Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1440 Unscrew Your Head For Fun

Li Xiaobai said very bachelor.

"You are smart, but you seem to be a little different from before!"

"Before you were very caring about that girl, you could be called a kind of love, why did you go out and come back without asking a single question, so you are not afraid that the old man will kill her?"

The skinny old man stared straight at Li Xiaobai and asked word by word.

"It's just a woman. Master can kill him whenever he wants. A man is supposed to fight the world when he goes out. How can he be held back by a woman like a wind?"

Li Xiaobai said indifferently.

"Hehe, as expected of the old man's good apprentice, his xinxing cultivation has improved a lot, but I don't know if the girl can still be as calm as she was when she really died in front of you?"

"Go on, the old man will give you ten days, if you can't find out where the thief is, not only will the lover of your dreams die, but you will also be sent to the ancient battlefield by the old man!"

The skinny old man said with a stern expression.


"Everything depends on the arrangement of the master!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, anyway, this thief will never be found in his life, and it is nothing to be sent to the ancient battlefield, as long as he is not killed, everything is negotiable.

"The matter in Cangtian City, the old man will report to the academy, you step back!"

The old man said leisurely.



Li Xiaobai exited the door without thinking.

This master seems to be very scary, he will kill people at every turn.

But the most urgent thing is to find out what happened to Cai Kun.

"My lord, do you really want to accept the little girl as an academy disciple?"

The eyes of the woman on the side were full of excitement and excitement. She was almost scared out of shape just now, but unexpectedly, she was going to be put under the door wall instead.

She heard all the conversation just now, the academy encountered trouble in recruiting disciples, and she was used temporarily to make up the number, but even if it was made up, as long as she could enter the academy to practice, it would be the dream of many people.

"From now on, I will hang out with my master, and I will guarantee you a good taste and a spicy drink."

Li Xiaobai glanced at her, and said calmly, when nothing happened, we were good friends, and if something happened, immediately push this woman out of the bag.

The old man in the hall just now definitely saw the true identity of this woman, but he didn't say much. Obviously, the academy is not unacceptable to monsters. According to his preliminary judgment, most monks in the fairy world The body is not purely the power of human blood, but the blood of monsters accounts for too much.

Cai Kun's residence is also on this mountain. Li Xiaobai searched for his past disciples and inquired about his residence. It was a wooden house built along the river bank.

The river bank is full of houses, all of which are places where disciples live, but from the words of the disciple who asked for directions, he knows that not all disciples and monks can have a house of their own to live in.

Only people with respected status and strong strength can live in wooden houses, otherwise, they can only open up caves by themselves to practice.

Cai Kun's cultivation is good, and he is the disciple of the one on the top of the mountain, so his status is not low, and he has a house of his own.

But at this moment, there are quite a few monks gathered here.

On the bank of the river, many young men and women folded their hands in a posture of watching the excitement.

"I heard that Cai Kun is back!"

"But it seems that he came back empty-handed, Yue'er, he doesn't seem to take you seriously, otherwise, how could he return empty-handed?"

"I think his mission should have failed, but don't worry, with me here, you will be fine. From now on, I will follow Brother Bai to protect you!"

"Didn't it just accidentally overturn Elder Fentian's alchemy furnace? I asked about it. It's not a big deal. There is nothing wrong with the alchemy furnace. Later, I asked my master to tell Elder Fentian, no Too many embarrassing things for you!"

The young monks seemed to be discussing Li Xiaobai. In the center of the crowd, an outstandingly beautiful female nun was surrounded by stars and the moon. A young man with fluttering long hair and silver hair laughed loudly.

"Thank you, Brother Bai, Cai Kun is just a piece of trash, I just fooled him a little bit to make him kneel down and surrender, I have to say, this man is really easy to deceive, I'm afraid the recruiter will cry and hate his incompetence now! "

"Isn't the forty-ninth battlefield about to start? I'll go and comfort him in a while, and he'll be able to come over and do our work for us!"

The female cultivator named Yue'er covered her face and smiled lightly.

"Hahaha, Cai Kun, that licking dog, has no choice but to bow down under the pomegranate's skirt when he sees us Yue'er sister!"

"By the way, I've been displeased with this guy for a long time. His strength has been stuck in the extraordinary realm and he has never improved, but there is a place for this settlement on the bank of the river. In my opinion, you might as well take this opportunity to challenge chess. Take this house!"

"It's an eyesore to see him every day, we don't need trash among our elite disciples!"

Some monks said that they coveted Li Xiaobai's wooden house and wanted to replace it.

No one has any objections. If it was just now, Cai Kun's performance is still remarkable, which belongs to the middle class, but since he entered the extraordinary realm, he has not made a breakthrough for a long time, and has been stuck in the first heaven of the extraordinary, and his master is always only Knowing about alchemy, they would take out their anger on their disciples if they were not satisfied, let alone give pointers. As time passed, the voices of dissatisfaction became louder and louder. In their opinion, it was time to kick Cai Kun out of the team long ago.

They are on the outskirts of the academy, and they belong to the elite disciples on the outskirts. Although their cultivation is not enough and they can't get in touch with the core circle for the time being, it will be a matter of time, and their behavior and behavior have a natural sense of superiority.

Li Xiaobai hid in the crowd, and after listening to the general idea of ​​the matter, he understood in his heart that Cai Kun is a licking dog in love, and the object of licking seems to be a poisonous woman!

Cai Kun should be licking this woman, because the master wanted to kill her for various reasons, so Cai Kun stepped forward to save her, offered to exchange and adjust the price, and was sent to Cangtian City.

After such an analysis, the matter is rather simple. It turned out to be a dispute between the juniors, which is easy to resolve.

"Young master, should we withdraw first?"

The woman on the side asked.

"You don't have to, there's nothing wrong with going back to your own house, just walk over there."

With his arms behind his back, Li Xiaobai walked away from the crowd and walked towards his wooden house with a dignified appearance.

"What is the purpose of gathering in front of my house?"

"Cai Kun is here!"

"It's Cai Kun, he actually came back at this time!"

There was a commotion among the crowd, and there was a look of horror in Li Xiaobai's eyes.

"Brother Kun, you're back!"

"Is the trip to Cangtian City going well?"

A female cultivator named Yue'er came up to her, with an excited expression on her face, as if seeing a relative she hadn't seen for a long time, she was completely different from the vicious attitude just now.

The monks around looked at all this, with mocking expressions on their faces, as if they were enjoying a good show. Only they knew the tricks in it, and it felt so good to see a fool being played by them!

"Smooth, quite smooth!"

"Master didn't punish me too much!"

Li Xiaobai also laughed.

"So you have recruited disciples?"

Yue'er continued to ask.

"That's not true. There was an accident in Cangtian City, and I couldn't recruit disciples. Later, I will go to the forty-ninth battlefield to take the blame. Don't worry about anything."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Brother Kun is going to the Forty-Ninth Battlefield too?"

"Great, Senior Brother Baige is going too, why don't I wait with you, so I can take care of you on the way!"

Yue'er revealed a look of surprise, and said happily.

"Are you going to the Forty-Nine Battlefield too?"

"That's right, Yue'er also wants to improve her strength, but she won't always hide behind Brother Kun, Yue'er will only love Brother Kun in the future!"

"But you are going to die soon, Master said, I will come to kill you in a while, why don't we scatter your ashes on the forty-ninth battlefield?"

Li Xiaobai scratched his head, wondering.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent.

The smile on Yue'er's face froze, and the faces of the monks around who were about to watch the show also froze. They couldn't believe their ears, and their eyes widened. These words came from the mouth of the dog, Cai Kun?

What's the matter?

Didn't Cai Kun always regard Yue'er as a treasure, even willing to be punished by his master for her?

"Brother Kun, what do you mean?"

That Yue'er's face turned pale immediately, and she looked a little embarrassed. She thought that the other party would desperately plead for mercy, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Our mission failed, and the master is very angry. Go and wash your neck in a while, so as not to dirty my master's hands."

Li Xiaobai threw out such a sentence, then turned and walked towards his wooden house.


"Well, you Cai Kun, how dare a trash implicate my Yue'er!"

"You can't even complete the simple job of recruiting disciples. You are simply a waste. You have lost the face of my Deity Academy. If I were you, I would definitely have no face to survive in the world at this moment. You should quit the academy and find a place to kill yourself. !"

Li Xiaobai's uncharacteristic behavior instantly ignited the anger of many monks. They didn't understand why this guy suddenly changed his temper, but since they have decided not to spare the other party so easily today, they have to pay for whatever they say. Little price!

The one who spoke was Bai Ge's dog leg, squinting at Li Xiaobai viciously.

"Let me withdraw from Deity Academy? Even the elders of the academy dare not say such a thing. Who are you? Your family owns Deity Academy?"

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes, at first he thought it was some great secret matter, but he didn't expect it to be just a love-hate relationship, isn't it a woman, it's not a problem.

Maybe Cai Kun loves this woman named Yue'er to death, but it's none of his business with Li Xiaobai, if it doesn't hinder his own way, if it hinders his way, he can directly twist his head off and kick it like a ball!


"Stand in the middle of the arena, no one promises to let you go!"

Bai Ge said lightly, pulled Na Yue'er back to her side, and gave orders to Li Xiaobai, the meaning is obvious, I want your woman, and now I want to do you!

"What does it mean?"

"Want to be true to me?"

Li Xiaobai scanned the crowd and said.

"Really you?"

"You deserve it too?"

"Cai Kun, we have been studying your question for several days, and we all agree that you are no longer suitable to live here. This is a circle of elites, and you will be the pillars of Deity Academy in the future. We can't tolerate people who are just pretending to be in it."

"Today, I, Long Baichuan, challenge you. If you lose, you will give up the house and never set foot here!"

Before Baige could speak, a figure flashed up to Li Xiaobai and said condescendingly.

This is a strong man, his eyes are like Tongling, his hands are full of calluses, he looks like a battle-tested master.

"Fellow Daoist Cai Kun, don't blame me for not being righteous. The competition in the Tenshen Academy is already serious, and this move is also for the better development of the academy."

"Bai Chuan's cultivation is in the Second Heaven of Transcendence, and his physical body and cultivation are higher than yours. If he leaves here, he will not be hurt. Since Yue'er is the person you like, you probably don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of her! "

Bai Ge said indifferently, the superior attitude is uncomfortable.

"Do you really want to do it?"

"Don't look at us as brothers, if we really fight, we won't be merciful."

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

"Hahaha, don't make me laugh. A good-for-nothing who has been in the first layer of the extraordinary all year round is talking about being lenient. You just need to tighten your skin and don't get killed so easily!"

Long Baichuan laughed out loud, this was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

"Stay back, you are not my opponent."

"My Cai Kun's strength and cultivation are not something you can guess!"

Li Xiaobai shook his head and said.

"court death!"

"What a big tone, then Long will try your skills!"

Long Baichuan was furious, his whole body was filled with aura, and he slammed his hands down towards Li Xiaobai like a rock. The violent energy swept across, cracking the ground inch by inch, flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust everywhere. This person's strength is extraordinary.


A strong tremor appeared under the monks' feet, and the smoke and dust lasted for several breaths before dissipating.

"Hmph, Brother Baichuan's strength is not a vegetarian. If he punches this kid, he will be seriously injured if he doesn't die. If he lay down for ten days and a half months, he will die when he is thrown into the ancient battlefield!"

The surrounding monks felt the violent power in the field, and there were cruel smiles on the corners of their mouths, but when the smoke and dust completely dissipated, the smiles on their faces froze, replaced by a trembling from the heart, cold hair root The root is fried vertically!

I saw Long Baichuan's sturdy body lying upright in a pool of blood, while Li Xiaobai was holding a head in his hand, slowly wiping the blood.

"It's really hard to believe that you are so weak, yet so confident!"

Li Xiaobai casually threw his head at Baige's feet, "Brother Bai, this ignorant guy is trying to provoke me. Since he belongs to you, you should handle the corpse!"

Baige's blood was also frozen, and his feet were stiff and unable to move, which was suppressed by the opponent's murderous intent.

Originally, he just wanted to inflict minor punishment on the opponent, so why did he suddenly die?

What happened to this Cai Kun, why did his temperament change so much, and he was able to kill Long Baichuan in a single face-to-face, what kind of cultivation is this guy?

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