"Great grudge?"

"what is that?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and asked in doubt.

"The great resentment is something that can only be born in places with deep resentment. The form of resentment can completely copy everything about the intruder, whether it is the face, appearance or strength. They are all exactly the same. It is equivalent to facing a perfect Own!"

"This is the case no matter who enters. The horror of this great resentment is not that it can raise its hand to kill monks, but everyone knows that as long as you step into it, you will end up dead. It's just a matter of time!"

"And the most important thing is that as long as you are defeated by the Great Resentment, your sanity will be wiped out, and then the wronged soul will take over and break free from the shackles of the lake!"

The elder of God Academy said that he was well-informed and recognized the origin of the lake at a glance.

"Is there no one who can defeat the Great Resentment?"

"Since what we are facing is an existence that is indistinguishable from ourselves, I think there is a chance to break through."

Li Xiaobai asked, breaking through and surpassing oneself is something that many geniuses can do.

"It's useless. The strength of the Great Resentment is the same as that of the invaders. In other words, if the intruder's strength is broken through, the strength of the Great Resentment will also catch up immediately. It is impossible to defeat it, and it can only be turned into a corpse when the power is exhausted!"

The old man said in a deep voice, "Throughout the ages, I don't know how many gods have died at the hands of such unjust souls. This whole lake formed of resentment is its original power. In the past, there were people who overcame the thunder disaster and wanted to use the sky disaster Fighting the Great Resentment, still can't escape the fate of being beheaded!"

"Senior Zhang, if your strength is not as strong as that of the original owner of this battlefield, you should take a step back!"

"There will be many opportunities in the future, so it's better to make a perfect plan and fight again. This time, the old man guarantees that the monks of the Deity Academy will never say a word, and no outsiders will know about the forty-ninth battlefield!"

That day, the old man of the God Academy accompanied them and said cautiously, for fear that Li Xiaobai's impulse would lead them into that big grievance, which is not something they can deal with!

"Does the great grudge have sanity?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a thought.

"Of course there are, this is a top-level wraith!"

"The great resentment that is transformed is the same as a monk, including thinking and fighting skills, so it is the most difficult existence among the vengeful souls!"

The old man said, constantly emphasizing the awesomeness of this big grievance, and hoped that Senior Zhang San could calm down and not be so bossy.

But what he didn't expect was that right after he said those words, Li Xiaobai walked towards the lake without hesitation, and stepped directly into the lake water without the slightest hesitation.

"Ah this..."

"Senior, you are..."

He was shocked, and the countless monks behind were all shocked. What kind of operation is this? It is said that the Great Resentment is an invincible existence. Unless your cultivation level can exceed the upper limit that the original owner of the battlefield can achieve, who will come? It's all for nothing!

The same cultivation, the same skills, the same blood power, and even the same way of thinking, this is just like me, and even the opponent who breaks through the battle can make changes in the first time, which shows What, absolutely invincible!


"He is too big. Maybe his cultivation is indeed strong, and his height has reached an unimaginable level, but it is absolutely impossible to surpass the Great Resentment!"

"We are doomed. Without the leadership of this third senior, no one will be able to pass the restriction and return to the second floor!"

The monks were terrified, they couldn't go back, they would be trapped in this floor, and if the bosses from behind successfully broke through the formation and rushed up, they might not let them go easily!

It is very likely that they will still be put into the lake to test the water, and the end will also be a dead word!

I can only hope that this senior Zhang San can hold on for a while longer. If he dies and is taken over by the great resentment species, with his cultivation base, I am afraid that all the creatures in this battlefield will suffer!

"How can people who sit in a well and watch the sky understand my strength!"

"Look carefully, in the face of this big grievance, how do I operate!"

Li Xiaobai sneered at everyone's worries, no matter how strong the lake is, as long as the cultivation level of the born is equal to him, it will be impossible to defeat him, he has a magic weapon to win!

In the middle of the lake, Beixuan was already invincible and hard to parry. He had no cultivation base, and the power of his blood was restrained by the Imprisonment Pill.

Li Xiaobai ignored it, staring at the water slowly rising into a human form in front of him, a brand new "Li Xiaobai" appeared in front of him.

It feels like looking in a mirror, exactly the same!

"Dao is friendly!"

Wrong Soul took the initiative to speak, with a calm expression on his face, as if it was just an ordinary greeting.

Li Xiaobai tilted his head, "How good is it?"

"It's as good as if I'm about to crush your heart!"

The wronged soul grinned, revealing his white teeth.

"You think you can beat me?"

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly.

"It's natural, within six feet, I'm invincible!"

"If you don't believe me, then shoot!"

The wronged soul also had his hands behind his back, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, then I'll try it, try you!"

"bring it on!"

There was a dead silence on the surface of the lake. The two looked at each other, and the hem of their clothes moved without wind.

Everyone on the shore stared wide-eyed, lest they missed the exciting part, but the next scene made them confused.

I saw that the two standing on the water took off their shirts almost at the same time, revealing their strong fleshy bodies, and then lay down straight.

What is this operation?

How can you fight when you lie flat?

Do masters like to play like this?


"If this is the case, even the skills given by the system can be copied, but it should not have a system."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Xiaobai instantly understood that all his abilities had been copied. Except that there was no system, the big grievance in front of him should be no different from him.

A long sword appeared in his hand, and suddenly he slashed down with force, the magic-sealing sword intent swept across, and slashed on the body of the wronged soul without any injuries!

At the same time, the wronged soul also used the same sword technique, and the tyrannical sword energy swept across, without causing the slightest damage to Li Xiaobai.

Both sides have quadruple defensive power, and they can't hurt the other side only with the sword intent of the extraordinary third level.

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

The Great Resentment was the first to display its magical skills, and many monks on the bank were affected by this skill and rushed straight into the lake.

"Senior, save me!"

"No, it can even copy this trick!"

"Senior, interrupt its sword move quickly. If you continue to fight like this, I'm afraid everyone on the shore will die before you can decide the winner!"

The monks panicked and watched helplessly as their bodies submerged in the lake and were forcibly dragged into the battlefield of the Great Resentment. A monk with the evolution of a resentful soul emerged, and their scalps felt numb.

"Since he is a wronged soul, he must also hate me very much."

Li Xiaobai got up from the water, took out a green hat, walked towards the big grudge with a smile, and put the hat on his forehead with his puzzled eyes.

"Can you forgive me?"

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