cleaning the internal organs!"

"Could it be because of that spell?"

"The poor monk has heard that the mantra taught by the master yesterday is called Wuhu Takeoff. It is said that the cultivator who chanted the cultivation base in his body has increased sharply, and the bottleneck period is easily solved!"

"Then read it a few more times!"

The monks whispered to each other and had a heated discussion.

He tentatively yelled upwards, "Nicholas is awesome!"


There was another burst of thunder, and a terrifying explosion came, as if the heavens were angry and wanted to tear the entire sky apart.

"Shustle carefully!"

Countless white dust fell, which was the dust mist that Huazi turned into in the explosion, falling like snowflakes, completely enveloping all the monks in it, feeling the magical power coming from it, no matter if it is a person with advanced cultivation, People who still only know superficial kung fu trembled all over, and their eyes shone brightly.

This time it was really a stroke of luck, and they were about to break through in place. Although they didn't understand any of the two sentences taught by the master, it didn't prevent them from breaking through the bottleneck and upgrading!

It is the first time listening to the teachings under the seat of the master can have such a miraculous effect. It is also the first time they have seen it. You may not be able to become a Buddha right away, you have to rely on your own accumulation bit by bit to realize the Tao. There is no such thing as instant success in Buddhism.

But the appearance of Er Gouzi broke their conventional cognition, good guy, the few words of this foreign monk directly made them break through in place, this is really dry stuff!


The thunder in the sky was still continuously exploding, and the thick white smoke engulfed the city tightly one after another.

With the improvement of comprehension, the poison of the power of faith was washed away, and many people's eyes began to become lax and confused.

Er Gouzi looked at the scene in front of him, and said cheerfully, "How about this little incantation of the Buddha?"

The monks said gratefully, "Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment. You can follow the Dharma with your words. Just a word of gold and jade can trigger the vision of heaven and earth. This is the real eminent monk. Thank you, Master, for pointing out the maze!"

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