Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 131: The Cloaked Man Reappears

The evil cultivators were in a daze. They were originally discussing the follow-up matters of arresting Li Xiaobai on the mountain where the sect leader was.

The people from the Holy Demon Sect hadn't sent any news yet, so they didn't act rashly. They planned to divide up the female disciples in the sect and the resources of the sect, and then concentrate on dealing with Li Xiaobai. , they don't need to worry about anything at all.

Even Tianjiao has no power to resist in front of that adult.

But they never expected that when they were arguing over a female cultivator, their bodies suddenly lost control, lost control, and ran out like crazy.

It seemed that something was calling them.

When he got close, his knees softened, and he knelt down. At first, he wanted to scold his mother, but then he found that everyone in this sect, whether they were the disciples of the Xianyu Sect or their evil cultivators, were all kneeling on the ground. , with a look of horror on his face.

Immediately, I was surprised, what kind of ability is this.

"What's going on, why do you kneel down here?"

"Who did this?"

The evil cultivators asked a question.

Except for the row of kneeling monks at the front, almost no one could see Li Xiaobai, because this kneeling posture lowered their heads.

"I don't know, Sun Ruozhu, have you been fixed at the Nascent Soul Stage?" a monk asked.

"The Nascent Soul stage is a fart, and the Hall Master Yang of the Transformation Stage is kneeling behind!" The evil cultivator named Sun Ruozhu said cursingly with his old face flushed with embarrassment.

"Master Liu is not here, this evil supernatural power can't control you, please don't be impatient for a moment, Master Liu will come over and eradicate Xiaoxiao immediately." Hall Master Yang's face was grim, he had been trying to break free from the shackles, but it was in vain.

Ahead, Li Xiaobai was also taken aback by his own skill.

Originally, I just wanted to control the group, and I didn't know exactly how many monks could come, but I didn't expect this skill to be so effective. With a single strike, all the monks from the entire sect came over.

It's really a magical skill, but the target group of this skill has not been clearly explained, and you still need to explore it yourself.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the effect!

"Junior brother, what is this trick called? It's so easy to use!" Liu Jinshui's eyes lit up, and a large group of people knelt in a row, which was really not too exciting.

"It's called 100% being caught empty-handed." Li Xiaobai said with a smile, the skill is so strong that even a cultivator in the transformation stage can control it, and the effect is very powerful.

A few people had black lines all over their foreheads, "This name... is a bit sloppy."

"Liu Mang doesn't seem to be here."

Ou Yezi frowned, he came here for the other party, he naturally hoped to compete with this evil cultivator and teach him a lesson.

"who are you!"

"What kind of demon method was used, why did you trap us here!"

"I'm a subordinate of Lord Xiexiu Liumang. I dare to ask your honor and name. Is there some misunderstanding here?"

The monks in the front row could see the truth. It was the young man in front of him who cut down with a single sword. Thousands of horses came to meet each other. This kind of supernatural power can already be called black magic.

For this person to have such terrifying strength at such a young age, he must be a genius of a great power.

"I'm Li Xiaobai, there is no misunderstanding."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, this was said through a loudspeaker, and all the monks in the audience heard it.

The eyes couldn't help but widen, especially the disciples and elders of the Xianyu Sect, all of them were extremely excited at the moment. They didn't expect that after a period of time, the former disciples would grow to this stage.

It seems that the rescue of the sect is hopeful.

Many female disciples burst into tears, senior brother Li Xiaobai came too timely, if it was a little later at night, they would definitely be ruined.

"Li Xiaobai, it's really you, get this old man up, I'm going to kill all these bastards!"

"That's right, I'm the sect master, let my disciples of the Immortal Feather Sect stand up and kill the enemy!"

"Junior Brother Xiaobai, do you still remember me, you cheated my spirit stone before, let me get up quickly..."

Someone in the crowd began to shout, and Li Xiaobai saw many familiar figures, including the master, the elders, his own master, and those he had been tricked by...

However, this skill does not distinguish between friend and foe, and Li Xiaobai cannot restore the ability of the designated person.

"Ahem, this... disciple is not good at learning, and I can't let you get up now. Brothers and uncles, please bear with me for a while. When I kill all these evil cultivators, I will restore your freedom!" Li Xiaobai said.

"Li Xiaobai, Liu Mang, the elder of my evil sect, is here. If you surrender now, you are in a hurry!"

"That's right, you took away that lord's things, and you are destined to be unable to survive. If you don't want to see the sect being implicated by you, quickly hand over the things!"

Li Xiaobai, whom he had been looking for all along, was right in front of his eyes, and the evil cultivators also understood the whole story, so he came to him directly.

And the speed is so fast, there is no news from the Holy Demon Sect, what a bunch of trash!

"No need to say much, today, you will die!"

Su Yunbing ignited a Huazi, and the sledgehammer hit it.

The golden sledgehammer swelled against the wind, and the air waves in the field were churning. When the hammer fell, the evil cultivator turned into a puddle of flesh.

The rest of the people couldn't hold back any longer, their figures flickered, and they rushed into the crowd to kill wildly.

Now these monks have no power to resist, kneeling on the ground one by one, only to be slaughtered. In just a few breaths, corpses are scattered all over the ground, and screams can be heard endlessly.

"Master Liu will not let you go!"

"Li Xiaobai, I remember you!"

"I was wrong, let me go!"

"I don't dare anymore..."

With the killing of the crowd, the evil cultivators changed from hard-spoken to soft-spoken, turned on the wail mode, snot and tears flowed out, and instantly turned into a pitiful appearance.

Li Xiaobai was amazed in his heart, his acting skills were really top notch.

At this time, Ou Yezi's eyes flashed coldly, and he suddenly slapped a palm at an empty place, "Where are you going!"

In the void, a faint figure appeared, wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, holding one hand far ahead, blocking the palm.

"Good cultivation!"

The coir raincoat man admired.

Li Xiaobai instantly got goosebumps all over the ground. That day, he was beaten into a state of blood demon erosion by this guy. Those two abilities related to Yuanshen were also given by him. Although he has reached the nine-turn indestructible golden body now The eighth floor, but still not sure that it can block the opponent's attack.

The Nine Turns Immortal Golden Body is only equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage, which can block the God Transformation Stage one level higher than oneself, but compared with the coir raincoat man, it has straddled two great realms, and it is still a bit reluctant to block it.

And it seems that his magical skills are still unable to control the opponent.

"Liu Mang, dare to poach the corner of my Saint Demon Sect, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

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