Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1258: The Buddha Saves Yuan People

"Today he was arrested and brought back to the Buddhist kingdom, but he was not going to be sent directly to the pagoda for suppression. The Buddha's millions of merits were stuck in a bottleneck, and he needed to use special means to reopen the cage, soaring into the sky, this blood elder is the original A springboard for the Buddha."

"Within one month, the poor monk will convert this devil in front of the common people in the world, convert to my Buddha, and save one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. For the real matter of defeating demons, let the core elders of the Blood Demon Sect put down their butcher knives, and all living beings in the world will be witnesses, and it will benefit endlessly!"

Ergouzi stood up and said lightly, with his hands behind his back.

The voice was very loud, mixed with the power of immortality, and it spread far away, and those who heard it turned their heads and gathered here, wanting to join in the fun.


"I'm afraid I still need to report this matter to Master Abbot, and ask him to make a decision. Master Wuhu suddenly came to visit, and I, Tianlong Temple, still need to show my kindness as a landlord."

This team of arhats were stunned when they heard Er Gouzi's remarks. They didn't expect that the reason for the other party's sudden visit was actually this.

A big devil of the Blood Demon Sect, with a crime value of over 100 million, no one thinks that this is a strong man in the holy land, who has the power to lay down millions of corpses and stain the city with blood at every turn. It is extremely dangerous!

This can be seen from the fact that the other party has not been brainwashed by the strong power of faith along the way.

"Subduing demons and subduing demons is the duty of a person in my Buddhist sect. It is my duty to fulfill my duties. If there is anything else I need to report, get out of the way quickly, and I will handle it myself."

"You don't understand the master's world. The one thought of those who are advanced in Buddhism is to connect with each other. After all, we all have in mind that the world is so big that ordinary people like you can't imagine and speculate!"

Er Gouzi said disdainfully, his words were full of ridicule, and he started to chase people away.

"The little monk first sent a younger brother to walk around the temple with the master to introduce him to the master!"

The headed arhat had a difficult face, and finally left one person to follow him, while he led the rest of his brothers and turned around to find the abbot.

This matter is too big, and there is no news in advance. Suddenly, a master brought a holy demon into their temple. Anyone who sees it will be terrified, okay?

"How long have you practiced?"

Li Xiaobai turned his head to look at the young monk beside him, and grinned.

"Ten...more than ten years..."

The monk was obviously a little embarrassed, the name of the person was the shadow of the tree, and beside him was the real big devil of the Blood Demon Sect, and the crime value of over 100 million was not just for fun, if he got up, he would kill him and cry There is nowhere to cry.

"It's not easy for more than ten years. It's a pity that it will soon be turned into a handful of loess. The practice of more than ten years will go to waste. Let's have a good pregnancy in the next life. This Wuhu monk bet with me, saying that he can save me. It is simply a big joke, not to mention a small Tianlong Temple, even the Great Leiyin Temple or even the entire Buddha Kingdom, I can come and go freely, and the strength of belief is just nonsense!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly, the monk was so frightened that his calves began to tremble.

"Be honest, don't move!"

Xiao Laodi went up and slapped Li Xiaobai on the head, and scolded.

Naturally, this was not for the monk, but for the monks and monks who were watching around. It was just such an action, but it scared everyone so much that they dared to slap the head of the Holy Land powerhouse of the Blood Demon Sect. The old man is not simple, shouldn't he also be a holy land?

"You don't have to be afraid, this deity is not a bad person, I came to Tianlong City to give you a blessing, but whether this fate can fall on you depends on the intention of the abbot of Tianlong Temple."

"At the time of tomorrow, we will gather in the central area of ​​the temple. Master Wuhu will open the altar to teach the scriptures, and bestow the magic weapon. The merits will be immeasurable!"

Ji Wuqing twisted her chubby body and shouted at the top of her voice.

That team of arhats went to report the news, today they need to deal with Master Bobozi first, and then do the reverse transformation tomorrow.

"This person's tone of voice is also so casual, as if he doesn't care about the people around him at all, and he is definitely a great master. The four holy realms must be the four holy realm powerhouses!"

The arhat following behind shouted frantically in his heart, the leader left too early and lost important information, the four in this group are all masters!

"Go for a stroll first."

Er Gouzi continued to swagger through the streets, and the awe-inspiring gazes of the people around him benefited him a lot. With a merit of 1.5 million on his head, it was difficult not to be noticed.

Tenryuji Temple is not just a temple, it also contains countless temples, large and small, and is built from many temples. Strictly speaking, Tenryuji Temple is only one of them. As the head, it is responsible for the affairs of the various temples.

The Buddhist atmosphere in this monastery is quite strong, and people who quote scriptures can be seen everywhere on the roadside, sitting cross-legged on the roadside and starting to argue about a certain sentence in the book.

When Er Gouzi passed by, all the people in the past stopped and paid respects. They didn’t know Er Gouzi, but they knew the merits, one and a half million merits, and which master came here to visit the Buddhist disciples in private?

"Master, how do you explain this passage in the book?"

On the side of the road, a Buddhist disciple respectfully handed over a book, and boldly asked, they are real practitioners of Buddhism, who have been obsessed all their lives, and they don't seem to have been saved halfway.

Seeing this scene, Er Gouzi couldn't help frowning slightly. If Huazi was born to believe in Buddhism instead of being forcibly institutionalized, then Huazi would have no effect. Even if he is baptized without the power of faith, this kind of monk is still devout to Buddhism.

"This book is useless. The Buddha sees that you are all stupid and have become nerds by chanting scriptures all day long. The world outside is so wonderful. At your age and stage, how can you calm down and let the Buddha go out to play!"

"Pretend to be a cultural person!"

Er Gouzi cursed and said angrily, now he is in a depressed mood.

But when these words fell into the ears of the monks, it was quite different. The eyes of many onlookers by the roadside brightened.

"That's how it is, Amitabha, thank you Master for enlightenment!"

"The master wants us to unite knowledge and action, we must not talk about it on paper, everything must be proved!"

Li Xiaobai admires the brain power of this group of light-headed guys. This year, a successful case stands in front of you and says everything is right.

Er Gouzi's expression was indifferent, "Since you know it, then step back, the Buddha will hand down the magic weapon to the world at tomorrow's day, to save those who have Yuan Yuan, you can grasp it yourself!"

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