Walking in Jianzong, all the disciples who came and went cast awe-inspiring gazes. It is strange to say that they didn't reveal anything about what their brother Li did, but they just thought it was awesome, even if they just went out. Eating a bowl of noodles all felt that it was an extraordinary realization of the Dao.

Li Xiaobai walked into Jianfeng, where attribute points could flow continuously.

The golden chariot manifested under his feet, turning into a flash of light and quickly climbing to the peak from bottom to top.

Attribute points + 1 million...

Attribute points + 2 million...

Attribute points + 3 million...


Attribute points + 5 million...

The attribute points at the top of the mountain are only about 5 million. After all, Jianfeng is only used by the disciples to sharpen it. It is quite good to reach this value. Even the monks in the fairyland will find it very difficult to reach this step. But not everyone can have a strong physique, and it is more dependent on practicing under external pressure to consolidate one's own foundation.

Li Xiaobai found a random hill to lie down on, and Li Xiaobai began to communicate with the avatars in his mind.

Paratrooper No. 1 Li Xiaobai Don't make noise, I'm busy!

Li Xiaohei's body is still useless as always, and we have to clean up the mess in the end!

I'm not Li Xiaobai, hurry up and break through the holy realm, don't make me wait too long!

Li Xiaobai "..."

Check the system mall interface.

After the best fairy stone reaches the quadrillion level, all the god-level equipment in the mall interface are unlocked. In addition to the Dinghaishenzhen, there are also a series of suits such as helmets, armors, and handguards. In the unlocked state, all others are gray and dusty. At this moment, they are basically all unlocked and opened, and the price is the same as that of Dinghaishenzhen.


"The price is so low. In the future, not only can I wear it myself, but I can also wear it for Godzilla. If you come to a thousand or eight hundred Holy Land Godzillas casually, everyone will have a suit that equals the sky. It's exciting to think about it. No matter how big it is, it's unknown. In front of this kind of Godzilla army, it must be destroyed, right?"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, he is really too rich now, in his words, there are so many top-quality fairy stones that it is impossible to spend them all, how can one person spend all the resources of a whole continent?

"Money, after all, is just a number."

"I, Li Xiaobai, have no interest in money..."


at the same time.

outside world.

Within the Zhongyuan circle.

The heads of all forces are holding an emergency meeting.

In just these two days, someone spread the news that the Buddha Kingdom was in a catastrophe, the stupa was not lit, and the supply chain of the power of faith in the Buddha Kingdom was broken!

Buddhism has lost the power of faith, and the heritage that has been handed down for thousands of years has dried up. Although no one knows how to do it, but one thing must be clear, taking advantage of your illness, I will kill you!

As a superpower that can rival the name of the Blood Demon Sect, Buddhism has always been an awe-inspiring existence. In the past, various forces would warn their disciples not to step half a step into the territory of the Buddha Kingdom. You can come back after turning around, but if you enter the pure place of Buddhism, you will never be able to come back.

There used to be many Tianjiao monks who were lost in the territory of the Buddha Kingdom, and the major super sects also came to the door to surpass others, but the result was shocking. Those disciples left the sect on their own initiative, let alone want Swearing to the death to join the Buddhist sect, defending the beliefs of the Buddhist sect, made the big factions shut up one after another. There is even a saying that there is a forbidden zone in the Buddhist kingdom.

But it's different now, the Buddhist sect has inexplicably lost the power of faith, if they attack them in groups at this moment and eat them up, their sect will return to glory, flourish again for a hundred years, and achieve a peaceful and prosperous age.

Inside the Blood Demon Sect.

Blood God Son and a group of saint realm masters gathered in the hall to talk about something.

"Some people say that it was my Blood Demon Sect who cut off the power of faith in Buddhism. Our Blood Demon Sect is full of ambitions, and today I finally can't bear the loneliness and want to do it. What do you think?"

Blood God Son said lightly.

The blood demon elder said sadly, "I'm afraid I have to ask the blood elders about this matter. Some people saw that the blood elders and Xiao Laodi joined hands in Jiaodong Fengyun in the Buddhist kingdom, which made them very passive now."

Upon hearing this, Bloodline immediately jumped up, cursing and saying, "Gah, I have never stepped out of the Blood Demon Sect since I came back from Ice Dragon Island, how can I have time to do things in the Buddha Kingdom!"

"Someone is impersonating, this is definitely someone impersonating, this is a premeditated framing!"

He was the one who was wronged the most in the whole incident. From the beginning to the end, he never took half a step in the Blood Demon Sect. If it wasn't for the news, he would not have known that such a thing had happened in the Buddhist sect.

If the impostor who kills thousands of swords is caught, he must be severely punished. You can't pretend to be anyone, but you just pretend to be him. If the blood god son is serious, I'm afraid he won't have any good fruit to eat.

"Don't be impatient, elders of the blood relationship. The suzerain summoned us here today not to ask questions, but to come up with a plan for the next step. The old man thinks that since Buddhism is showing signs of decline, and the surrounding forces are eyeing it, why don't we Taking advantage of the trend, raising the banner of exterminating Buddha and leading all parties to attack the Western Continent in one fell swoop?"

"If we can conquer the Buddha Kingdom, the territory of our Blood Demon Sect will span the two continents in the southwest in the future, and we will become the foundation of eternal invincibility!"

The shadow assassin stroked his beard with a knife, and said leisurely.

The enchanting woman in the mask nodded, "That's right, that's what I mean too. We should have taken action when the two imprisoned in the pagoda escaped for no reason. After letting it go for a while, they really had problems. Moreover, the Buddhist sect is now using children to experiment with new methods. Thinking about it, it is quite a bit of experience and experience, it is worth learning from, these materials must be controlled by the hands of the Blood Demon Sect!"

Xueshenzi nodded slowly, "I understand, but this matter should not be rushed, and the outside sects are in a wait-and-see state. The more we do at this time, the more mistakes we will make. We only need to act at the critical moment to maximize the benefits." But, let’s explore the attitudes of the other major sects first.”

"Blood relationship, I'll leave this matter to you. After all, that person made trouble in your name and ruined the prestige of my Blood Demon Sect. If you can win over the super sect to our side, your debt will be cancelled. "



the other side.

Inside the Demon Sealing Sect.

A monk with a Zen stick in his hand, with a bloody aura all over his body, sat cross-legged in the center of the hall, surrounded by big monks with terrifying and deep breaths.

A middle-aged man was sitting in the middle, looking down at the monks below, and slowly said, "Master Wu Yan is here for some important business. My Feng Mo Sect and Buddhism have never intersected. If you have anything to say, you may as well get straight to the point!"

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