The field was full of murderous aura, and all the disciples around were shocked, and Li Xiaobai's strength made their scalps shudder.

Whether it was just now or now, they all just want to make a fool of themselves by watching a joke, but no one really wants to kill someone and make the other party disappear between heaven and earth.

It is a big taboo to kill someone in Deity Academy, so how can fellow disciples kill each other so cruelly?

But Cai Kun in front of him actually killed Long Baichuan without saying a word, and it was just a face-to-face meeting, and he didn't even give him a chance to beg for mercy, which was too cruel.

" actually killed brother Baichuan!"

"Do you know what crime this is!"

"Who gave you the guts!"

"I will definitely report this matter to the sect, so that the elders of the sect will punish you!"

After a short period of silence, the crowd suddenly exploded. The disciples retreated one after another to keep a distance from Li Xiaobai. This is a dangerous person, and they should not get too close. Something must have happened to this guy, and his temperament is all 180. A big change in speed!

"Go to my master for anything. His old man asked me to kill him. If I wasn't afraid of robbing his prey, I would kill this woman too!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes shot out two gloomy and terrifying auras, and he spoke word by word.

"Cai Kun, don't be presumptuous here. I overturned Elder Fen Tian's alchemy furnace, but Senior Brother Bai Ge has already settled this matter. There is no need for you to threaten me here!"

"It is a heinous crime for you to kill people in public in the academy. If you are arrested at this moment, maybe the academy can handle it leniently. Don't act impulsively because of a momentary anger!"

The female cultivator named Yue'er also spoke at this moment, words mixed with endless coldness, Li Xiaobai's atrocities made her unbelievable, but at the same time she showed her true colors, even if this guy suddenly strengthened her Don't be afraid, Baige is a genius of the Baihe clan, and such a thigh is enough for her to walk sideways outside the academy.

At this moment, Li Xiaobai's orders are more condescending, and this licking dog who has always been obedient is now uncharacteristically ignoring him, her vanity will never allow it!

"Presumptuous, my son can kill whoever he wants, even a bitch who dares to speak nonsense here, believe it or not, my son will twist your neck off and kick it like a ball!"

The woman who had been by Li Xiaobai's side also stared at him and said angrily.

Nayue'er's face was pale, and her eyes were full of resentment.

"Cai Kun, you are going too far!"

"Even the outer elite disciples should not mutilate fellow disciples in public. I can already regard your actions just now as defecting from the sect!"

"I will report this matter, you are ready to accept punishment!"

Bai Ge frowned, and said coldly, he didn't expect that the other party would kill someone directly after a disagreement, as if he had changed himself.

"Master asked me to do it, if you need anything, ask him!"

Li Xiaobai shrugged his shoulders, he looked very bachelor, he could just leave everything to the old man who only knew alchemy, anyway, he didn't seem like someone who would ask the reason.

Then Youyou said, "But I didn't expect Brother Baige to be so ruthless and merciless. He must have disliked Long Baichuan a long time ago. This is just using my hands to remove him, isn't it? You should play less with this guy in the future, so as not to die I don't know how he died!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the crowd around him and taunted him ruthlessly. One sentence immediately made the mess even more scattered. Long Baichuan's death was in front of him, so they couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Okay, okay, just wait, I'll see how you can avoid the academy's punishment!"

Bai Ge's angry face turned blue and white, and she left with a shake of her hands, and Na Yue'er didn't hesitate at all, she just turned around and followed.

"Let's go, I remember you all, when the forty-ninth battlefield opens, I will kill you one by one!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the many monks who joined in the fun, and said in a neutral manner, without anger, but with calmness, as if he was just stating a fact.

Looking at the blood stains on the ground, the monks trembled unconsciously. Long Baichuan's strength was not bad among them, and he was instantly killed with one move. They had no way of judging Li Xiaobai's strength.

"Hmph, Cai Kun, don't be arrogant, and I'm not afraid to tell you that senior brother Cai Kun is about to cross the catastrophe and break through the extraordinary to reach Sendai. At that time, you will be just fish on the chopping board. Don't be arrogant, otherwise you may lose your life. Some people cannot be offended!"

Some monks were stubborn and uttered such words. At the end, it seemed that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and they slipped away without any confidence.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he really needs something to give away, one more thunder tribulation will break through to the third heaven of the extraordinary, this white pigeon's crossing tribulation is just the right time!

"Young master, that bitch is not a good thing at first sight, should you give her to..."

"No need, what's your name?"

"Sir, the little girl's name is Hu Meizi!"

"Very well, I will build a nest next to the wooden house by myself later."

After talking for a while, Li Xiaobai walked into Cai Kun's house. The name Hu Meizi sounded like a monster, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter if there were many younger brothers from unfamiliar places.

The facilities in the house are very simple, a single bed is placed here, everything is kept simple.

There are not too many sundries, and it is not difficult to see from the cracks on the wall that the owner of this house is also a master who has been bullied for a long time.

Li Xiaobai sat on the bed, recalling the experience along the way, and analyzing the whole story. Cai Kun is a peripheral elite disciple of Deity Academy, the apprentice of Elder Fen Tian, ​​and seems to be the only apprentice, but the elder is too tempered. It stinks, and he will be killed every now and then, so it's not easy to get along with.

This guy is still a lover, and he is willing to be a licking dog for others. Now that he has offended Baige and that guy named Yue'er, the Baihe family doesn't care. Zhong also can easily handle the opponent, the key lies in the woman named Yue'er.

You must know that at this juncture of fighting openly and secretly, a woman with a good face is always the biggest problem.

If it was just a white pigeon, he would be able to kill the opponent with just a few manipulations, but this woman lost one thigh and could immediately get the other thigh by virtue of her appearance, so his troubles would be endless.

This kind of thing happens frequently no matter in the Fairy Continent or the Zhongyuan Realm. After suffering too many losses, women are the last to be offended. Once they are offended, they must immediately kill the root and solve the problem fundamentally. !

"The guy named Yue'er can't stay anymore. When it comes to the danger factor, her level is definitely higher than that of the white pigeon. It just so happens that the cheap master also wants to put her to death, so I can take this opportunity to kill her directly!"

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

No one knows the world of practice better than him. Once this kind of guy who relies on his appearance is infected, he will be like a dog skin plaster and cannot be shaken off. The most important thing is that the other party will always hide in the dark. Kill the opponent when in the open.

"Can't wait, get it for her now!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a mace, carried it and went out the door.

Not far away, Hu Meizi, who was building a hut, saw this scene and immediately ran over, and asked respectfully, "What do you want, sir?"

"You have a good nose, that woman just now, find out and get her!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly.


Hu Meizi immediately leaned down on the ground, her nose twitched and began to look for a familiar smell, she is a monster, this point does not need to be verified, Elder Fen Tian knows it, Li Xiaobai knows it, she knows it too, she must show her own strength Use the value, otherwise this decisive master will end her life immediately.

After a few breaths, she stood up again.

"Found it, over there!"

Hu Meizi pointed to a certain direction and said excitedly.

"Very good, lead the way!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said lightly.

The two hurriedly passed by the river bank. There were no monks around, and they were all startled by the shock just now. The corpses on the ground were also cleaned up at some point.

They are all coming to Deity Academy for the first time. No one knows which road they are taking at this moment, nor where the road will lead. They only know that they have come to a peach garden after winding around the river.

Beautiful scenery on a good day, wind, flowers, snow and moon, it looks like a place to drink tea and have fun, fresh and elegant, without a trace of evil spirit.

"My lord, that woman should be inside!"

Hu Meizi said with certainty.

Li Xiaobai nodded, and wanted to step into it when he lifted his foot, but in the next second a terrifying sense of crisis swept over his body, he couldn't help but pinch the talisman with his hand, the golden light flashed and quickly retreated, and just now a thunderbolt struck where he was standing Down.

"This is an enchantment!"

"You can't enter without the corresponding invitation letter. Are the two of you here to find someone?"

Behind him, a gentle and jade-like man approached with a smiling face, looked at Li Xiaobai and asked.

"I came to Xunyueer girl, I don't know how to call you brother?"

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists together, put the mace in his hand behind him, and also smiled in return.

"You can just call me Huahua. The two people you are looking for have never heard of it. Presumably, this is the first time they have entered the Taohuayuan Forest. They should have entered with other people."

"This place is a place of paradise set up by the Lord of Peach Blossoms. All disputes are exempted from all disputes in the garden, and you must be invited to enter with an invitation letter in hand. If you two are in a hurry to find someone, you may wish to wait here for a while. Coming out soon."

The man continued to speak unhurriedly, with a very humble attitude, clear eyes, and a very cultivated look.

"So that's the case. I disturbed Senior Brother Huahua's situation. It was the fault of Senior Brother Huahua. I will go back today, and I will come to the door to make amends the next day."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said gratefully.

"No problem!"

The man named Huahua made a gesture of invitation, and Li Xiaobai left with Hu Meizi.

The man stopped and watched for a while, and after confirming that there was no problem, his body turned into petals and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

It's just that after he disappeared for a few breaths, the two figures slipped back along the edge again, and got into the bushes beside the road, hiding their bodies.

"My lord, we don't have tickets, we can't get in, how about another day?"

Hu Meizi said.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose the day. If I miss today, I don't know when I want to catch her next time. The beggar said just now, and they will come out soon. Be smart, as long as you see that woman , Immediately knocked unconscious, packed it up and took it away!"

There was a cold light in Li Xiaobai's eyes, and he took out two black cloths to cover his and Hu Meizi's faces.

There is not much time left for him, whether it is Elder Fen Tian or the real Cai Kun, it is a timed bomb, and it will explode at an unknown time.

He had to get everything done before then, otherwise he would be the one to die.

"That Senior Brother Huahua just now looks so handsome..."

Hu Meizi's focus is completely different. Thinking back to that face just now, she couldn't help showing a look of obsession on her face. It's not so handsome as it is temperamental. The face can be changed through magical powers, but temperament is a person alone. With self-cultivation in his bones, that man is as perfect as a flower...

"What's the use of being handsome? Can handsome be eaten?"

"It's hard to imagine that your IQ can kill people and seize treasures beside the official road. The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. This is true for women, and even more so for men. That bastard is not an easy boss to deal with at first glance. Son, it's best not to make too much contact, otherwise if you are targeted, it may be difficult to get out."

Li Xiaobai slapped Hu Meizi on the forehead and scolded in a low voice.

In the world of practice, there are still people who are nympho, this is what he didn't expect, if you are really good-looking, why did you live with a wolf in the first place?

Taohuayuan should be similar to Tianjiao's meeting place, but it is more upscale, not everyone can come and go at will.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the peach blossoms in the garden were blooming with pink light. The brilliance was dazzling, and the fragrance of the flowers was overflowing, and everyone who heard it was relaxed and happy.

Li Xiaobai sighed in his heart, the Holy Master Peach Blossom was supposed to be a strange person of a generation, and he established such a place free from disturbance in the academy, but it's a pity that today he will be offended and robbed here.

I don't know how long it has been.

It was late at night, and finally there was a trace of fluctuations in the restraint of the peach blossoms, and the invisible fluctuations spread, and several figures walked out of them. Si, dripping with sweat all over her body, was exactly that month.

It looked like he had fought fiercely in the garden just now, and he was only leaving at nightfall.

There were a few dog legs beside her, looking at Yue'er's delicate body, they couldn't help swallowing, their eyes were full of greed, but it's a pity that this is a white pigeon woman, they can only look at it.

"Yue'er, I still have some things to do as a brother. I need to go to the inner circle. You should go back to practice and strengthen yourself first."

Bai Ge patted Yue'er's softness with a smirk, and said cheerfully.

"Brother Bai is going to the inner circle. Could it be that he is looking for other senior brothers from the Baihe family?"

The woman's eyes lit up immediately.

"That's right. During the day, that kid is a bit of a villain. He has murderous intentions towards me. He must not stay. This time I will go through the tribulation in the forty-ninth battlefield. Several brothers in the family will guard the way. Take this opportunity to deal with that kid, so you won’t have to worry about it in the future!”

A sneer appeared on the corner of Baige's mouth and said, it is not easy to kill people in the academy, but in the ancient battlefield, you don't have to pay so much attention. Entering the ancient battlefield, life and death are life and death, and death is nothing more than a normal thing.

"Yeah, listen to Senior Brother Bai's orders, and I have to recommend it to Yue'er. Yue'er also wants to strengthen the young talents of the Baihe family!"

The woman smiled delicately, her silver bell-like laughter was especially piercing in the sky.

"Go back and wait honestly, I'll go back and find you!"

Bai Ge kneaded again, and said with a smirk.

Several people parted ways, without even noticing that there were two pairs of eyes staring at them in the darkness.

The white pigeon left with the dog legs, only Yue'er was left alone, she tightened the clothes on her body, changed the smile on her face, but showed disgust in her eyes.

If it wasn't for the sake of climbing high and wanting to strengthen the inner disciples, how could she agree to this white pigeon's unreasonable request?

"Hmph, it looks pretty good on weekdays, but I didn't expect it to be so short-lived. My old lady's expectations were in vain!"

Yue'er spat, turned around and was also ready to leave.

But just about this, there was a strange movement in the dark jungle, and only two figures were seen jumping out suddenly.

Before she could react, she saw one of the black shadows pull out a mace from behind, and smashed it on her lower abdomen with such force, the powerful energy exploded and swept away, and the shocking sword glow directly wanted to knock her down. Cut in half, as if to tear her apart.

Li Xiaobai shot almost with all his strength, and the magic-sealing sword intent swept across. If it were an ordinary monk, his head would be in a different place at this moment, but the woman's lower abdomen was full of golden light, and the same terrifying breath shot out, knocking his sword away. Willingly resist outside.


The sound of the mirror shattering could be heard clearly. There seemed to be something in the woman's lower abdomen, which forcibly resisted Li Xiaobai's Demon Sealing Sword Intent at the cost of her own damage.


Li Xiaobai couldn't help but let out a little gasp. It stands to reason that this woman's cultivation is not strong enough to withstand his attack. The other party has a magic weapon!

And it's quite a magic weapon.


"How dare you commit murder here!"

Yue'er was startled and angry, her eyes were full of fear, it was her breast-protection mirror, it was a magic weapon given to her by Baige just now, she never thought it would come in handy as soon as she put it on, if she didn't wear this treasure , just now that blow was enough to kill her.

The visitor came for her life!

This is no ordinary enmity, this is to kill people!

"I didn't expect you to have such a baby, what a pity."

Li Xiaobai clicked his tongue, if he had known earlier, he would not have smashed his stomach, otherwise he would have captured a good trophy.

"My lord, stop talking nonsense with her, pack it up and take it away!"

Hu Meizi looked around and said anxiously that she was afraid of being seen.

"It's you!"

"You are Cai Kun, who gave you the guts to treat me like this!"

Yue'er's face was dull for a moment, and then suddenly became hideous, it was Cai Kun, this guy dared to attack her, really disregarding the past friendship.

"It was discovered!"

"Forget it, sooner or later you will be discovered and taken away!"

Li Xiaobai had no choice but to pretend to be a robber once with great difficulty, only to be discovered.

With the mace in his hand, he slammed the melon seeds on the head of the woman in front of him, smashing her into all kinds of meat and vegetables, and staring at her.

The golden chariot manifested under his feet, and he carried the woman into the chariot and turned into a flash of light and submerged into the jungle again.

"How dare you act like this and hurt your classmates, aren't you afraid of being punished by the academy!"

"Even if you are the disciple of Elder Fen Tian, ​​it is absolutely impossible to despise the king's law like this. You are dead, and I will definitely report all your actions to the academy!"

"If you let me go now, you can still spare your life!"

The woman is dishonest and screams.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise today's plan would have been revealed.

"Bring the sack and tie her up!"

Li Xiaobai beckoned and instructed Hu Meizi.

"Uh... what sack?"

Hu Meizi was a little confused, she didn't tell her to bring a sack when she came here?

"Without a sack, how do you tie someone up?"

"Aren't you ready?"

Li Xiaobai frowned, and glanced at Hu Meizi, this guy kills and robs all day long, but he feels that his brain is not very bright?

"Here are the sacks!"

At this time, a voice as gentle as jade sounded, and a hand as white as jade stretched out from the darkness of the jungle, and handed over a coarse sack.

"Thank you brother!"

Li Xiaobai took the sack quite smoothly, then skillfully threw Yue'er into it, and said while tightening the ring.

"Let's go out to mess around, take the sack with you, never let it go, don't do it again next time!"

"My son..."

Hu Meizi on the side hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to remind something.

Li Xiaobai threw the sack onto the golden chariot, then grabbed Hu Meizi's shoulder, turned into a golden streamer and ran away, of course he knew that there was a third person coming, who had no strength and was absolutely terrifying, he just wanted to run unexpectedly way to prevent the other party from catching up.

But not long after the golden chariot galloped, he clearly saw that the surrounding scenery began to retreat. Obviously the chariot had been moving forward, but their positions had been moving backwards.

After a few breaths, he reappeared in front of the entrance of Taohuayuan Forest.

Standing in front of her was a familiar face, the gentle and jade-like man she met during the day, Hua Hua.

"Um, so it's Senior Brother Huahua, sorry for the disrespect!"

"Just now, my younger brother accidentally made the commotion louder and disturbed the senior brother. I hereby apologize, and I will leave now!"

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face, he turned around and was about to leave again, but the chariot under his feet remained motionless as if it had taken root, not only the chariot, but his whole body could not move, it felt like he had hit 100% It's like being caught empty-handed with a white blade.

"You two's murderous aura is a bit heavy, and it doesn't match the purpose of my Taohuayuan Forest. If you do something like this next time, don't make a move in my Taohuayuan Forest. I hope you two can give me some face!"

Huahua still had a professional smile on her face, and her tone was very peaceful, without the slightest trace of anger.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Huahua, there will be no next time!"

Li Xiaobai patted his chest and assured.

"I hope so, but just now you destroyed some vegetation, and you will come here to replant them tomorrow, but the merits and demerits will be offset!"

Huahua said.

"Understood, tomorrow we not only need to plant trees, but we also need to grow more varieties, and we need to do more!"

Li Xiaobai said loudly, with a layer of cold sweat unconsciously oozing out from his forehead, the man in front of him was a little scary, he didn't need to make a move, but he was fixed in place, and today he kind of understands that he was 100% empty-handed What does it feel like to be a monk with a white blade?

This feeling of not being in control of your body sucks.

"I'll wait for you."

With a satisfied smile on Huahua's face, Li Xiaobai felt that the shackles all over his body were loosened, and the control of his body returned to his hands again. He bowed and saluted, and the golden chariot turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in this area like flying.

After half an hour.

Li Xiaobai and Hu Meizi appeared in the cabin sweating profusely, locked the doors and windows, feeling relieved.

At that moment just now, he almost thought that he was going to finish playing. Fortunately, the man named Huahua is easy to talk to, otherwise he might really have to confess today.

I don't know what kind of cultivation the other party is. To have such power, it must be at the Xiantai realm at the last time, right?

"Young master, we are out of danger!"

Hu Meizi patted her chest and said, just now she was covered in cold sweat.

For the first time, she felt that this world is really scary. She used to hide in the mountains and kill weak passer-by monks, and she had a good time, but since she followed Li Xiaobai, she felt that she couldn't beat anyone. .

Especially in this Tianshen Academy, she can be easily killed by just jumping out. To be honest, I am a little homesick, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with lying down and being a little monster waiting to die.

"It's worthless, what are you afraid of, is it possible that someone else can still eat us?"

Li Xiaobai glared, and said viciously, when facing Huahua just now, he also tried to keep calm and calm, and he must not lose face in front of his little brother.

"It's not certain. Some monks like to eat people. We all have the blood of monsters in our bodies. It will be very fragrant after eating, but Brother Huahua will definitely not eat people. He is not that kind of person!"

"That senior brother named Huahua is not only handsome, but also kind-hearted. He actually let us go..."

"But why did he have a sack and lent it to the young master?"

Hu Meizi said to herself, that man became more and more perfect in her eyes, but the other party acted a little weirdly, they were arresting him in front of his territory, and the host even took the initiative to send a sack, which is a bit puzzling.

"You don't need to ask, that white pigeon and this woman are doing mediocre things in the Taoyuan Holy Land, polluting the atmosphere of the Holy Land, and Huahua must be upset!"

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes, shook his hands, opened the bag, and pulled out the woman still on the ground.

The woman's clothes were a bit revealing, probably for the convenience of getting closer to the white pigeon, she only left a small waistcoat, which was all white.

"Brother Kun, I was wrong!"

"I knew I was wrong. I shouldn't be obsessed with currying favor with that white pigeon. It's for the sake of our several times of sex under the bed. Just let me go!"

"Let's go back to the past, I can be your cow or horse, let's go to bed and talk, I'm still on it!"

The woman named Yue'er recognized the reality, her eyes were full of fear, she grabbed Li Xiaobai's trousers and begged bitterly, she realized that the Cai Kun in front of her had changed, completely changed, She had never seen the profundity in those eyes and the fierce aura around her.

Although he didn't know what happened to Cai Kun during the time he was out, but the other party could really kill her at any time without any psychological burden.

She was really scared.

"Hush, there are still people here, let's be normal."

Li Xiaobai shook the mace in his hand and said calmly.

"It's okay, this is your new woman, I can be with her, you haven't tried two people yet, have you?"

Yue'er continued, trying to seduce Li Xiaobai with her beauty.


Hu Meizi spat, this woman was more shameless than she imagined.


"I ask, you answer!"

"What's your name!"

Li Xiaobai was impatient and asked directly.

"My name is Su Yue..."

The woman's eyes were terrified and puzzled. Do you need to ask questions like names?





"old woman."

Li Xiaobai has a venomous tongue, but he sighs in his heart. People who are born in different places are treated very differently. Some people are born with the goal that countless people have been pursuing all their lives. It's enough for a monk in the Zhongyuan Realm to look up to for a lifetime.

"Take a look at the school, what kind of existence is the Deity Academy, and how are the forces in the door divided?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"The academy is divided into an inner circle and an outer circle. The area we are in is the outer circle. The real core area is where the geniuses of the academy really live. It is not accessible to ordinary people. It is said that only when you enter the realm of Sendai can you have a piece of land that has entered the inner circle. The stepping stone of the door, may not necessarily be able to enter it."

Su Yue said.

"How about Elder Fen Tian, ​​how did I become his disciple?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Elder Fen Tian has a weird temper, and he loved alchemy all his life. Back then, the dean saw that the vegetation on the Fen Tian Peak was decaying and no one took care of it all year round. That's why he ordered him to find a disciple to practice on the mountain, so that the mountain would regain its brilliance. Elder Tian took Brother Kun away."

Su Yue carefully observed Li Xiaobai's expression while talking. She was very surprised why this man kept asking such common-sense questions.

There is a faint guess in my heart, is the Cai Kun in front of me not the real Cai Kun, but a counterfeit, otherwise why the change is so huge, and I have to ask such a well-known question?

"It's honest."

Li Xiaobai nodded.

"Brother Kun, give me another chance, I will definitely do my best for you!"

Su Yue said.

"Then do you know how the white pigeon will deal with me next?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"I don't know, Bai Ge will prepare for the matter of crossing the catastrophe in the next period of time, and he should not have the energy to fight against Brother Kun, and Brother Kun is a disciple of Elder Fen Tian, ​​so forgive him and dare not go too far!"

Su Yue said with a strange light in her eyes.

"Hey, this person is dishonest. You don't want the opportunity for nothing. Tell me, how should you deal with her?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Hu Meizi and asked.

Hu Meizi replied casually, and this sentence consisted of three words, "Eat it."

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