Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1256 The Avatar Is Really Competitive

"How did you do it just now?"

Li Xiaobai stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

"Subsequent character plus replacement character."

Unlike the avatar in Jinlun City, this avatar is very cold.

"How to do it?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask, he didn't expect that these two talismans could be used together.

"Use the forward character first, and mark a replacement character a few more times during the teleportation process."

Hei Ying said lightly, with a look of indifference.

"Fuck, there is still this kind of operation!"

Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded.

He understands the principles of the forward character and the replacement character, why didn't he think of it on weekdays.

The effect of the forward movement talisman is to move forward for a certain distance, which can be a hundred meters or a thousand meters. It is not a teleportation, but a super-high speed movement, because the speed is very fast and almost the same as teleportation, and Sombra repeatedly used the replacement symbol to flash in front of each monk during the process of moving out, so that the illusion of flashing without CD could be produced, and it also overcomes the shortcoming of the replacement symbol's short effective range.

"Talent, how did you think of it!"

Li Xiaobai was very pleasantly surprised. The operation of this avatar seems to be six times better than his own. It is indeed produced by the system. Isn't the avatar control skills produced by the system equivalent to the skills controlled by the system itself?

Who else knows the system better than the system?

"No need to think, as long as you have money, becoming stronger is as easy as breathing."

Gao Leng Soi Ying responded.

It was this sentence that awakened Li Xiaobai.

"There are so many monks in the city, and you can actually put a flower into everyone's mouth. It's okay to say that the number of replacement symbols is an astronomical figure..."


Li Xiaobai's complexion changed. A large number of replacement symbols were purchased in the system mall just now, and at some point in the space ring, nearly ten million top-quality fairy stones were quietly swept away.

"You, you, you... prodigal bastard!"

Li Xiaobai's hands trembled angrily, his feelings were just to pretend to be so aggressive, this avatar consumed a huge amount of permutation symbols, and it was still his money!

"Money is something outside of the body, and reputation is the foundation for us to stand firm!"

"Life is alive, you have to be clear about the primary and secondary. Your realm is not enough, you need to continue to work hard!"

Black Shadow said lightly.

"But you spent all my money!"

"If you know how to spend money, you will make money. Besides, you are me, and I am you, so what is the difference between you and me, Xiaobai, your realm is still not enough, and you can ask the big brothers for advice when you have time."

Heiying waved his hand, looking indifferent, Li Xiaobai felt blood dripping from his heart, he felt a little regretful, he was a little impulsive to create eighteen clones in one go, such a way of burning money, I'm afraid he can't wait for him to come out The bag of the Buddha Kingdom is empty.

"The number of avatars exceeds one hundred and they can communicate within the system, take good care of them!"

With his hands behind his back, the black shadow walked towards the many monks below with a three-step shake.

"Thank you, Master Nicholas, for your rescue!"

"Thank you to this senior of the villain gang for taking action. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'm going to die of old age here!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect Buddhism to do this. Although I knew the situation of Buddhism is dangerous, no one would have expected it to be such a pure method!"

"If monks from all continents gather in the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Continent, wouldn't the entire Zhongyuan Realm have to enter Buddhism?" "The power of faith, so this is the true face of the power of faith, and everything is just the abandonment of Buddhism! I want to go back and report to the sect that this cancerous tumor in Daleiyin Temple must be eradicated!"

"Yes, there is something serious wrong with this Western Continent, let him get rid of it!"

The monks put their palms together and put their heads upside down. They have stayed in Buddhism for so long that their bodies have retained some habits from when they were monks, and they will not be able to get rid of this problem of clasping their hands in a short time.

"This is considered successful, boy, there is something about this avatar of yours, there are two kinds of talismans, it feels like playing out of the holy realm."

Xiao Laodi also praised this avatar, and he admired this avatar quite a lot in words. Unlike the previous avatar avatar, this avatar is doing practical things!


Li Xiaobai nodded. These avatars are designated to know things that he doesn't know, such as the matching of various skills and talismans in the system, and the ability to communicate within the system after the number of avatars exceeds a hundred. These are things that the system has never prompted of.

In the future, we will have to find an opportunity to dig it out.

"You don't have anything to do here, you can go, you will cause trouble if you stay too long."

The black shadow began to issue orders to chase away the guests. Both of them were possessed by the god of decline, and they were so close together. After a long time, the whole city might be in danger.

"Slip away!"

Li Xiaobai and his party were kicked out of the city gate, and the situation in the city was stabilized. Sombra's coquettish operation just now had completely stunned the monks, and it would not be a problem to open a shop to raise money in the future.

It seems that every black shadow has some unique little tricks, and it seems that his skills are more slippery than his body, so how can he mess around in the future, I feel very embarrassed!

"You don't need to go to the surrounding cities, let's go directly to the core area."

The four of them took out the map again and started to add up. Although there are many cities in the fringe area, there are no saint-level powerhouses sitting there, because let alone entering the saint-level, even if you are only half-holy, you will seek a higher level. Naturally. You will be attracted to practice in the temples in the core area. After all, people go to high places and water flows to low places. This is human nature.

A few semi-saints stayed behind to shoulder the mission, and all of them also held important positions as abbots and mages to rely on the monastery to make money, and the avatars were enough to deal with it.

The map clearly divided three areas in the core area, one large and two small, with Daleiyin Temple being the largest, and the other two temples occupying a slightly smaller area, one is Bodhi Temple and the other is Tianlong Temple.

"These three families are connected together. If one party has a problem, the other two parties will definitely go to check it immediately. The situation cannot be broken violently."

"It's still the old way, let's proceed step by step, avoiding the monks of Daleiyin Temple as much as possible."

Xiao Lao Di pondered and said that he is not afraid of picking out a single master of the holy realm in the Buddhist kingdom, but there are many saint-level masters in this kind of big temple, and if they attack in groups, even he has to run away, at least he must fight steadily , Harvest the top grade fairy stone before running away, otherwise you will lose a lot.

"That's right, that's what I mean too. You can use thousand paper cranes on the outside, and it's better to be safe when dealing with big temples."

Li Xiaobai nodded in agreement, and after a few discussions, they decided to go to Tianlong Temple, which seemed to be the weakest, and take pictures slowly.

During this period, Li Xiaobai found that in addition to Huazi, there were also a large number of paper cranes purchased in the system mall, apparently made by avatars. These avatars were spontaneously throwing paper cranes into the surrounding cities, preparing to bomb Huazi.

This thing is very smart, and even the effort of releasing the thousand paper cranes is saved for his body. He only needs to activate his skills and throw out a batch of clones.

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