the next day.

Deity Academy.

On Burning Heaven Peak.

Li Xiaobai dragged a large group of monks to open a cave on the top of the mountain.

Elder Fen Tian still didn't show up. This old man spends all day in the alchemy hall, indifferent to what happens outside.

"Open the caves each, and stay on this mountain for now!"

Li Xiaobai said to everyone.


"May I ask when Mr. Cai Kun will let me go back?"

Li Gandang, a member of the royal family of Northern Liangyu, asked, he is the worst one among all the people. Originally, his disciples could have paid the ransom to bail him out, but he did not expect that they would be kidnapped together when they met pig teammates Woke up.

"You wait for a letter from each of you and send it back to the sects in each domain!"

"Tell you and the senior elders in the clan that if you want to go back, you can redeem them with money!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

"How much?"

"It depends on the sincerity of your sect. It is their freedom to give more and less, but it is our right to let people go."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.


"Don't worry, Mr. Cai, I will repair a book immediately, and I will definitely satisfy you!"

"Hehe, don't force it, if you don't have money, it's pretty good to live here on the Fentian Peak."

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, and added, "I don't mean to force you."

"No coercion, no coercion, we are all voluntary!"

"That's right, Master Cai Kun took us out of the forty-ninth battlefield without hesitation. This life-saving grace can never be repaid. We are grateful to the group!"

The masters hurriedly said.

"Then let's go."


In the alchemy hall of Burning Heaven Peak.

Li Xiaobai set foot and returned to the mountain peak. Logically, he had to report to the master. The etiquette was sufficient, otherwise he would be easily caught.

And he recognized his adoptive father, the more close he is, the better.

"Father, the disciple is back!"

Li Xiaobai said.

"You came back alive, not bad, but did you bring back the emperor's blood?"

A gloomy voice came from inside the alchemy furnace.

"Trash, since there is no emperor's blood, let's use you to make alchemy!"

The top cover of the alchemy furnace vibrated, and a strong sense of anxiety filled the air.

"But the boy got the core key of the forty-ninth battlefield and took control of the battlefield!"

Li Xiaobai added this sentence.

"Have you got the core of the battlefield?"

"It's up to you!"

The restlessness of the alchemy furnace subsided, and the eerie old voice was heard, full of disdain.

"It's just a coincidence, but there is no drop of blood found in the forty-ninth battlefield!"

"Why don't you wait for the next battlefield to open, and the child will continue to search for the adoptive father?"

Li Xiaobai's mind communicated with the seeds in the dantian, blooming circles of light yellow halos, and said with a faint smile.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of ability. If you die today, those outside you brought back to honor your father will not be able to do it. It is a filial piety. Although the cultivation base is weaker, it can be used to some extent!"

Inside the alchemy furnace, Elder Fen Tian laughed strangely. Although he stayed in the alchemy furnace all year round, not a single plant or tree on the mountain could escape his perception.

"Those are for me to exchange for money, not alchemy."

Li Xiaobai said dryly.

"With the resources, we can buy more precious medicinal materials for my adoptive father!"

Elder Fen Tian, ​​"There is no medicinal material in the world that can compare to cultivators. Just throwing it in is a great tonic!"

Li Xiaobai "Bring back the Emperor's blood to my adoptive father in the next battle."

"You can go!"

After a long silence, Elder Fen Tian threw out such a sentence, and the hall fell silent again.

"Thank you foster father!"

After leaving the main hall, Li Xiaobai felt relaxed. He felt that this adoptive father was not as difficult to deal with as he imagined. As long as the right medicine was prescribed, he could still handle it easily.

But before he took a few steps, he vaguely heard Elder Fen Tian muttering to himself, "Why are there so many fewer people in the academy recently? I'm too embarrassed to use the academy disciples as alchemy materials..."

Li Xiaobai shivered, and took back what he said just now, this old man is really cruel, if he disagrees with him, he will use monks to make alchemy.

"Cai Kun...Senior brother, this is an invitation from the academy, it's time for us to leave."

Little Dantong, who didn't want to see Li Xiaobai at first, held an invitation card in his hand, and said a little awkwardly.

The news that a peripheral disciple of the academy successfully captured the core of the Forty-Ninth Battlefield has already spread in the academy. The disciples rushed to tell each other, and the news spread faster than a virus.

Recalling the cold wave and sarcasm towards Li Xiaobai during this period of time, Xiao Dantong was a group of nervous, this grass chicken has become a phoenix, if he wants to turn over old accounts and liquidate him, he has no strength to resist.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm not a foster father, and I won't eat you. What are you afraid of?"

Li Xiaobai smiled half-smile, took the invitation card, opened it, and there was a word "Please!"

The spiritual coercion coming to the face is very familiar. It is similar to the edict cast by the masters of the holy realm in the Zhongyuan world. Words follow the law, and one word can easily control the soul of a person.

The purpose of the person who wrote the invitation card is not pure, it should be to test his depth, but there is a system around him, and he is automatically immune to all spiritual damage.

It's just that he was in a trance for a moment and then he returned to normal immediately.

"Understood, you go and watch those monks, let them concentrate on cultivating on the Burning Heaven Peak, keep an eye on them, don't let them go!"

"Yes, brother!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and threw out an embroidered shoe casually, the golden chariot manifested under his feet, and drove towards the direction pointed by the shoe.

This post did not indicate the time and place, and it is also just a test. If the disciples of the academy did not know the location of the celebration, they deliberately did not write it. I am afraid that someone has already guessed that he is just a counterfeit and not the real Cai Kun.

The place that the embroidered shoes point to is familiar, Peach Blossom Forest.

It was the place where he attacked that day.

The small bridge and flowing water are quiet and elegant, full of calligraphy and painting atmosphere.

The peach blossoms are beautiful, and the seasons are like spring, which should be full of fragrance.

The invitation card is the key to unlock the ban, but he was not stopped this time. Cai Kun is usually unknown in the Tenshen Academy, and no one knows him. Li Xiaobai followed the crowd into it very low-key.

"I'm afraid there will be a good show at the celebration banquet today!"

"Many masters entered it, but the core of this battlefield was only captured by an unknown junior. There must be something unknown."

"I've heard that the white pigeons of the Cangtian Baihe faction found a few elite disciples in the inner circle, and wanted to find Cai Kun's troubles in the battlefield. They didn't come out yesterday. Since the core of the battlefield was captured by Cai Kun, I'm afraid The monks of the Baihe clan will not be kind!"

"It's hard to say, Cai Kun's master is Elder Fen Tian, ​​and I heard that he even recognized his adoptive father, so it's not easy to provoke him!"

"Hey, let's just be responsible for eating melons, maybe we can hear some breaking news!"

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