"Brother Li, senior brother, I have never thought of making friends with you. Senior brother has always wanted to kill you, but I just didn't find the opportunity. Originally, I killed you just for my own selfish desires, to seek your treasure, but now, the sect is in danger because of you. Environment, only if you die, it will be good for everyone."

Li Xiaobai was stunned, he didn't understand what Feng Wuxie meant, the senior brother actually wanted to kill himself.

"Eldest brother, what are you talking about? Why can't the younger brother understand a word? Why is the sect in danger because of me?"

"You caused trouble outside and took something from the powerful senior. Now that he came to the door, everyone in the Immortal Feather Sect was controlled by him. If you want to solve this matter, you have to be brought back to the sect."

"Even if you are in the Nascent Soul stage, I still have a way to bring you back to the sect. Get ready to accept the punishment!"

Feng Wuxie didn't give Li Xiaobai a chance to speak at all, and when he flipped his wrist, a golden brass mace appeared in his hand out of thin air.

As soon as he urged the exercise, the two dragons on the mace rushed towards Li Xiaobai in unison, as if they had come to life.


The Flood Dragon Phantom was unparalleled in coercion, wrapping around Li Xiaobai's body forcefully. At the same time, a talisman in Feng Wuxie's hand burned, and the two disappeared into the shop in an instant.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and no monk saw this scene at all.

Attribute points +1000...

Outside the mountain gate, Li Xiaobai came to his senses, the relationship was such a thing, the coir raincoat man found out that he was pretending to be Zhang Rui, and now he directly came to the door.

But if you think about it, that Zhang Rui has the blood spirit orb in his hand, obviously he has something to do with the evil cultivator, and after a little investigation, he can understand that he is bluffing people.

It's just that I didn't expect the other party to find me so quickly. My side has not yet fully developed, and I still can't stand the attack of the transcending tribulation period cultivation base.

According to Feng Wuxie, Xian Yuzong was only controlled by evil cultivators, and there should be no major problems in a short time. The sect must be saved, but this is not the best time.

Muscle weakness starts!

The two flood dragons entwined around him instantly became weak, and fell limply to the ground.

"It's this trick again, what kind of treasure are you hiding, even a golden dragon can fall for it!"

Feng Wuxie's pupils contracted, and he became even more resentful, why such adventures never happened to him.

"Senior Brother Feng, I have already understood the situation. This matter is indeed caused by me. I will definitely save the Immortal Feather Sect. Please give me some more time, Senior Brother. I will definitely be able to kill those evil cultivators!" Li Xiaobai said.

Although Feng Wuxie wanted to kill him, he was also thinking about the safety of the sect. This was indeed his own problem, and it was right for someone to beat him up.

"You are not ashamed to say that you are trying to kill those evil cultivators just because you have just entered the Nascent Soul stage?"

"The future head of the Immortal Feather Sect must be me, and I will take you back to the sect now to resolve this grievance!"

With the tactic in Feng Wireless' hands, the Jiaolong on the ground woke up again, staring at Li Xiaobai vigilantly and bloodthirstyly.

"Senior Brother Feng, let me go back and discuss the countermeasures with the senior brothers and sisters. Afterwards, the few of us will accompany you to the Immortal Feather Sect. Can you give me a chance?" Li Xiaobai said, Feng Wuxie is kind to the sect, he Do not want to use strong.

"It seems that you are very confident in that treasure on your body, it can make you stronger in a short time?" Feng Wuxie said while staring at Li Xiaobai.

"Not bad." Li Xiaobai nodded.

"Okay, I'll give you three days, don't play tricks, I'll follow you all the time!" Feng Wuxie said gloomyly.

"Don't worry, brother, there is no obstacle that you can't get through, so let's take a Huazi first."


On Piaomiao Peak, Li Xiaobai returned to the top of the mountain. Feng Wuxie really did what he said before, wherever Li Xiaobai went, he followed him. What a baby.

Along the way, the treasure named Huazi was too miraculous. After a few Huazi went down, he even vaguely touched the threshold of the half-step Nascent Soul.

He sneaked up a few times on the way, but unfortunately he still didn't have the ability to compete with Li Xiaobai. No matter what kind of kung fu technique it was, it seemed powerless in front of that weird method.

This made him a little depressed. He thought that he had made rapid progress, but it seemed that the gap with Li Xiaobai was still widening.

The atmosphere on Piaomiao Peak was a bit weird, Yuan Fang seemed to have been waiting on the top of the mountain early in the morning, and when he saw Li Xiaobai hurried forward, "Peak Master, we have guests from Piaomiao Peak."

Yuan Fang looked a little embarrassed, Li Xiaobai asked, "Who is here?"

"True disciple, Senior Brother Yue, and the big brother who was expelled by you last time for receiving protection fees, and inner disciple Xu Kun also came."

Li Xiaobai understood as soon as he heard it, it was because the people he had offended all made an appointment to come over and do something, it seemed that seeing himself successfully tied to the mountain of handyman disciples, he wanted to come over and bully them first.

People in the sect can be overwhelmed by power, and senior brother Yue's status is higher than his own, so it stands to reason that he deserves to be confessed.

But today we are in a bad mood. I just heard that something happened to the Immortal Feather Sect. Now you are making trouble for me. No matter what your purpose is today, it is impossible for you to walk down the mountain intact!

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered with coldness, and he went straight to the living room.

In the living room, several brothers and sisters had already arrived. Xu Kun was serving tea and pouring water courteously. Xia Jian and Wang Ruoxian were standing behind him. Brother Yue was sitting among them, sipping tea leisurely.

He just came to see Li Xiaobai, and he didn't care about the brothers and sisters.

Su Yunbing and others didn't know his purpose of coming here, so they didn't want to rush him out.

"Senior brother Yue, brother came late, I don't know why brother came here today?"

"Hehe, Junior Brother, I heard that your former sect was called the Immortal Feather Sect. I don't know if you have been back recently?" Yue Fan smiled lightly.

"Senior brother, what do you mean?" Li Xiaobai frowned, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

"It feels like everyone in the sect has become hostages, shouldn't it be uncomfortable, Junior Brother Li Xiaobai?"

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall was suddenly suppressed, and everyone fell silent.

The words Li Xiaobai alone are enough to explain everything. These people in front of them have some connection with evil cultivators, and their identities have been completely exposed.

The faces of the brothers and sisters also changed. Li Xiaobai was exposed, which meant that they were also recognized. "What do you mean, what do you mean Xianyuzong has become a hostage?"

Feng Wuxie also had a gloomy complexion, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, "You did it?"

"That's right, your Immortal Feather Sect disciple offended that lord, so Yue must of course contribute..."

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