The one who came was none other than Killing Monk Wuyan, clasped his hands together and bowed in salute.

"The master came here this time, probably because of the recent rumor. Some people say that the foundation of Buddhism is broken, and the power of faith collapses. Today, there are no believers in the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Continent."

A certain elder of the Feng Mo Sect said in a nonchalant manner that although the Buddhism is decent on the surface, everyone knows the deeds that have been done secretly. Among other things, many disciples and monks in his Feng Mo Sect have lost their way. In the Buddhist sect for more than ten years, he became a wage earner in the Buddhist sect.

"Amitabha, what the benefactor of the yellow leaf said is purely nonsense. My Buddhist school has indeed encountered some minor troubles, but it will not be reduced to the dilapidated state that the benefactor said."

"If you don't believe it, you can see it in the territory of my Buddha country!"

Killing Monk Wuyan said indifferently, his tone was neither hasty nor slow, and he did not appear flustered at all.

"Everyone in your Buddhist sect is a big fool, trying to trick the old man into going to the Buddhist kingdom for a better life, right? I believe you, you bastard, you old man is very bad!"

The old man of Feng Mozong named Huang Ye said angrily, he is a bad tempered man, he will get angry when he sees these bald donkeys.

This is also the brilliance of Buddhism. The news of the decline of Buddhism has indeed spread, and the powerful forces of all parties are indeed ready to move, but the key point is that no one knows that this Buddhism has declined to such a degree. Destroy or say that these are just a smoke bomb thrown by Buddhism.

The purpose is to create a game to lure all forces to invade the territory of the Buddhist kingdom and use the power of faith to solve it all in one pot. If it is the latter, the plan to come out of the empty city is too subtle.

It is precisely because of the fear of Buddhism that the surrounding forces did not really take action no matter how ready to move, but silently observed and waited for other people to take the lead in probing, so Buddhism is still safe in a short time.

"Amitabha, monks don't tell lies, you can eat food but you can't talk nonsense."

Killing Monk said silently and coldly.

"Master Wuyan, I just want to ask a question. It is rumored that the supply chain of the power of faith in Buddhism has been broken. Is this true?"

The middle-aged man sitting in the middle asked.

"Broken, but not completely broken."

Killing Monk was speechless.

Everyone in the Demon Sealing Sect "???"

"My Sealing Demon Sect has always been independent of the forces of all parties. Tell me why you are here. If it is an act to win over the camp, you can leave now."

The middle-aged man said with a blank face.

"Amitabha, my Buddhist monks have never been brave and ruthless. Naturally, I don't have the idea of ​​forming a party for self-interest. I came to seal the Demon Sect today to plead for the common people in the world. I hope that I can join hands with all the righteous sects to wipe out the evil ones!"


"As Elder Huang Ye said just now, the rumors from the outside world are definitely not groundless. My Buddhist sect has indeed suffered a catastrophe. The Blood Demon Sect has attacked the Buddhist sect!"

"As the leader of the Demonic Dao, the Blood Demon Sect has always had wolfish ambitions. Just a few days ago, it finally showed its ferocious fangs to my Buddhist sect, and used special means to obliterate the power of the Buddhist sect's faith, which almost broke the foundation of our Buddhist sect. Humans and gods are indignant, Master Wuyuzi ordered me to join forces with all parties to defeat the Blood Demon Sect!"

Killing Monk said without a word, there was a raging fire flickering in his eyes, it could be seen that he was very angry.

"The Blood Demon Sect wants to attack your Buddhist sect, so what does it have to do with my sealing the Demon Sect, and what does it have to do with the common people in the world?"

"This is your own business. It's just a dog eats a dog, but you still want to drag us. It's really unpredictable!"

Elder Huang Ye yelled again, and he could tell at a glance that the old monk in front of him was not a good person.

"This is a matter of your Buddhist sect, what about the common people in the world?"

The middle-aged man nodded slightly. At this juncture, the Buddhist gate was placed just to ask for help, but they didn't mean to help. It would be nice if they didn't make trouble!

"Amitabha, all benefactors may wish to think about it carefully. The Blood Demon Sect dared to openly attack my Buddhist sect. It must have been fully prepared. May I ask if its goal is only the Buddhist sect?"

"Now in the Zhongyuan Realm, the only one who can compete with the Blood Demon Sect is our Buddhist sect. If the Buddhist sect's defeat is slight, the Blood Demon Sect will definitely capture the Western Continent, and then target other super sects. Doubt!"

"It's ridiculous that people in the world can't see through this layer, and are still complacent about the opportunity to carve up Buddhism. It's really sad!"

"Without my Buddhist sect, the power to restrain the Blood Demon Sect will be reduced by half! At this time, even the major sects should join hands with my Buddhist sect to protect themselves. The Demon Sealing Sect is the leader of the righteous way. If the suzerain is willing to come forward Order the world to form an invincible team to fight against the Blood Demon Sect, and our chances of winning will be higher!"

Killing Monk Wuyan had a smile on his face, and said sinisterly, he didn't panic at all, because he knew that compared with the Buddhist Blood Demon Sect, it was a thorn that really took root in the hearts of many monks. Strength, even if the other sects unite, it will be difficult to fight against the Blood Demon Sect. This is just a layer of window paper. If it is pierced, the world will wake up and stand by his side.

"It turns out that this is what you came up with. The truth is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Now the blood demon sect is pointing at the Buddhist sect. The Buddhist sect is our facade. Only by keeping this facade can our sect be safe and sound."

The elders of the Feng Mo Sect were thoughtful, and what the other party said was not unreasonable. If they only focused on the immediate interests and carve up the Buddhist sect, that would be what the Blood Demon Sect wanted to see the most. Accumulation can also severely damage the major sects, allowing the Blood Demon Sect to reap the benefits of fishing in vain!

"I heard what Master Wuyan said clearly, but what good is it for us to defend the Western Continent for your Buddhist sect? You must know that our sects are all in the Southern Continent. If the Blood Demon Sect takes advantage of it, wouldn't it Give away the sect for no reason?"

The middle-aged man opened his mouth, intending to seek benefits.

"Amitabha, Master Wuyuzi had anticipated this matter long ago, and I implore all benefactors to help the poor monk with sincerity."

Killing Monk said cheerfully silently, flipped his wrist and took out an envelope, and handed it over.

An elder on the side took it and inspected it, and after confirming that there was no problem, it was handed over to the middle-aged man.

Opening the letter paper, there was a passage written by Wu Yuzi himself. Seeing the contents of the letter, the middle-aged man couldn't help but his pupils constricted for a while. After a long time, he put down the envelope in his hand, and it ignited spontaneously, turning into a puddle of powder.

"I know about this matter, go back and tell Wuyuzi, I will take care of it."

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