The bodies of several people froze involuntarily, their bodies were out of control, the power of bloodline dissipated and were completely suppressed, and the power of thunder swept across them in an instant.


The four senior disciples spurted out a big mouthful of old blood, and their eyes were full of shock and anger.

I saw Li Xiaobai standing there intact behind him, holding a long sword in his forehand, looking at them with a smile!

"You're not dead!"

"The one just now is the avatar!"

"Didn't it mean that Cai Kun is just a waste in the academy, why does he have such magical powers!"

"Damn it, we were deceived by the white pigeon, this guy is definitely not an ordinary monk, he must have obtained the true biography of Elder Fen Tian!"

The faces of several people were shocked. Li Xiaobai's performance had surpassed their understanding of ordinary disciples of Deity Academy. So far, none of the methods shown by the other party were capable of being achieved by ordinary disciples.

A demon swordsmanship that can control the human body, a method that resists thunder with a strange posture, and the incarnation just now, even the core disciples in the inner circle may not be able to master so many magical powers at the same time.

In addition to needing a strong comprehension, a lot of resources are also needed. Who else is behind this besides Elder Fentian? This is not a low-level disciple who is not liked by others. This is simply to be cultivated as a true inheritance. !

"I know very well the truth of taking advantage of your illness to kill you. If you let the senior brothers go back, they will become public enemies of the academy disciples in a short time. Therefore, please die here in peace, keep the secret, and let the little brother more Wave for a while!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and just as he finished speaking, thunder light poured down from the sky, enveloping the four of them.

After being 100% interrupted by the empty-handed sword, their physical bodies and the power of the blood in their bodies have not yet recovered, and they were completely submerged in the sea of ​​thunder just by breathing. There is no life in it.

The thunder bombarded violently.

Li Xiaobai felt that this place was simply heaven, and the cultivation of all the monks had been completely suppressed, so it could be said that he was born invincible.

After a quarter of an hour.

The power of thunder above the sky dissipated.

A familiar prompt sound came from the system.

drop! It is detected that the host has obtained an infinite calamity!

Host Li Xiaobai!


The defense power is extraordinary and the triple sky can be advanced!


The value on the system panel jumped, successfully passed the thunder disaster again, successfully obtained an infinite calamity, and completed the indicators to improve the defense.

drop! Detect the host to unlock the achievement Thunder King, and reward a special system insulator!

Insulators are immune to lightning damage.

Note that it is only lightning damage!

After coming to the world of immortals and gods, you have crossed the tribulation a total of three times, and unlocked special achievement tasks.


"Immune to lightning damage?"

"Then aren't we invincible?"

Li Xiaobai looked at his hands, but didn't feel anything unusual. This was the first time he had obtained a special physique, and immunity to lightning damage sounded quite strong.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that you are not so invincible. The catastrophe is also thunder and lightning, but the power of the catastrophe is not only thunder, the terrifying power mixed with violent thunder and thunder is still not to be underestimated, but you can be immune to thunder when you cross the catastrophe later. The paralyzing effect brought by it can reduce the damage caused by thunder to a certain extent.

"Well, it should be so. With the urine nature of the system, it is absolutely impossible for us to be so relaxed!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and muttered to himself. He felt that his analysis made sense. The insulator can prevent the magical damage caused by lightning, but it cannot prevent the physical damage caused by it. When you take off your clothes, you should lie flat, and if you can lie down, you must not stand up!

Walking to the place where several disciples of the Baihe family crossed the robbery, only a few black residues were seen, but no one was seen, and they had already been chopped off by the thunder robbery.

"Heavenly Tribulation is easy to use, but there are some waste resources. The monks are gone, and the space ring is also gone."

Li Xiaobai regretted it for a while, and the golden chariot manifested under his feet, driving deeper.

The monks in the large army are moving slowly, and they are still in the state of exploration, and they have lost all their cultivation. In comparison, his speed should be the fastest, but they don't know where the key to the core of the battlefield is.

He had a bold idea in his heart, if he could get the key and control the battlefield, wouldn't he be invincible?

In the future, if someone doesn't like it, he will be pulled into the battlefield to fight with real swords and guns. I am afraid that except for monks who specialize in body training, most people will be at a loss if they lose their cultivation, right?

"Who, stop!"

Just as he was galloping, a shout came from behind.

Turning his head, he saw a burly man running behind to catch up to the golden chariot, and the speed was not slow. This man was bald, wearing only a pair of underpants, showing his hardcover muscles, striding forward with a murderous look.

Li Xiaobai didn't remember seeing such a person in the team, stopped the chariot and asked

"Who are you, tell me your name?"

"Who are you, why are you able to use the magic weapon mount in this battlefield, and how did you recover your cultivation?"

The face of the big man running was flushed, and he stared at his eyes and asked in a low voice. His face was very fierce, and he belonged to the type of mindless, but his eyeballs were not honest, and they were spinning around, scanning the corners around Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai understood instantly in his heart that he was being targeted.

"I don't need to restore my cultivation. Although the rules of this battlefield are strange, they are not enough to suppress the cultivation in my body!"

"My power is vast, if you enter my body and take a lonely boat, even if you travel for thousands of years, you will never see the edge!"

Li Xiaobai had his hands behind his back, eloquently eloquent, as if I was awesome and I couldn't be suppressed by this battlefield.

"It's nonsense, everyone is equal in the rules of the battlefield, how can there be an exception, teach me, I will definitely reward you!"

The big man continued to say in a low voice, this person belongs to the type who can tell at a glance that his brain is not working well, but Li Xiaobai knows that the other party is putting on an act.

Just when he was about to reply, there was a sudden piercing sound from the slanting stab, and a total of three black figures turned into lightning and attacked Li Xiaobai in the blink of an eye.

Attribute points + 10 billion...

Attribute points + 10 billion...

Attribute points + 10 billion...

Bang, bang, three dull sounds came.

Three daggers pierced Li Xiaobai's chest, back, and waist respectively.

But he didn't move at all, even scratched his butt, the sharp blade stopped on the surface of the skin and made it difficult to move, not even leaving a scratch.

Looking at the three sharp blades stabbing at him, "You guys are disciples of Deity Academy, why did you attack me?"

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