Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1291 If You Are Willing To Pay Me A Hundred Million

After several days passed, Li Xiaobai lay flat on the edge of the sword, and the amount of attribute points increased was impressive, reaching ten billion in just a few days.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defensive strength semi-holy (11.1 billion 100 billion) can be advanced!


With Jianzong such a level-up point, this attribute point is very easy to obtain, but the requirements for this statue are too vague. I don’t know what level needs to be reached to be considered complete. At this moment, it can be said that there is no one in the entire Jianzong who does not respect him.

"Is it a question of the base of the crowd, or is it a question of the fanaticism of the belief? Does it need to reach the level of the Buddha Kingdom to truly complete the statue?"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, got up and walked around the sect, things should have heated up rapidly after a few days of fermentation, he wanted to see how the outside world is now.

In Jianzong, Ji Wuqing and Er Gouzi can often be seen talking endlessly with excitement, telling their disciples about the amazing past, not only the trip to the Buddha Kingdom, but also the trip to the Blood Demon Sect in the Southern Continent , or even the trip to Ice Dragon Island, what to say, what to say, the bragging is getting bigger and bigger, and the disciples of the disciples are stunned.

No one doubts the words of these two guys, because everything is true, and it is already destined that what they supplement is only the course of events.

Li Xiaobai sneaked up to listen.

"You didn't see it. At that time, I was surrounded by enemies. It was the Buddha who stopped the entire Daleiyin Temple with a move of Dawei Tianlong. I was arguing with the abbot Wuyuzi on the Buddha's Dharma!"

"If it weren't for Lord Buddha, the entire Zhongyuan Realm would be in catastrophe!"

Er Gouzi slapped Ji Wuqing to the ground, and said proudly with his head held high.

"In this way, the turmoil between the Buddha and the devil that is rumored in the outside world is also related to you?"

Some disciples immediately thought of various rumors from the outside world, and couldn't help asking.

"Hmph, how can I tell you about these things casually?"

"There are some things that everyone understands, and Buddhas who don't understand can't say it. After all, there are too many interests involved, so you understand!"

Er Gouzi snorted coldly and said, looking like a lonely master.

"Fuck, Buddha, you are really awesome, and I want to be as awesome as you!"

"Yeah, we also want to have such an amazing past. In our later years, we will tell the younger generation to listen to it. After dinner, it will be full of conversations of our generation. It is exciting to think about it!"

"Hey, it's a pity that we are so rudimentary, I'm afraid it's impossible to meet a master of this level in our lifetime!"

The eyes of all the disciples are small stars, and they worship Er Gouzi.

It's a pity that after all, it can only be envy, because the strength is too poor, and it is impossible to get close to the peerless master in this life.

"Hehe, people live to win a sigh of relief, to leave a name for future generations, to live forever, and to die without regret. Although the strength of you juniors is too low to be on the stage, it is easy to leave a name after death. thing!"

Er Gouzi's eyeballs rolled around, looking unpredictable.

"Please Buddha save me!"

"Dare to ask how to become famous in history?"

A group of disciples were a little dazed and couldn't help asking.

Throughout the ages, not to mention being remembered by history, even if they are only remembered by the disciples of their own family, how many people are there? How much contribution do you have to make to have such an honor?

"It's easy to say, if you are willing to pay me one million top-quality immortal stones, I will arrange a thunderous vision on the day of your funeral!"

"On that day, there were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and five hundred white-haired old men with long swords on their backs and Taoist talismans faced your direction and performed the supreme magic seal with their hand-knotted seals and shouted in unison. Everyone at your funeral suspects that you have a mysterious and awesome past!"

Er Gouzi stood up and said calmly with his hands behind his back.

"One million top grade fairy stones can be famous in history?"

"The merits of the Buddha's actions are immeasurable. If this is true, wouldn't each of us be able to live among the chatter and laughter of the monks of later generations as we wish!"

Hearing Er Gouzi's words, the hearts of all the disciples were a little different. They respect Er Gouzi and believe in his quality, and they only need one million top-grade immortal stones, which doesn't seem too expensive!

Jianzong can be said that today is different from the past. The resources of disciples are still accumulating, but there is no place to spend. If you want to practice, you can go to the bathhouse. The foundation is not stable. Go to the latrine every morning to sharpen your heart. Now the second peak of Jianzong has already provided one-stop service for the three major areas that monks need to solve most. Fewer and fewer.

As for going out for travel, it is even more unnecessary to use resources to buy geniuses and land treasures. How can travel and travel make rapid progress while staying in Jianzong?

Speaking of geniuses and treasures, what other treasures in the world can compare to Tang Neng Yipin and Liangpin Shop?

So, even today, they can still get out a mere one million top-grade immortal stones!


"Naturally, one million top-grade immortal stone Buddhas can do what I just said, but have you ever thought that if everyone spends one million, then this kind of funeral will be standard, and it will no longer be unusual or intriguing. If you want to be eye-catching, you want to stand out from the crowd, and you want an upgraded version of the funeral."

"If you are willing to pay me 10 million top-grade immortal stones, I will move the highest mountain in the Zhongyuan Realm to your funeral, and then chop an old willow tree trunk for you to use as a coffin, and find the mother vessel of all things to stew in a cauldron." You are only a sheep, and you snatch animal milk from the village milk baby who frequently appears as the son-in-law of the god of war to worship you, all just to make everyone present at your funeral suspect that you have a mysterious and awe-inspiring past!"

Ergouzi saw the eagerness in the eyes of the monks of Jianzong, and said while the iron was hot.

"There is also an upgraded version!"

"Ten million top grade fairy stones, I don't dare to think about it, I'm afraid only the core disciples can take it out, but this picture sounds very impressive, if it can be admired by the world, it will be worth it!"

"However, if our disciples can do this, the one-stop service between the suzerain and the peak master is probably more advanced?"

The monks whispered to each other. Today is considered to be a good day. People have been pursuing longevity and living a splendid life, but they don’t know that they can be so wonderful after death. Thank you Buddha for opening their horizons!

"It's natural, the highest standard funeral is not something ordinary people can afford!"

"If you are willing to pay me 100 million, I am willing to go to the heavens alone, travel the long river of time, go against the sky to find the legendary fairy gods, let them kneel in front of your tomb, hold the sun and the moon and pick the stars to refine you The tombstone of your body is carried by the immortal tree, your coffin is drawn by the Kowloon, and the elixir is used as a wreath to enshrine in front of your grave, and the speechless son is captured to evolve the Dao Sanskrit for you. Not only do people suspect that you have a mysterious And an awesome past!"

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