Within the phantom array, the scenery in all directions has taken on a new look. Every monk has a different scene in front of his eyes, and the face is the weakest part of himself.

"Oops, careless!",

"How did that kid do it, and why is it not affected at all!"

"Could it be that his cultivation is still superior to ours!"

The expressions of the masters in each domain changed, and they were in the game before they were ready.

"Calm down, give up concentrating, illusions are just demons, and you can walk out with a firm mind!"

"How did that kid do it!"

"Have any seniors broken the formation, please guide the direction for the juniors!"

In the formation, the monks panicked and ran around like headless chickens. The sudden illusion made them feel at a loss.

At the other end, on the stairs leading to the third floor, Li Xiaobai looked at the chaos in the formation, and the golden chariot under his feet turned his body around and charged back again.

Walking beside many monks in the formation, smoothly and silkily swept away the space rings on their fingers, and then disappeared without a sound.

"Hehe, consider it a contribution, and I accept your resources!"

Li Xiaobai put away the resources happily, disappeared in the second floor in a flash, this wave harvested the treasures of many big bosses, made him rich immediately, and was 100% immune to the skills of being caught empty-handed in the forty-nine battlefield , It's hard to imagine how strong his own power should be. If it is placed outside, he may be beheaded with just a look.

This kind of big man's stockpile resources is definitely a boutique among the boutiques, and anything can be sold at sky-high prices.

Silence returned to the ears.

On the third floor, golden talismans flickered to illuminate the surroundings. It was still a stone wall, but the air was filled with water vapor, which was very humid. There should be a water source nearby.

"There is no water source in the world of dead souls, everything is manifested with the power of the master before life, this water is not ordinary water!",

A monk in the sack said that the air was several degrees humid, and he could easily feel it even through the sack.

Li Xiaobai nodded, and walked slowly forward. There should be no other monks on this floor, and no one is exploring the way ahead, so be careful.

The further you go in, the stronger the gurgling sound of the water is, and when you reach the end, your field of vision suddenly widens, and there is nothing in front of you, only a huge lake, from which the sound of water emanates.

Exudes a faint blue light.

Ripples appeared on the surface of the water surface, which was divided into countless pieces, showing the influences of various places in the 49th battlefield at this moment. Li Xiaobai found the influence of the second layer of phantom formation in it, and a group of masters Still stuck in it yet to break through successfully.

This lake on the third floor can actually monitor every corner of the battlefield. I don't know what kind of horror is hidden under the surface of the water.

From this appearance, the third floor should be the last floor, and the surrounding area is empty, so the key to the core of the battlefield should be hidden in this lake.

Pick up a rock, throw it in, nothing happens with the splash, everything is as usual.

Picking up another large brick and throwing it in, there was still no response, as if it was just ordinary water.

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, then took out a handful of Earth Explosive Stars and threw them in. After a while, the lake surface was torn apart by violent energy, and terrifying fluctuations raged.

"Senior... think twice!"

"I am afraid that the third floor is guarded by an extremely powerful fear, and you must not provoke it..."

Feeling the successive terrifying fluctuations from the outside world, the cultivators in the sack were frightened, and they wanted to dissuade them but dared not.

Their lives are all in Li Xiaobai's hands, they played so big at the beginning, if they don't slap their ass and leave, they will die in the end.

"Come out and see, who knows the origin of this lake?"

Li Xiaobai untied the sack, and the monks saw the light again, and hurriedly climbed out to look at the lake.

"This lake is full of resentment!"

"This old man has experienced many battlefields. Judging from my experience, the water in the world of dead souls is either water evil or resentment. There is no evil spirit in this lake. It belongs to the battlefield master's life. resentment."

A certain elder of the Deity Academy looked at it carefully, and said, he really couldn't figure out what the way this monk named Zhang San was. He reported to the monks of the Baihe faction, but he even tied up his own people. He had to ask questions later. some.

"It's resentment. If it's evil spirit, the operation of senior Zhang just now has already caused the evil spirit to bite back."

"Master Xue" also said at the beginning, expressing his agreement.

"What if I go in?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's hard to say, some wonderful things will be born in places where resentment gathers, and no one can judge before it manifests."

A monk said.

"Who wants to get in there and challenge themselves?"

Li Xiaobai looked around the crowd, the monks trembled, lowered their heads unanimously, moved their footsteps slightly and retreated towards the back. With their ability to pass the first layer of Thunder Restriction, a layer of skin was peeled off, let alone the third layer. Layers are banned.

"Cultivation is a way of fighting against the sky, and it's a lot of fun. How can you be so timid and timid!"

Li Xiaobai walked up to Beixuan, a senior disciple of the Great Wilderness, and said with a smile, "You are eager to try!"


Beixuan greeted Li Xiaobai's 18th generation ancestors in his heart, the person in front of him is really a small belly, just a few words of sarcasm, at this moment he actually wants him to be cannon fodder and put him to death!

"Senior, there is no need to be like this. The younger generation is still inexperienced and cannot stand such a test..."

"Stop talking nonsense, I've already seen your longing eyes, go ahead, it's up to you!"

Li Xiaobai threw it into the lake without any explanation. This guy is a scourge, which can be seen from the fact that the desolate elder didn't redeem him.

Beixuan's body submerged in the water, and then floated up again, standing on the water with both feet, as if it was not water but a mirror.

Everyone's eyes widened. You must know that they have no cultivation base at this moment, and it is even difficult for them to exert their blood power after taking the banning pill. Being able to stand on the water should be the mysterious power in the lake.

Before they could think about it, the water surface in front of Beixuan suddenly surged up, streams of water rolled up, and condensed into a human figure. After a few breaths, the water stains faded away, and a living person appeared unexpectedly. Beixuan looks the same in general.

Seeing the scene in front of them, the older monks all exclaimed in unison, "This is a big grievance!"

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