Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1464 We Have A Foster Father, Do You Have One?

Li Xiaobai waved his hands, chatting happily.

"Cai Kun, the core of the battlefield is very important. You are only a cultivation base of the extraordinary realm. How can such a weak person keep the treasure? The elders are doing this for your own good. Hand it over to the sect. Maybe General Yu will be able to protect you in the future. You one or two!"

There are true disciples who speak out and say so.

Except for Li Xiaobai, everyone present hopes that the core of the battlefield can be handed over to the sect, because it means that they have more opportunities to share resources.

The academy will develop and mine battlefield resources and transport them back to the sect, so the first batch of beneficiaries will naturally be their true disciples.

You must know that most of the battlefields are mine veins, and precious resources are extremely rare. The elders will not covet too much, but put the mined resources into the academy to feed their disciples. This is naturally a good thing for the monks of the academy. !

"That's right, Cai Kun, you have to see the big picture and think more about the academy!"

"Don't try to swallow the entire battlefield resources just because of your own selfish desires. We are all attached to the academy to survive. If the academy is strong, we can still live and work!"

"That's right, you must not be that white-eyed wolf. If you get the benefits, you will forget your ancestors. Think carefully about who has cultivated you all these years!"

The rest of the disciples also cheered and joined in the fun, hoping that Li Xiaobai could hand over the core of the battlefield. As for what he won't get, it's another matter. Anyway, they are jealous, and they can't just watch this guy win the Tao alone!

Li Xiaobai looked around, and said with a smile, "Since there is a need in the academy, the disciples are naturally willing to do their best. My father-in-law is at the critical point in his alchemy and needs Emperor's blood. If anyone can contribute a few bottles, the core of this battlefield is not worth mentioning! "

"Cai Kun, everyone knows that Elder Fen Tian is exhausted and busy with everything, so don't use him as a shield!"

"If you are sincerely for the academy, you should donate the invincible species at this moment. This object cannot exert its power in your hands, but if it is controlled by the elders of the academy, another God of War will be born. Young people, the situation must be bigger!"

Da Mo opened his mouth and said lightly.

"Brother, I am discussing important matters with the elders. It seems that you have no place to speak here. The most important thing in life is to clarify yourself."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"What did you say?"

Bodhidharma's eyes hardened. It was the first time anyone dared to speak to him like this in the academy for so many years. If there were no elders gathered here, he would definitely not forgive him lightly!

"Brother, what is your identity?"

"I am the true disciple of Elder Huang!"

"This is the gap between you and me. I am the adopted son of Elder Fentian, and you are just a disciple. With all due respect, everyone here is rubbish!"

Li Xiaobai had his hands behind his back, his face full of arrogance, as if he didn't notice the astonished faces around him.

The status of Elder Fen Tian has always been a mystery in the academy. It can be seen that many elders are afraid of him, but he never steps out of Fen Tian Peak, and few people say what kind of existence he is.

In terms of status, it is true that this adopted son is worth more, but no one would be proud of recognizing a father. Seeing Li Xiaobai's face of a villain, many disciples were itching with hatred.

"The core of the battlefield is indeed a major event, and it is indeed inappropriate to make a hasty decision. Why don't you just listen to the dean and ask Elder Fen Tian how about it?"

Above the elder's seat, a voice as gentle as jade sounded, very gentle.

Li Xiaobai looked up, and saw that senior brother Huahua who was holding his hand in front of the Taohuayuan forest that day was actually sitting in a corner, pouring his own drink, without the slightest smell of fireworks.

This guy is actually one of the elders, and he even spoke for him, probably because he contributed a lot of rare seeds before, and gained a lot of favorability in front of this Huahua Senior Brother.

"What Holy Master Peach Blossom said is that we just asked this disciple's opinion beforehand, so Elder Fen Tian naturally went back to say hello. Since that's the case, let's discuss this matter in the long run!"

Elder Huang smoothed things over, tried for a long time and found nothing, but his intuition told him that the Cai Kun in front of him was definitely not simple, and he never showed comfort or panic from the beginning to the end.

Such a calm person is the most terrifying. Young people don't have such a heart. This is an old way that can only be cultivated in the practice world all year round!

"That's right, I'm not here to invite you to a banquet today. General Yu got a top-notch Enlightenment tea tree from the Eleventh Battlefield. You are lucky!"

"The forty-ninth battlefield has won a complete victory. I am the master, and I will give you a chance to break through. You must know that the opportunity to make General Yu bleed is rare, so take advantage of it!"

The Dean of Scholar watched on for a long time before throwing out such a sentence.

General Yu at the side immediately took out a can of tea after hearing this, with neither joy nor sadness on his face, and he couldn't see his inner thoughts.

"General Yu's enlightenment tea?"

"Brought out from the eleventh battlefield?"

"It's probably left over from the ancient times. This is an extremely good treasure!"

The monks became agitated, with crazy expressions on their faces.

Enlightenment tea trees are not uncommon, and even some disciples with deep background will plant them, but they are also enlightenment tea trees, which are divided into three, six or nine grades. The older the age, the more effective they are. This Enlightenment tea tree from the eleventh battlefield is probably After going through endless years, even being contaminated with the breath of the strongest, it is almost certain to get a leaf of this kind of sacred tree and break through.

"It's enlightenment tea again?"

Li Xiaobai didn't feel anything at all. Everywhere he went, someone would bring out Enlightenment tea to entertain him.

Is this stuff really that delicious?

Why can't he spell out the taste at all, it's better to be able to smoke Huazi with one product in the soup!

"This tea tree is very powerful. It's not something you can bear if you drink the whole cup. Three drops for the true disciples, two drops for the inner disciples, and one drop for the outer disciples. Don't be greedy, or your life will be endangered!"

General Yu said coldly.

I didn't see any movement from him, a piece of tea leaf floated out of the tea pot, and without wind, drops of crystal clear water boiled and seeped out, condensed into a ball and wrapped the Enlightenment tea in it, until the whole water ball changed The color of emerald green and yellow is distributed to each disciple.

The elders had no taboos, they just grabbed it in the void, and the Dao Enlightenment tea condensed into a cup by itself, and flowed into their mouths and stomachs.

Everyone closed their eyes and savored it carefully. They didn't know whether it was the effect of enlightenment tea or something else. They actually felt that their understanding was increasing exponentially!

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