"Yue has already sent people to the Immortal Feather Sect with many monks. At this moment, the small sect should be completely occupied, right?"

"I have to say, it's really a small sect, and the head is not even in the Nascent Soul stage, but the girls there are really very lively."

A wicked smile crossed the corner of Yue Fan's mouth.

Everyone looked indifferent, and Feng Wuxie also calmed down. He didn't expect to find the key person in the incident here, let alone the key person who threw himself into the trap.

You must know that the seven Piao Miao peak brothers are seven masters in the Nascent Soul stage, and they cannot be treated with common sense at all, and this Yue Fan actually sent them to his door on his own initiative.

On the contrary, Feng Wuxie was not in a hurry, for a dying person, there was nothing to worry about.

"What do you want?" Li Xiaobai asked.

"Break one arm, kneel down, and hand over the treasure that originally belonged to that adult."

Holding the winning ticket in his hand, Yue Fan said lightly, and even took a sip of tea leisurely.

All the people around looked at him with strange eyes, could this person be stupid?

They are not even in the Nascent Soul Stage, so how dare they provoke them?

"Li Xiaobai, now that your identities have been exposed, don't ask for trouble. If you cooperate honestly, you may still have a chance of survival." Xu Kun also said.

"Are you guys showing off your brains? How dare you provoke me with such a little cultivation?" Liu Jinshui finally couldn't help it.

"Yeah, a mere half-Yuanying stage waste, dare to make trouble in front of us?" Su Yunbing also had a cold tone.

They already understood the whole story, the Yue Fan in front of him leaked their little secret to the evil cultivator, and now that the Immortal Feather Sect was trapped, this guy only came to show off his power when he had confidence.

"Kill him!" Feng Wuxie's eyes flashed coldly, and the golden dragon mace in his hand reappeared.

"Don't forget that the Immortal Feather Sect is still in my hands. As long as I give an order, your sect can be turned into powder in an instant!" Yue Fan was startled and shouted sharply.

Li Xiaobai and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, "So, aren't you also in our hands now, if we give an order, you will instantly turn into powder."

Yue Fan was stunned, it seemed to be such a reason, if he ran to someone else's territory, and the master was not around, wouldn't this be a gift of the head?

"Don't forget, this place is in the sect. If you dare to touch me, my master will destroy you immediately, and I will reveal your secret to the public!" Yue Fan said.

"My secret is to deal with the evil cultivators. This is an act of justice. If you want to make it public, you can make it public. It is you who conspired with the evil cultivators to bring disaster to the common people. I will report you to the head of the sect right now!" Li Xiaobai said .

"Tie me up!"

Su Yunbing didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. These idiots didn't even recognize their own identities, but they dared to find fault.

The golden mace in Feng Wuxie's hand exploded and turned into several flood dragons, entwining the four of them tightly.

Yue Fan was completely stunned by this wave of operations, not only him, but the other three were also stunned. This is not the right start, what the people on the other side said makes sense.

The reason to hide their identities is because they want to avoid evil cultivators. This is not something shameful. On the contrary, if they turn to evil cultivators and betray the sect, they are the real shameless rats.

How is this operation, playing yourself to death?

"Brother Yue, the most important thing in life is to recognize yourself. If you are a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats, you dare to come out and jump around. Isn't that just playing to death?"

Li Xiaobai lit a Huazi and said calmly.

"Are you not afraid of my master's anger?"

"Aren't you afraid that the entire sect of Xianyuzong will be destroyed?"

Yue Fan had a grim expression on his face, he was really not good in terms of cultivation, he thought he had an absolute advantage, that's why he came here to slap Li Xiaobai in the face, to let the other party know what would happen if he robbed a woman.

This move was completely arranged by himself, and he didn't discuss it with Yue Buqun in advance. He didn't expect this group of people to play their cards out of common sense.

Now that he missed and was captured, I'm afraid things will happen.

"With the master here, who is your master?"

"As for the Immortal Feather Sect, you'd better pray that nothing happens to it, otherwise you must be the first to die." Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Senior Brother Feng, it's only been less than an hour, and we have achieved such a big harvest, now you should trust the younger brother, right?"

A few minutes later, Li Xiaobai drove the four of them down the mountain, yelling as they walked.

"True disciple Yue Fan, inner disciple Xu Kun, and two soy sauce disciples have fornicated evil cultivators and betrayed the sect. Today we must seek justice from the master!"

This was a solution discussed with everyone. On the way, Feng Wuxie had already told him everything he knew.

The senior brothers and sisters knew in their hearts that as long as the Zongmen was fine, they still had a chance.

Therefore, what we need to do now is to make matters worse in the Holy Demon Sect, and strive to bring down Elder Nayue. As long as we take this opportunity to wipe out the traitors in the Holy Demon Sect, no one will pass on the news to the outside world. Yu Zong is still safe for the time being.

It's just that the disciples at the bottom of the mountain were blown up by this shout. Everyone knows what kind of person he is, the true disciple Yue Fan. It was too shocking to be captured alive.

All of a sudden, all the disciples stopped to watch.

Li Xiaobai has no cultivation base, and the voice of shouting is not as good as the rest of the people can spread throughout the sect. He exchanged a small speaker from the mall and started shouting.

The sound waves rose higher and higher, and almost everyone in the sect heard the shout.

Yue Buqun's expression on a certain mountain peak suddenly changed drastically, and Elder Yuan Fang, who was drinking tea beside him, also suddenly spewed out a mouthful of tea.

How is this going?

As soon as they set up the front foot, their own disciples were arrested on the back foot, and they revealed the fact that they took refuge in evil cultivators.

"This traitor has spoiled your lord's great affairs!"

"Elder Yuanfang, hurry to Xianyu Sect, inform all the masters, and directly destroy the sect, I'll stop the sect master and buy you time!" Yue Buqun made a prompt decision.

"it is good!"

Yuan Fang turned and left, but then a heart-wrenching chill emerged, her body became stiff instantly, and a faint voice came over.

"Where do you want to go?"

Ou Yezi quietly appeared beside Yue Buqun, poured himself a drink, and said calmly.

The hairs of the two stood up suddenly, they didn't even know when the master arrived. Is this the super master of the tribulation period?

It's so scary!

"I already knew there was an inner ghost, and I haven't touched you all, just because I haven't found the exact location of those evil cultivators. Today I have to thank you for giving me a chance to catch them all!"

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