In the peach blossom forest.

All the elite disciples and elders took their seats one after another.

Li Xiaobai also stepped forward, wanting to take the seat, but was blocked by several disciples.

"Stop, are you the inner elite disciples?"


"What cultivation base?"

"Extraordinary Three Heavens!"

Li Xiaobai said proudly with his hands behind his back.

"It's just an extraordinary three-level world?"

"There is no seat for the weak, just go to the back and stand."

The disciple said coldly, those who can have a place are either elders or high-strength disciples, how can there be ordinary disciples.

Li Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect someone to stop him, took out the invitation card and said, "Brother, see clearly that this is written by the dean."

"Where did Lengtouqing come from, forging invitations? Take it down!"

Those disciples looked at the invitation card in Li Xiaobai's hands, and murderous intent suddenly rose in their eyes.

There is only one word of invitation on this invitation, not even a name and address, so don't make it too obvious that it is fake.

Li Xiaobai was restrained immediately with a wave of his hand. Those who can hold hands here are all inner circle disciples, and the lowest cultivation level is the Xiantai level, not the extraordinary level that can be resisted.

"Thank you for your kindness and presence. Today, my Deity Academy celebrates the triumphant return of all elder disciples. It is really a great blessing, and the core key of the forty-ninth battlefield is controlled by my Deity Academy disciples, which can be described as double happiness! "

"The forty-ninth battlefield has entered my academy, and the foundation of the academy will be enriched in the future!"

Before Li Xiaobai could say anything more, Elder Huang stood up on the high seat, cupped his fists and said cheerfully.

"Hahaha, congratulations, congratulations!"

"Which one is Cai Kun, he really deserves to be the disciple of Elder Fen Tian, ​​he really is a boy born of a hero!"

Another elder on the stage said cheerfully. After looking around, he didn't see any disciple standing up to thank him, and he couldn't help frowning for a while.

After they said so much, this disciple didn't even have a reply. He really didn't understand etiquette.

"Who is Cai Kun? He is so majestic that he doesn't even respond to the elder's words!"

"Normal, after all, he is a disciple who has obtained the core of the battlefield, so he should be a little arrogant in his mentality!"

"But it's too much not to answer the elder's words twice in a row. It seems that it really needs to be beaten!"

"What about people, I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate to not show up after such a long time?"

"At the end of the day, he is just a peripheral disciple, and if he has achieved a little by luck, he thinks that he can go straight to the sky, right?"

The four monks watched the embarrassment of the elders, and each of them began to sneer.

This is a good time to curry favor with the elders and suppress that Cai Kun. A peripheral disciple inexplicably obtained the core of the 49th battlefield. Owning a battlefield is enough to make all the disciples jealous and crazy.

I can't wait to suppress it, this banquet has not even started, so I took the initiative to deliver it to my door!

"Brother, the elder called me, if you don't let go, you will be in great trouble!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the few disciples beside him, and said cheerfully.


The disciple scoffed.

"Where is Cai Kun?"

The dean who looked like a scholar also frowned slightly. Could it be that Cai Kun was overwhelmed by the power contained in that letter, so he didn't show up at all?

But it's not right, after all, this guy

"The disciple is here!"

A sound came from the periphery of the crowd, and the monks separated in line to reveal the speaking master.

Several monks looked shocked and stared blankly at the person in front of them. They didn't expect that the other party was telling the truth. This guy is really Cai Kun who has been rumored recently.

"The disciple arrived early in the morning, but he never wanted to be taken down by a few senior brothers. Even if he took out the invitation card, he couldn't prove his identity. There seems to be something wrong with this invitation card!"

Li Xiaobai took out the invitation card and opened it with a smile.


"Who allowed you to block Cai Kun out!"

"Today's celebration banquet was meant to clean up Cai Kun's dust. I didn't expect such a thing to happen. If it spreads, what will be the face of my Deity Academy?"

"Hurry up, invite Mr. Cai Kun to take your seat!"

Before the Dean of Scholars could speak, Elder Huang stood up abruptly and scolded with an angry face.

Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to test it out, but I didn't expect it to be disturbed by a few confused disciples.

"I thought that the disciples in the inner circle were all the elite among the elite, but I didn't expect that Yaohe would make such a low-level mistake. I don't blame them all. If I blame it, I can only blame myself for not being famous enough!"

With a smile on his face, Li Xiaobai walked up to the seats leisurely, and sat down directly at the head of the disciples' seats without any hesitation.

There was a second of silence in the arena, and all the disciples stared blankly at Li Xiaobai. All the seats had already been marked with serial numbers, and the few vacant seats in the front were for true disciples, not for ordinary monks. Sitting directly in the front without looking at it, is it clear that he wants to challenge the majesty of the true biography?

"That's Brother Bodhidharma's position, and he actually took it, aren't you afraid of making him angry?"

"The true biography has always been one step late to the scene, I didn't expect someone to play cards out of common sense today!"

The monks whispered and looked at Li Xiaobai with disgust, doubt and gloating.

"The disciples will keep in mind what the elders said just now. In the future, the disciples must practice diligently and continue to shed their blood for the academy!"

"Set him a small goal first, and then seize a battlefield!"

Li Xiaobai said with his hands behind his back, his face full of arrogance.

"The disciples of the sect are full of vigor and ideals. This is the blessing of the academy. They are good at practicing and can work for the sect in the future!"

The elders looked at each other, a little unable to grasp Li Xiaobai's thoughts, so they could only say a few perfunctory words casually.

"It's just that this ideal is often just an unrealistic fantasy. As a disciple of the academy, you should be more down-to-earth. It is indeed an achievement to win the 49th battlefield, but it does not mean strength."

A few more voices came from the crowd, several young men and women separated from the crowd, and bowed to the many elders and scholar dean, "I have met all the elders, I have met the dean!"

"The disciples and others just finished their mission and went back to the academy to encounter such a happy event, and they are also happy in their hearts. Presumably this one is that Cai Kun?"

"As a peripheral disciple, being able to win a battlefield for the academy is indeed a great achievement. Brother, thank you in advance on behalf of the disciples and elders of the academy, but there seems to be something wrong with your mentality. It is a bit too high-spirited. Temporary luck does not mean strength , the journey of practice should be like walking on thin ice!"

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