Li Xiaobai looked weird, this guy actually started doing funeral services, this is clearly arranged for him from birth to death!

"Er Gouzi, when did you switch to funeral services?"

Li Xiaobai took two steps forward to drive away the disciples, and if he let this group of people listen to it, he would get deeper and deeper, and at that time, the whole family would be taken out by this poor dog.

"We don't have too many skills in running the rivers and lakes."

Er Gouzi grinned and snarled straight down, it felt that it had found a market again, and it could earn a lot of money from it.

Li Xiaobai can't understand this kind of "seeking to make progress" mentality. Although he only gave the other party a billion, he is worth tens of billions. Why do you care about such a small profit?

"Wicked dog!"

Ji ruthlessly broke free from her clutches and flung herself out cursing.

"What's the outside world like in the past few days? When will the Buddha and Demon families start fighting?"

Li Xiaobai glanced at the two, and asked slowly.

"Where does the Buddha care about such trivial matters? What do they care about us when they fight?"

Er Gouzi didn't care, and said lightly.

"That's right, it's nothing more than a dispute between Buddha and demons, little Doyle!"

Ji ruthlessly waved his paw, and said calmly.

Li Xiaobai "..."

These two guys have completely drifted away. After returning from Buddhism, they have already regarded themselves as the number one person. They live among the disciples of the disciples all day long, and they need to accept the severe beating of reality.

"There is a problem with the mentality of these two, and it is a big taboo on the road of practice. Let Chen Yuan come over later to recuperate, and practice more in Maokengli."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself and walked towards the first peak.

Jianzong, the first peak, in the main hall of the suzerain.

Ying Diao was pacing around the hall with a scripture scroll in his hand, there seemed to be worry in his brows.

"Sect Master, is there anything bothering you recently?"

Li Xiaobai made a pot of tea and said calmly.

"There are rumors in the outside world that the two families of the Buddha and the Devil are about to break out, and all the forces in the Zhongyuan Realm have to stand in line. Yesterday, my Jianzong received two letters at the same time, from the Wuyuzi of the Buddha Kingdom and the Blood God son of the Blood Demon Sect, forcing us to wait. Express your position within three days, and if there is a bloodbath in the Zhongyuan Realm this time, no one will be able to protect themselves from it alone."

Ying Diao sighed and said, if you stay neutral, you are not an enemy, but you are not a friend at the same time. If you are not an ally, you will be in danger of being attacked by both sides at the same time. If you dare to stay neutral, you may be squeezed out by all forces.

Jianzong is thriving now with great difficulty. If he endures the baptism of blood and chaos, he may have to go backwards for many years.

"Have you reached this point yet?"

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that the fight was inevitable, but no one knew who was being targeted until the last moment, maybe it was the division of the Buddhist sect, or the crusade against the Blood Demon Sect.

"The suzerain doesn't need to worry. The Buddhist sect and the blood demon sect have colluded with each other, and they are all of the same species. Now this situation is nothing more than a dog bites a dog."

"Compared to the real villains like the Blood Demon Sect, it's better for us to support the hypocrites like the Buddhist Sect, and we don't have to work hard."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"That's what I think too. A hypocrite is more reliable than a real villain. It's a pity that my Sword Sect is about to get involved in this dispute just as it rises."

Ying Diao sighed.

"With me in everything, I will surely keep the Sword Sect safe!"


After exchanging a few pleasantries, Li Xiaobai returned to his own garden, and he had a good grasp of the external situation.

Li Xiaobai is not afraid of the situation in the Zhongyuan Realm at all. He has a large army of Godzillas in his hands. No matter whether it is the speechless sons or the blood god sons, he doesn't pay attention to them. Sanctuary?

It's just that it's not the time yet. The unknown and terrifying danger hidden in the dark is what he really wants to resist and deal with. Judging from the attitudes of the avatars, the doom caused by the superposition of these two hundred copies of Faint God Possession It's not something that can be solved as simply as a war between the Buddha and the Devil.

He needs to concentrate his strength and use it at critical moments.

In the other garden, everything was as usual, ninety-nine children were still hanging on the money tree, and the old turtle was entrenched in a corner, admiring the children's fight.

These are all dragons and phoenixes among people, and when the new generation grows up, it will be the golden age when everyone is truly like a dragon.

"How is the milkman's cultivation, maybe he can get out of trouble?"

Li Xiaobai walked up to "Qian Tongshen" and said slowly.

The golden rune on the golden trunk manifested and twisted, forming a line of small characters, "It's just Raul who raises his hand!"


Several children made a move and slapped the money tree, as if to vent their dissatisfaction.

Li Xiaobai "..."


Outside Jianzong, there was a murderous atmosphere.

The decree of the strong man in the holy realm is full of deterrence, even a sect that has never met before can be deterred by a decree, and the entire Eastern Continent sect will submit to it with a letter.

The various sects stood in line one after another, some succumbed to the blood demon sect's despotic power, and some still had some expectations for the purity of Buddhism.

On the Eastern Continent, except for the two pure lands of Jianzong and the Law Enforcement Team, the other sects are all soldiers. Or in the Blood Demon Sect of the Southern Continent.

Inside the Blood Demon Sect.

There are great figures from various forces, but among the super sects, only the Five Poison Sect gathers here, and all the other major super powers have taken refuge in the pure land of Buddhism.

The situation is already clear at a glance. Compared with the Blood Demon Sect, most of the monks turn to Buddhism. The Buddhism and Demon Sects hold their own opinions, but in fact no one cares whether the decline of the power of Buddhism's faith is caused by the Blood Demon Sect. What's more, if the two families fight, the Buddhist sect will be defeated, and then there will not be many forces in the Zhongyuan world that can check and balance the Blood Demon Sect.

For nothing else, they have to stand on the side of Buddhism. Buddhism is now showing a trend of decline. Even if the Blood Demon Sect is really defeated in the end, the Buddha Kingdom, which is now greatly weakened, will not be able to deal with them. , can have sufficient time to reply and rebuild the line of defense.

The purpose of the Five Poisons Sect is very clear. Everyone is a member of the devil's way, so naturally they want to hold on to the elephant's leg of the Blood Demon Sect.

"I'm very happy that everyone can come to my Blood Demon Sect to support me, but I don't like the choices made by the major super sects very much!"

"Now people from all sides are assembled and set off immediately to flatten the territory of the Buddha Kingdom to the west first, and then clean up these sect forces one by one, just take this opportunity to unify the Central Yuan Realm!"

Blood God Son was sitting on the high seat, and said loudly with his hands behind his back.


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