The disciples were stupefied. What happened today is probably the biggest move of the sect in the past ten years.

The traitors who had been hiding in the sect for many years were wiped out in one go. As long as the disciples had contact with the evil cultivators, they were killed by Ou Yezi's clone almost instantly.

For a time, hundreds of disciples disappeared from the sect, which was a big deal for the small number of Saint Demon Sect.

In the crowd, Yin Susu and the little girl Chu Xiaoxiao looked shocked.

"Xiaoxiao, your intuition is right, that person is really Li Xiaobai!"

"Yeah, my feeling is very accurate. He is really a boss, and he has also become the peak master of my Holy Demon Sect. When he comes back, I will go to Piao Miao Peak to hug my thigh!"


Outside the mountain gate of Xianyuzong, Li Xiaobai and the others looked at the scene in astonishment, unable to believe it.

Almost in an instant, in a blink of an eye, they were brought by Ou Yezi from the Holy Demon Sect to the mountain gate of the Immortal Feather Sect. The speed was appalling, and it was much faster than they used the thousand-mile teleportation talisman.

There is such a huge gap between the cultivators in this tribulation period and them, as if there is a gap between them.

"How do you plan to solve it, do you want to drive away the evil cultivators, or do you want to kill them all?" Ou Yezi asked.

"Naturally, kill them all. If you dare to touch the Immortal Feather Sect, these people will die!" Su Yunbing was murderous.

"Let's go to the mountain gate to see the situation. To catch the thief, first catch the king, and don't let the big fish escape."

Sensing the situation in the sect, Ye Wushuang frowned slightly. There were indeed a lot of people in the sect, and there were not a few who did evil.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and ask the boss to take action and wipe out all these unlucky things!"

Liu Jinshui said carelessly, there are big bosses in charge, so there is no need for them to fight to death.

"Then go in, there are still some sect traitors who need to be cleaned up."

Ou Yezi raised his feet and walked straight to the mountain gate. It was rare that the evil cultivators gathered together. Today he wanted one-stop service and took all these people away in one wave.

Let the evil cultivators in the Northern Territory know how serious the consequences would be if they dared to poach the corner of the Holy Demon Sect.

"Stop, who are you?" Someone who looked like a disciple immediately stepped forward to stop him.

This person is not a disciple of Xianyu Sect, Li Xiaobai stepped forward, "I am Li Xiaobai."

"You are Li Xiaobai!"

"Go in, the adults are waiting for you."

The disciple-like person's eyes lit up, and the other party really came. It seemed that tying up this sect was the right thing to do.

Inside the mountain gate, it seemed a bit dull and depressing. Occasionally, the screams of the disciples and the crying of the female disciples could be heard. Obviously, this group of evil cultivators were not peaceful, and many disciples of the sect had already been harmed by them.

The fields where the elixir was planted had also been overturned, and the streets that used to be so bustling were deserted at the moment, looking very depressed.

Feng Wuxie's face was ferocious, in his opinion, this is his future foundation, it is absolutely unbearable to be ruined by others.

"Damn things, I'm going to kill them!"

As soon as the golden mace flashed in his hand, he was about to rush forward.

"Senior Brother Feng is safe and sound, and the younger brother has a way to let the monks in the sect come out by themselves."

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered coldly, and he raised his hand to stop Feng Wuxie's movements.

Although Ou Yezi is following him, this is his sect after all, and only he and others can do it himself to relieve his anger.

"Junior Brother, save some for Senior Brother and Senior Sister, don't kill them all at once." Ye Wushuang's eyes darkened.

"Do not worry."

Flipping his wrist, an ordinary long sword appeared in his hand.

Li Xiaobai slowly drew out his long sword, raised it above his head, and then slashed it down.

100% being caught empty-handed!

Release range, the entire Immortal Feather Sect!

Just for a moment, the ground trembled slightly, but nothing happened in front of my eyes, and the imaginary sword light that split the mountain and rock did not appear.

Everyone was a little puzzled, "Little brother, what are you doing on such a serious occasion?"

"Don't worry, let the sword energy fly for a while."

The old god Li Xiaobai was there, maintaining the downward chopping movement. Soon, the ground trembled more and more, and smoke and dust billowed in the distance, as if a large number of monks were coming.

There are also countless figures rushing around, some are disciples of Xianyu Sect, and some are evil cultivators.

"Well done!"

Su Yunbing's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a Haotian giant hammer suddenly appeared in his hand, ready to wipe out these evil cultivators who had invaded the sect in one fell swoop.

"Dare to invade my sect, don't even think about surviving today!"

"Did them!"

The rest of the people also reacted in the same way. They showed their natal spirit treasures one after another, and when they were about to kill all directions, their movements suddenly stopped.

Not only did the movements of the hands stop, but even the breathing suddenly stopped, because they clearly saw that the monks who were running at full speed all knelt down on their knees when they were one or two meters away from Li Xiaobai, gliding one by one. He just knelt down at his feet.

Then he raised his hands above his head, and clasped his hands together to firmly catch Li Xiaobai's sword.

Because of the distance, the monk who came running back immediately raised his hands above his head after kneeling down, as if he was worshiping.

What's even more strange is that some of the monks who rushed over were even disheveled, especially the female monks of the Immortal Feather Sect. Some of their faces were covered with tears, and their clothes were torn into strips. He knelt down on both knees and paid homage to Li Xiaobai.

"Fuck, little junior brother, there is something in this hand!"

Liu Jinshui was dumbfounded.

"What method is this?"

The rest of the people also dropped their jaws in shock, their eyes widened.

"Slash out with a sword, and all the people will come to court. Li Xiaobai is really a genius!"

Ou Yezi was also shocked. It was rumored that the ancient sword god once slashed mountains and seas with a sword, and later generations worshiped it for hundreds of years to commemorate the sword god's reputation. Today, this young disciple can also do this step, which shows his comprehension of the way of swordsmanship deep.

It can be called everyone's style!

Not only were they shocked, but also the monks who were forced to kneel down were also stunned.

What's going on, they were working on errands, their pants were all taken off, and they were just one step away from the door, but their bodies suddenly rushed over uncontrollably, and there was a strong desire to kneel down and take the next step in their hearts. The impulse of the sword.

And after kneeling down, the body is still imprisoned, unable to move at all, which is very embarrassing.

"What's going on, why do I have a strong urge to catch that sword?"

"Me too, who is that person?"

"Grandma, I managed to find a young girl who is a little more juicy. I have to do some work soon, and I was brought over without even pulling up my pants!"

"Let's take a good look, not only us, but the grown-ups are also kneeling!"

The distances of the people were different, and the one who was the closest was naturally the one who was summoned first and knelt down directly.

Reputable monks lived in the deeper mountains, and at this moment they all flew over one after another, landed on the ground, knelt down in front of everyone, raised their hands above their heads, and began to worship.

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