Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1446 Crossing Tribulation Together

The faces of several people are all horrified, what is going on with this person?

Is this weird marching posture a human being able to make?

Moreover, the sound of thunder was rolling in the sky, and the thunder was still striking, this guy rushed over with his stomach straight!

"Not good, back quickly!"

A group of disciples of the inner core of the White Crane Sect ran away in shock. They were not ready yet, and they were entangled by Lei Jie rashly, and all of them suffered serious injuries.

This is the forty-ninth battlefield. If you have just entered this place, you will be seriously injured. You don't have to think that you will not survive when the battlefield opens again.

Li Xiaobai crawled fast, engulfed in endless thunder power to engulf this group of people, but the elite disciples are elite disciples after all, the power of the blood in the few flashes activated and turned into afterimages and quickly retreated hundreds of meters away.

Li Xiaobai got up helplessly, flipped his wrist and took out a long sword, raised it above his head and said, "Oh, what are you hiding from, you have to force us to take action, can you hide from this thing?"

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

In just a split second, the people who had run far away ran towards the rear unconsciously, with sparks and lightning all the way, and they rushed to Li Xiaobai in the blink of an eye.

His knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, raising his hands above his head in a bowing gesture.

"Fuck, what's going on, my body can't control it!"

"It's this kid, what evil method did you use to control my physical body!"

"It's broken, Lei Jie is here!"

A total of four senior disciples of the Baihe family entered the coverage area of ​​Lei Jie, and noticed that there were four more intruders. Lei Jie seemed to be enraged, and the blue thunder pool above the sky had a faint tendency to turn purple .

Waves of violent and terrifying aura descended and swept through, making one's heart palpitate.

There was a smile on the corner of Li Xiaobai's mouth. If he was outside, he would have to turn around and run away when he saw these senior disciples, but this is the forty-ninth battlefield, a place that can completely suppress the cultivation of all monks. In order to become a mortal, he can suppress it at will.

However, the power of this thunder is no small matter, and it made him feel horrified. This is a thunder calamity exclusive to monks in the Sendai realm, and the white pigeon's thunder calamity just now is not worth mentioning.

"Damn it, quickly undo your magic!"

"This should also be a kind of magic weapon bestowed on you by Elder Fen Tian!"

"Hurry up and untie the supernatural powers, otherwise the thunder from the Immortal Realm will descend, and you will be the first to die!"

There were fear and anger in the eyes of several people, and they cursed loudly.

"You guys reminded me!"

Li Xiaobai chuckled, flipped his wrist, and a long sword appeared in the other hand, slashing down in the direction of the white pigeon.

The next second, a figure with a bewildered expression rushed in front of him, knelt down straight, without the slightest delay, the thunder in the void became even more sullen, frantically brewing a terrifying aura.

"Cai Kun, you have been so cruel in this trip, you actually want to kill your fellow disciples, what crime should you deserve!"

"Tianjin Academy will not treat you lightly. If you stop now, you still have a chance. Don't make mistakes!"

Looking at the changing situation above the sky, the white dove turned pale with fright.

That was the thunder tribulation from the brothers in the Xiantai Realm, and he would be reduced to ashes immediately after this one.

"Since several of you have said so, then I will stop. The thunder disaster is coming, and you brothers can enjoy it!"

Li Xiaobai retracted his sword and said cheerfully.

The body lay flat on the ground again, and quickly slipped away in an extremely strange posture.

"What the hell am I..."

Several people were furious, this guy did it on purpose, and somehow he was able to ignore Lei Jie's offensive, but now this eternal problem fell on them.

Lei Jie has his eye on them, and regards them as Li Xiaobai's helpers in crossing the robbery, and they need to cross the robbery together to get into the game.


"Don't stand together, find a place to survive the tribulation safely, if we can survive the disaster safely, we will also benefit a lot!"

The cultivators of the Baihe family cursed and cursed. When several people stood together, the number of thunder calamities would multiply exponentially. If they were separated, they would still have a chance to pass through safely.

But just as they dispersed, the familiar feeling of being out of control struck again, and the body flickered involuntarily towards Li Xiaobai's direction.

It's this guy again!

However, when they were about to get close to Li Xiaobai, the control of their bodies returned to their hands again, and they didn't care about anything else. Their bodies flickered and they fled in all directions. Inside.

But just between their thoughts, the body rushed towards a certain direction uncontrollably again.

After that, the body regained control, but this time they had no time to escape, the thunder above the sky had already fallen, and a wave of more than ten purple thunders fell directly, and the group of five people was engulfed by the roar and explosion.

With terrified eyes in Baige's eyes, he watched helplessly as a thunderbolt that did not belong to his realm struck down, and then his body was turned into flying ash and annihilated.

"White pigeon!"


The few remaining people roared angrily, intending to resist part of the catastrophe for the other party, but they couldn't protect themselves. This was a thunder catastrophe that surpassed their limits, and their skin was ripped apart and their flesh was bloody.

They figured it out, this guy named Cai Kun didn't plan to let them go, that evil method could control their body movements anytime and anywhere.

Whenever they want to disperse their positions, the opponent will shoot, and when they gather together, they will unravel the shackles.

I have to say, it is really vicious.

The key is that they dare not separate at the moment when the thunder tribulation falls. If their bodies are controlled at the moment of resisting the thunder calamity, the only thing waiting for them is death.

"Extract the power of the bloodline with all your strength, survive the thunder disaster, and when you get out, this guy will die!"

"I can't go away anyway, so I just rushed over and let this guy be wiped out first!"

Several people were furious in their hearts, and they moved their steps almost at the same time, pushing their physical strength to the limit, and they appeared beside Li Xiaobai in the blink of an eye.

"Boy, didn't you control us to come here, now we come here by ourselves!"

"The Heavenly Tribulation in the Immortal Terrace is enough for you to be reincarnated. In your next life, remember not to provoke my disciples of the Baihe family!"

A thunderbolt struck, and Li Xiaobai who was lying quietly on the ground turned into a cloud of green smoke and dissipated in an instant.

Their hearts are extremely happy, and if they get rid of this guy, no one will be able to control their bodies, and they will spread out their positions so that they can survive the thunder disaster at the lowest cost!

"I thought I was so capable, there are not even ashes left after being split by the catastrophe!"

"Stop talking nonsense, spread out quickly, and concentrate on crossing the tribulation!"

The four of them each chose a piece of land and began to survive the tribulation safely, but at this moment, the familiar voice came from their ears again.

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

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