Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1463: Hand Over The Battlefield

Li Xiaobai said lightly, just sitting on the chair and looking at the disciple who was talking, he was the only one in the arena who didn't take a seat, his identity was self-evident.

The young man in front of him has a bald head, a golden helmet, a red belt around his waist, and a pair of slender triangular eyes.

There is no doubt that this guy is the true disciple named Bodhidharma. He should have been in the first place but was taken by Li Xiaobai.

"Junior brother, are you sitting in the wrong seat?"

There was a flash of coldness in Bodhidharma's eyes, but he still asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking very humble.

"I didn't make a mistake. Today's celebration banquet is for my younger brother. Of course, it has to be the first place. Senior brother, please move back. Next time senior brother will come back from a battlefield. Junior brother will personally invite you to sit down!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

Bodhidharma's face was livid with anger, the other party's intentions were obvious, he just looked down on him, it was just luck to get a core of the battlefield, it was extremely arrogant to dare to push his nose and face to boss him around.

"Bodhidharma, what your junior brother said is right, move on!"

The elders on the side saw that the atmosphere in the field was a little anxious, so they couldn't help smoothing things over.

Li Xiaobai's behavior may appear to be extremely arrogant and domineering to others, but it is nothing more than normal to the elders of the academy. Every move of this person is in line with the identity of a master, not too over the top, but not low. It's well done, just like a master.

"Today is indeed a clean-up for the many academy monks who entered the forty-ninth battlefield. No matter what the record is, you are all heroes of the academy!"

"You can drink freely, regardless of superiority or inferiority!"

The dean who looked like a scholar smiled and said: "Cai Kun, Elder Xue said yesterday that you are tired and need to rest. Are you okay today?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, "Back to the dean, it's delicious to eat, delicious to drink!"

"That's good. I haven't seen Elder Fen Tian for a long time. Remember to say hello to me when I go back this time."

"I heard that the situation in the forty-ninth battlefield this time is strange. All the monks who entered it were suppressed in their cultivation bases, even the elders of the four gods. Cultivated to gallop in the battlefield?"

"Could it be that you have a special method that allows you to freely use power on the battlefield?"

The Dean of Scholars looked at Li Xiaobai and asked, after a brief greeting, he went straight to the topic.

"Without him, it's just that we pay more attention to the tempering of the physical body on weekdays. For body cultivators of my generation, the forty-ninth battlefield is a place of natural fortune!"

"The disciple suggested that it is imminent for the monks in the academy to pay attention to the tempering of the physical body, otherwise, if they encounter similar situations in the future, I am afraid that they will be as embarrassing as this time."

Li Xiaobai talked about it calmly, with a neither humble nor overbearing tone, as if he was communicating with Fang Ping and others.

This makes many monks who are familiar with Cai Kun even more astonished. He is just a disciple of the Transcendent Third Heaven, and it is nothing more than a provocation against Brother Bodhidharma. I had an illusion that what was in front of me was not the dean and the disciples, but two top experts who had practiced for many years had a conversation.

And what does it mean to temper the physical body? With special blood power, it can be said that it is tempering the strength of the physical body all the time. The stronger the power of the blood, the stronger the physical body. Logically speaking, even if there is a gap, it will not be too outrageous. How could it be possible to crush many elders when entering the battlefield?

"I see. As expected of you, you are the disciple of Elder Fen Tian. It seems that you have been trained a lot on weekdays. However, you must not be taken lightly during the journey of cultivation. Safety is the most important thing. When you enter the battlefield in the future, you must not be careless."

The dean of the academy nodded, and after throwing out such a sentence, he went to drink tea leisurely, without any intention of speaking again.

"Junior, luck is good. At your age and at this stage, it is unimaginable to have such achievements. However, the battlefield is a big deal after all. You must know that owning a battlefield is equivalent to owning a treasure house. There are abundant resources in it. Clear, and there are countless crises lurking, it is easy to go astray if you are a little careless on your own, you might as well hand over the core of this battlefield to the sect, and exchange it with you for corresponding merits, and you can use the merits to be in the sect by yourself. How about exchanging treasures inside the door?"

On the high seat, a skinny man said.

This man has a pair of triangular eyes, a thin figure, and his back seems to be hurt and his sitting posture is a little stiff.

The main event is coming. The celebration banquet is all fake. This is the primary purpose of holding the banquet. The Academy is eyeing the control of the 49th battlefield. How could this level of resources allow him, a disciple of the Transcendent Third Heaven, to control it? .

However, the conditions offered by the other party are really a bit stingy and stingy. If the exchange is successful, the achievements can be exchanged in the academy, and the treasures that can be exchanged for merit points can be precious there. I have to say that these elders are not sincere.

"May I ask what this elder is called?"

"General Yu, the God of War in the academy!"

A smug look flashed in the skinny man's eyes. It can be said that everyone in the surrounding area knows his name and power, but Li Xiaobai's next sentence directly broke his defense.

"Is that General Yu who was picked on?"

"You bastard, you don't know how to be respectful!"


"General Yu is the God of War, how can you, a yellow-mouthed kid, be able to blaspheme!"

Before General Yu could speak, the disciples around him were the first to explode. The God of War is a strong man in the academy, and every God of War is the pillar of the academy.

"Elder, don't get angry. I didn't say this, but my adoptive father, Elder Fen Tian."

Li Xiaobai spread his hands, his face full of innocence.

"Tongyan Wuji, since it's a joke that Elder Fentian said, don't take it too seriously. I didn't expect Elder Fentian to still be so fond of joking after so long!"

"Yes, yes, Elder Fen Tian is still as interesting as before."

Hearing the name of Elder Fen Tian, ​​the disciples were still not moved, but all the elders and masters immediately changed their tone, especially General Yu, a flash of fear clearly flashed in his eyes.

The title of Elder Fen Tian is still useful, and even the elders can be intimidated. The status of the foster father just recognized is not low!

"But jokes are jokes. The resources on the battlefield are the top priority. Junior, if you put them in your place, I'm afraid the excavation will be too slow. Let me wait for the sect masters to settle in and dig mine veins. In the future, the academy will be more prosperous. The more you can protect your growth, why not do it?"

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