Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1257: Master Wuhu Comes Back

The space was distorted, one after another black shadows were released by Li Xiaobai, walking all the way, the number was no less than fifty.

Xiao Laodi and the others on the side were numb to seeing it, and didn't want to ask how the other party did it. Each of this number of avatars retains a sense of autonomy, even if they know the refining method, I'm afraid they can refine it. not come out.

It can only be said that people are more dead than others, and goods are still better than goods.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, young people still know how to play!

Looking at the values ​​on the system panel, 18 cities have been taken down in a row, and the progress bar of the mission also increased suddenly.

Host Li Xiaobai!


The achievement task is reversed (the progress of the current task is 1.7%.) The reward has not been claimed.


The progress bar of this task jumped from 0.2 to 1.7, almost every time a city is recovered, the progress can be increased by 0.1. Overall, the speed is not bad.

Because the first batch of avatars are put out, and the subordinates will be divided layer by layer in the future, his avatars will only increase, and the number of cities recovered in the outer areas of the Buddha Kingdom will increase exponentially. As long as he has money, he can take The entire Buddhist kingdom is no problem.

"Grandma, thanks to the fact that I have collected a lot of money during this time, otherwise I would have bottomed out with this way of spending!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, he was relieved that this avatar was permanent and had no time limit, the system finally became a human again.

"Senior, what is the situation at Tianlong Temple?"

Mindfully exiting from the system interface, Li Xiaobai looked at Xiao Laodi and asked.

"Tenryu Temple is famous for the eight divisions of Tianlong. At the beginning of the establishment of this temple, there were eight divisions, each of which was composed of one hundred and eight arhats. Turned into dust, only their descendants are left to form a new eight tribes, and their strength is not as good as that of the previous generation, but the foundation is accumulated from generation to generation, which can rival the super sect."

Xiao Laodi said.

According to him, the strength of Tianlong Temple lies in the fact that the monks can form a killing formation. Eight groups, each of which is taken out individually, is a formation. When the eight divisions are combined, the eight formations are superimposed, and the power endless.

Today, there are still two holy masters left in Tianlong Temple, one is the abbot Bobozi, and the other is Master Pipizi, both of whom are profound in Buddhism.

"But don't worry too much. Our trip is to build a store to sell Huazi to earn resources, not to fight and kill. It is not difficult to enter the city, and these big monasteries also encourage monks to learn Buddhism. "

The little man said, "What you need to be vigilant about is the Daleiyin Temple. The entire Buddhist kingdom respects it. If you don't infiltrate this temple, your shop will always be unstable. It can be said that as long as there is that Wuyuzi alone, the West The mainland Buddhism will be able to make a comeback."

A group of people said as they walked, in order to deceive others, Emperor Xiaolao chose to walk in desolate and uninhabited places, and after a short quarter of an hour, he arrived at the gate of Tianlong Temple.

There is no city here, only a temple, but this temple is even bigger than the city. Walking out of a dense forest, there is a secluded path in front of you, which spreads to the depths. Three big characters Tenryuji Temple!

There is no one guarding the gate, and few monks come and go.

"This monastery is big enough, equivalent to the boundaries of more than ten cities. The interior is self-sufficient, and there are all kinds of places for cultivation. Ordinary monks don't have to go out of the mountain gate all their lives, only occasionally going out."

Xiao Laodi explained.

"Let's go straight in."

In the team, the two dogs took the lead, and the golden merit value on the top of their heads manifested. They did not know when they broke through to 1.5 million merits, while the value above Li Xiaobai's head dropped from 130 million to 120 million. A total of ten million is missing.

It should be that there are too many people rescued in the Buddhist country, which can be regarded as a great merit, so the merit value offsets part of the crime value.

"Drizzle, I will come back after doing two more half-sages."

Li Xiaobai didn't care, and followed Ji Wuqing swaggeringly into the city.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere in Tianlong Temple, and the Sanskrit music of the avenue can be heard everywhere.

Even if there is a system to isolate all soul attacks, Li Xiaobai can feel that the intensity of the power of faith here is one level higher than that of the outside world.

One person and one dog walk into the temple along the path. This temple is not quite the same as others I have seen. There is no city wall, no tall gate, and there are only small ancestral halls inside. Small temples are located on both sides of the road. , like a market.

The monks came and went continuously on the road. At first, everyone cared about the group of people entering Tianlong Temple, but after seeing the long string of golden merit values ​​and the dazzling blood color values, all of them were in front of them. up.

A dog with one and a half million merit points!

A big devil with a crime value exceeding 100 million!

These two people actually walked together and even entered their Tianlong Temple. What are they going to do?

"One and a half million merits!"

"I once listened to Buddhist scriptures and Dharma under the abbot Master Bobozi of Tianlong Temple. I remember that his merit value has just broken a million. What's going on with this dog? Why can it have such a value?"

The monks widened their eyes, stared at the golden merit, checked back and forth several times, and found that there was nothing wrong with their eyes. This is really a dog with a million merit value, and the dog's merit seems to be Taller than the abbot of Tenryuji Temple.


"Which evildoer dares to swagger through the market here, could it be that he doesn't take my Buddhist disciple seriously!"

A group of gray-clothed monks came out of nowhere, this is Arhat, similar to a guard patrolling the streets, and will appear as soon as the situation is discovered.

As for the combination of Er Gouzi and Li Xiaobai, to be honest, they are also a little confused, wondering what this person and dog want to do.


"When you see this Buddha, you still don't kneel down and pay respects!"

Er Gouzi yelled sharply, the voice was mixed with the majestic power of the fairyland, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk around.


"This dog says he is a disciple of Buddha?"

Doubt appeared in the eyes of the monks. They had never heard of a Buddha who was a dog, but the one and a half million merits on the other party were too dazzling, and people had to pay attention to it. It was a certain eminent monk who had arrived.

"Dare to ask which Buddha's son the master is, but there has never been news of another Buddha's son in Daleiyin Temple."

This team of arhats was still being polite, they didn't dare to be too presumptuous, and asked respectfully.

"Buddha, I am the son of Buddha handpicked by Master Wuyuzi. I was given the name of Wuhu that day, and I opened an altar to teach scriptures in Daleiyin Temple. Have you ever heard of it?"

Er Gouzi looked disdainfully, and asked indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, the monks trembled and respected "Master Wuhu!"

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