Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

The First Thousand Two Hundred And Fifty-Nine Chapters Wuhu Master Also Like This One?

Er Gouzi took a group of people for a walk, talked wherever he went, and reprimanded all the monks in the past. It was obviously nonsense, but the expressions of the monks who followed him became more and more reverent, and there was even a look of admiration in their eyes. look.

Li Xiaobai can only say that this group of bald donkeys are too clever, but he also found a problem along the way. The practice atmosphere of the monks in Tianlong Temple is completely different from that of the surrounding cities. He is a person who practices Buddhism wholeheartedly, with few distracting thoughts.

"The monks in this temple have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have been cultivated since childhood. There are very few monks half-way, so the number of monks in this temple is much smaller than that of Bodhi Temple and Daleiyin Temple."

Xiao Laodi explained that because of the small number of people, the overall strength and influence are slightly inferior to the other two temples, which means that they are hiding behind the scenes.

"If you're born and bred here, I'm afraid it won't be easy to do the task of inversion."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

A golden ray of light flickered in the void, and an old monk walked out slowly, with big ears looking very wealthy.

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness. The old monk Lingjue is one of the prison temples of Tianlong Temple. I have seen several benefactors. Master Wuhu's sudden visit is far away. I am not taking care of Tianlong Temple."

"Master Abbot was very happy to learn that Master Wuhu was visiting, so he asked the old monk to come and invite him to have a meal together!"

The old monk had a smile on his face, with a benevolent look.

"Amitabha, Master Abbot invites you, the Buddha will naturally attend the banquet, and he will lead the way."

Er Gouzi tilted his neck and stared sideways, and said flatly, he looked like a villain, if it wasn't for the one and a half million sin points on his head, I'm afraid no one would be able to see that this guy would be a Buddhist people.

After a few breaths.

A group of people came to the real gate of Tianlong Temple, which is a quadrangle courtyard, with dragons carved in the heart in front of the gate, tigers roaring and dragons singing, and they are full of mighty style.

The monastery looked very empty, only a few old monks and a few young novice monks sweeping the floor.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu is here to welcome the old monk, please take a seat!"

The leader, an old monk in red and cassock, saluted Er Gouzi with his hands clasped together, and said very politely.

His eyes swept over Li Xiaobai and Xiao Laodi behind him, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking. They are both strong in the holy realm, so they naturally knew each other. Even if they didn't meet each other, they had met several times. Xiaolaodi, one of the existences standing at the peak of the Zhongyuan Realm, and the core elder of the Blood Demon Sect are really related by blood. The disciple who came to report was right. Inside Tenryuji Temple.

Although the other little yellow chicken has never been seen before, it is not a kind person to be able to follow these three big brothers, and its cultivation strength must not be low.

"Master Bobozi is bothering you."

Er Gouzi carried his paws on his back, walked into the hall as if no one else was there, and sat down on the master's seat, watching the fat faces of the monks on both sides tremble.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, whoever comes is a guest, and we, as the master of Tianlong Temple, should fulfill the friendship of the landlord."

Master Pipizi said, he is the supervisor, and he was quite displeased when he saw that the visitor was so rude to the abbot.

"Master Pipizi is telling the poor monk to get up?"

Er Gouzi glanced at each other and said lightly.

"Buddhist scriptures say that there is no distinction between high and low when there are high-ranking friends. The poor monk tried it today and it turned out to be a fake!" "Pipizi, you are deceiving the Buddha!"

Er Gouzi teased.


Pipizi wanted to say something more, but Abbot Bobozi waved him away.

"Amitabha, you must not be rude. In Buddhism, there is no distinction between high and low. The difference is just the human heart. Master Wuhu can come to my Tianlong Temple because we are flourishing. We can cultivate with a non-human body. One and a half million merits, the old monk really wants to hear what Master Wuhu has to say about Buddhist classics!"

"And the old monk really didn't expect that he would meet an old friend here, and the little brother is safe."

Bobozi waved his hand, signaling for everyone to sit down and don't care about anything.

There are little monks outside the hall serving dishes, it seems that Tianlong Temple really wants to entertain them.

"Hehe, old friends reunited today, wouldn't it be great for us to join forces and devote ourselves to building Tianlong Temple into the strongest temple in Buddhism!"

The little brother laughed loudly.

"It's easy to say, the Buddha came here to explain his understanding of Buddhism to the world, and he has refined a magic weapon that can let the people of the world break through the shackles of themselves, and the benefits are endless!"

"As long as Master Bobozi nods, tomorrow's magic weapon will be sold all over the city!"

Er Gouzi said with an all-encompassing look, he came here to discuss business.

"Don't worry about this, let's eat first, these are all good things."

Master Bobozi smiled slightly, but did not respond. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, signaling for everyone to taste it first.

Li Xiaobai casually opened the nearest dinner plate, which contained a pile of vegetable leaves, and took out a piece to swallow. There was no attribute value jumping on the system panel, and he couldn't help but muttered to himself in disappointment, "Why didn't you poison it!"

Xiao Laodi didn't move his chopsticks, Ji Wuqing and Er Gouzi lifted the dinner plate and pulled it, it was all rotten vegetable leaves.

"Why is there no meat!"

The other monks in the hall were speechless for a while, why are the people here so strange?

What the hell is it to want to eat meat in Buddhism? How could they bring out meat to entertain guests in such a clean place? Wouldn’t that ruin their reputation? If they want to eat, they have to hide and eat it secretly!

The other one is even more outrageous. The head of the Blood Demon Sect actually wants to eat poison. Do you think you didn't die fast enough?

Sure enough, this group of people cannot be treated with common sense!

"Ahem, Amitabha, sins, sins, Buddhism is pure, monks emphasize the purity of the six senses, and don't eat meat. These dishes are not ordinary products. They are all grown with the power of Buddhist beliefs. Eating them can benefit endlessly!"

Master Bobozi introduced happily.

"Bah bah bah!"

Hearing this, Er Gouzi immediately spit out his mouth full of rotten vegetable leaves. He didn't dare to eat the spiritual grass planted with the power of faith, even if Huazi was around, he didn't dare to eat it at will. It will be exposed if it is overthrown.

"It's too bitter, the Buddha wants to eat roast chicken!"

"As the saying goes, wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha sits in his heart. We are worthy of our heart. Everything we eat is appearance!"

Er Gouzi said.

Ji Wuqing on the side expressed dissatisfaction, and was about to say something when Er Gouzi slapped him to the ground and crushed him.


Many monks in the field hesitated for a moment, looked at each other and explained that they saw the hesitation in each other's eyes. At the end, Master Pipizi of the Supervisory Academy asked tentatively, "Would you like Master Wuhu?"

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