Chen Yuan arrived as promised, and searched all the books related to the power of faith in the entire Eastern Continent.

On the bed, Long Xue was still sleeping soundly, she couldn't help opening her eyes when she noticed something strange around her, suddenly she appeared outside the door after a whirlwind, and Li Xiaobai's gentle voice came from inside the room.

"Miss, my husband still has important things to do, you should go to retreat and practice first, and then come to check your figure after you have been busy for a while!"

Long Xue outside the house "???"

Inside the house, Li Xiaobai invited Chen Yuan into the room. He kept something in his mind, and was eager to obtain the secret of the power of faith.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but ever since he summoned two hundred and fifty-one clones from the Buddha Kingdom, he has always felt an ominous feeling lingering in his heart, which is hard to erase. On the contrary, it became more and more intense, as if some kind of terrifying prehistoric monster was secretly watching him, and it might explode at any time and take a bite.

"Have you brought everything?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Brother, all the scrolls of books on the power of Buddhist belief in the Eastern Continent are here, please check them out!"

Chen Yuan presented several space rings respectfully.

Li Xiaobai glanced at it casually, feeling a bit big-headed, the interspatial ring was stuffed to the brim, all of them were books, so many books would take years of the monkey to finish.

"How is the situation in the Eastern Continent?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Brother Qi, everything is as usual."

Chen Yuan said with a solemn expression, "Nowadays, everything in the Eastern Continent is guided by Jianzong. There are rumors from the outside world that there are not only Xiao Laodi sitting in Jianzong, but also Beichen Feng of the law enforcement team who is secretly helping. People are unpredictable, and it seems that they have stepped into the holy realm, which is already a force that cannot be underestimated."

"It should be so."

Li Xiaobai nodded, everything was expected. The news that Beichenfeng is behind the scenes and backing Jianzong was secretively released by him. It is normal for people to speculate under various hints. As Beichenfeng It is also impossible to come out to clarify such a small matter, and this speculation has been confirmed after going back and forth.

"Pay more attention to the movements of various forces in the Zhongyuan Realm in the past few days. I will retreat for a few days without anyone disturbing me."

Li Xiaobai said.


Chen Yuan cupped his fists and retreated.

There are no monks left in the courtyard, only the occasional laughter and laughter from outside the house can be heard, it is the voice of children, walking out the door slowly, seeing many children playing in front of him, Li Xiaobai feels that the ominous feeling in his heart has not eased, On the contrary, it is a little heavy.

"What's the problem? I've always had a bad feeling recently, and I can't calm down even holding trillions of top-grade fairy stones in my hand?"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, staring at the children in the yard, dazed.

The Qiantong rooted in the center of the yard has grown a little bit higher, and it seems to be growing vigorously. Ninety-nine children are climbing on its branches and leaves, as if they are revenge for being suppressed by the milk baby in the past.

The turtle that was acting as a temporary mount was quietly lying in a corner of the courtyard, squinting its eyes and enjoying the sunshine comfortably. After experiencing the benefits of Jianzong, it was unwilling to leave, and it just became a part of the second peak. , Get up early every day to shovel excrement with the monks, and go to the bathhouse to change the water source in the afternoon. The bathhouse on its back was temporarily built by Li Xiaobai, and the water was also placed by Li Xiaobai. The effect is no different from ordinary Tangneng Yipin.

Carrying a Tang Neng Yipin bathhouse, the strength in its body is increasing every moment.

"What is your plan in the future, will you stay in Jianzong and become a part of my second peak, or return to the sea and pursue the path you once had?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the turtle and said.

Sea Turtle shook his head, then looked at the children, signaling that he should stay here.

"You want to take care of these children?"

"All of them are talents of heavenly pride, and their future is limitless. If you follow me, you will be loyal to the second peak of my sword sect!"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

Turtle nodded in agreement.


His mind sank into the system chat room, and Li Xiaobai sent a message.

Everyone, Li Xiaobai, how is the situation in the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Continent?

I'm not Li Xiaobai The city is locked down and I can't get out.

Paratrooper No. 1, Li Xiaobai, was underground and had just been buried alive. The situation is currently unknown.

Li Xiaobai "..."

These avatars are all ruthless people, and they do things like burying themselves alive.

Li Xiaobai I always feel an inexplicable sense of crisis lingering in my heart recently, it seems to be very close to me, but far away, why?

Li Xiaohei is normal, and the storm is about to come. Two hundred and fifty parts of the spirit possessed him, and his influence is enough to cover the entire continent. In contrast, personal luck is not so important.

What does Li Xiaobai mean?

What Li Dabai meant was that the body is innocently worried about its own decrepitude, and there is no need to worry about minor disasters such as the fission and collapse of the earth. There will be bigger disasters in the future, and it needs to be done well. Preparation is.

The avatars cooperated very well this time, maybe the situation was really serious, so that they didn't have the mood to make fun of it, and said it in a matter-of-fact manner.

Li Xiaobai understands that the negative states of disasters in daily life can only be regarded as small troubles, and the current state of possessive spirit is brewing a bigger disaster, which seems to reveal a corner of a certain horror , before the Great Terror was brewed, he did not need to worry about the disasters in his daily life.

That's why he has been feeling restless.

Li Xiaobai, I hold trillions of top grade fairy stones, and there are disasters that I can't solve?

Paratrooper No. 1 Li Xiaobai, you are so picky, you want to eat farts!

If money can solve all problems, Li Xiaohei, why do he need rules?

Li Dabai wait for you to die!

Li Xiaobai was speechless again in his heart, these avatars were horribly damaged, and he wished that something would happen to his main body.

However, there is a saying that he has kept in mind, the wind and rain are coming, and there will be a disaster in the Zhongyuan world. It seems unlikely that a single state will cause a disaster. What happened was just ahead of time because of his state of fading spirit possession.

"Read more books, it's good."

With a thought, Li Xiaobai introduced a book of ancient books into the chat room, and let many avatars watch it together. One person's strength is limited, and so many pairs of eyes reading together can greatly increase the efficiency.

"Most of them are Buddhist scriptures. Chen Yuan's work is really fast, but it seems that these ancient books have never been screened, and they are all obscure and difficult to understand."

"Forget it, we won't be able to read much anyway, so it's the same to let the avatars finish watching and tell me."

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