Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 128: Peak Of Tribulation Transcendence Period

Ou Yezi took a sip of the tea, his face was calm.

It's just that both of them felt like falling into an ice cave at the moment, and wanted to escape, but they couldn't even take a step.

This is the crushing from the cultivation base, the head's cultivation base crushed them, the instinct of the body did not allow them to have any movements, they were directly imprisoned.

"In the sect, who else has turned to evil cultivators?"

Ou Yezi asked, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the evil cultivator itself, and he is not the target of everyone's shouting and beating. It is only because his behavior is relatively cruel and he likes to kill, that's why he is called an evil cultivator.

The reason why he was angry was because this evil cultivator had infiltrated his sect, and some of his own sect had surrendered to the evil cultivator, so he couldn't bear it anymore, if he dared to poach a wall, he had to be mentally prepared to be wiped out.

Among the evil cultivators in the Northern Territory, the highest cultivation base is only that of the Transcending Tribulation Period, similar to him, there is no need to be afraid.

"there is none left……"

Yuan Fang's heart was shattered, he just exchanged a glance with Ou Yezi, and he felt that his soul was about to burn to pieces.

This level of cultivation is enough for him to look up to. Today, he may not escape death.


Ou Yezi put down the teacup, reached out and gently touched Yuan Fang's head, his body suddenly twitched, rolled his eyes, the breath in his body became more and more chaotic, and his vital signs gradually weakened.

"It turns out that there are so many people in the sect who have surrendered. What is so good about this evil cultivator that it deserves your service?"

Ou Yezi felt it carefully, frowning, and after a while, he let go of his palm. Yuan Fang's complexion was pale, and he collapsed on the ground, lifeless.

Yue Buqun on the side looked shocked, "This is a soul-searching technique. As the head of the sect, you use this kind of sorcery, aren't you afraid of being known by your colleagues?"

"Soul search, don't you guys use it a lot? To deal with traitors like you who have no bottom line of principle, just search for soul is cheap for you."

Ou Yezi patted Yue Buqun on the shoulder, and the two of them disappeared instantly.


Down the mountain, Li Xiaobai and the others walked slowly with the four of them.

The surrounding disciples gathered more and more, Yue Fan felt ashamed that he was a true disciple, an existence admired by thousands of people, and he was being paraded in the street at this moment?

"Li Xiaobai, you dare to treat me like this, Master will not let you go!" Yue Fan roared.

Li Xiaobai raised his foot and kicked, "Don't beep, just keep going."

"Wang, the four of you are now Er Gouzi's pets, and you are not qualified to speak!" Er Gouzi likes this kind of big scene the most, and is extremely excited.

"Hehe, the deity is walking the dog, and the idlers leave as soon as possible." The old god Ji Wuqing was there.

"Wang, who do you call a dog!"


Seeing such a scene, the surrounding disciples were even more shocked.

"Is this person the newly promoted honorary elder Ye Fengzhu?"

"Yeah, it's him. I didn't expect that Boss Ye and his true disciples would actually be with Mou."

"What kind of grudge is this? If Brother Yue is released afterwards, Boss Ye may suffer!"

"Didn't Boss Ye say that it was Senior Brother Yue who betrayed the sect? He must have obtained the evidence, right?"

"Who knows, let's just watch. At this time, be careful with your words and deeds."

The melon-eating crowd whispered, it was too violent to arrest a true disciple just after becoming the peak master.

I'm afraid it will directly rise to the conflict between Piaomiao Peak and Elder Yue.

At this moment, a gleam of light appeared in the sky, and the head of the sect, Ou Yezi, stood in the void with Yue Buqun, his jaw dropped from shock.

The monks rubbed their eyes, they couldn't be fooled, this Elder Yue was actually lifted up like a chick by the head of the sect.

"Ye Xiaoyou, I brought Elder Yue here, so tell me how these people betrayed the sect?"

Ou Yezi said with a smile on his face, originally he just wanted to use Li Xiaobai to follow the clues to find out the inner ghost, but he didn't expect this disciple to be so powerful, so he directly tied up his head, which saved a lot of effort.

"These four people are all subordinates of the evil cultivator. Before the disciple came to the Holy Demon Sect, he offended the evil cultivator. Now that these people discovered the disciple, they reported the news to the evil cultivator, causing the evil cultivator to kill the disciple's former sect. Imprison him and ask the elders to see clearly."

Li Xiaobai was right. The most likely reason is that Elder Yue, the boss, was directly arrested by the head. In a short time, Xiexiu should not receive any news.

"Elder Yue, what do you say?" Ou Yezi asked.

"Master, I definitely have no intention of betraying the sect. This person is not called Ye Liangchen at all. His original name was Li Xiaobai. He provoked the evil cultivators in the Northern Territory, and now he is coming to the Taoist Demon Sect. I am afraid that this person will betray the evil sect." Xiu is targeting the Holy Demon Sect, that's why he wants to drive him out of the mountain gate!"

"This old man is all for the good of the sect, so please let the sect master know!"

Yue Buqun's expression was agitated, filled with righteous indignation, if he didn't know the inside story, he might have been tricked by him.

Li Xiaobai yelled in his heart that this old guy is not a thing, he is so fucking shameless, at this time, he can still be forcibly dragged into favor of the sect, his thick skin is unmatched by anyone.

"So, I blamed you wrongly?"

"Don't dare."

"Elder Yue, tell me, what is the most powerful cultivator in the Northern Territory?"

"It should be Liumang in the period of crossing the catastrophe." Elder Yue said.

"Tell me again, what is the cultivation level of this head?"

"The peak of the tribulation period."

"Then you said, would I be afraid of being targeted by a mere evil cultivator? Are you questioning the ability of this head?"

"Don't dare!"

Elder Yue's heart is broken. If today's chop cannot be passed, he may be separated from Yin and Yang.

"Then tell me again, what's going on with the Immortal Feather Sect, why there are people from you over there, to be honest, otherwise I'll search for the soul." Ou Yezi's tone was still flat, but to Yue Buqun's ears, it was a thunderbolt .

The head of the sect knew what he was doing, and the people he sent out were secretly arranged. Even Yuan Fang didn't know about it, but the head of the sect knew it all. This shows that he has been targeted by others for a long time .

Every move is under control, it's ridiculous that he thought he could cheat the world.

Ou Yezi's cross-examination now is probably just to have an explanation in front of many disciples.

"Master, this son has entered my Holy Demon Sect under a false name, he is not called Ye Liangchen at all!" Yue Buqun answered irrelevantly, a little crazy, what did he say, and kept pouring dirty water on Li Xiaobai.

"His name is Li Xiaobai. I know that. The name is just a code name. Is it important?"

The strength in Ou Yezi's hands increased, and one of Yue Buqun's arms exploded.


The miserable howls resounded through the sect, deeply shocking the hearts of the disciples, the sect leader who never showed his face so much actually had such a domineering side.

In that case, Elder Yue, Senior Brother Yue, really betrayed the master?

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