Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1465 I Swear In The Name Of My Adoptive Father

"The Enlightenment Tea from the Eleventh Battlefield is so effective?"

"Is this the tea leaves left over from ancient times?"

"No, it seems that there are other scents mixed in, not all the smell of Wudao tea leaves!"

The monks comprehend the good fortune of heaven and earth, but there are layers of faint mist lingering under the tip of their noses, which is not the breath of enlightenment tea.

Opening his eyes, he saw that Li Xiaobai was holding a stick-shaped object in his mouth at the moment, with a look of enjoyment, and the drop of Enlightenment tea assigned to him was actually used to wipe his fingers at this moment!

"It depends on what I do. Wipe off your dirty fingers and continue."

Li Xiaobai glanced at everyone and said calmly.


All the disciples felt as if they had eaten shit, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past in their hearts, you have washed your hands with enlightenment tea, how can you drink this?

Doesn't this mean that what they drink is other people's handwashing water?

In other words, this is a real treasure of Enlightenment tea. This Cai Kun is only a cultivation base of the extraordinary third level. How can he have the courage and courage to act like this? Could it be that the Forty-Ninth Battlefield also has similar treasures?

The monks turned blue when they saw the clouds and mist coming out of his mouth.

"Cai Kun, what are you talking about?"

"Is it also from the Forty-ninth Battlefield?"

Bodhidharma couldn't bear it anymore, and said coldly, even though the smoke was very tempting, he didn't inhale it, once he inhaled it, his value would be lost.

As far as the self-esteem of a strong man is concerned, he is not allowed to eat the leftovers from other people's food, and he must let the other party hand over the treasure voluntarily!

"The name of this thing is Huazi, and it's just something to play with. If Brother Bodhidharma wants it, I'll give you one!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

The field is full of force, pretending like the wind, always with me!

"Where did this Huazi come from?"

"This thing actually has an effect on the four god-peeping realms!"

The eyes of the elders were also shocked, and their noses couldn't help but began to inhale the wisp of smoke floating in the void, looking extremely greedy, and most of the disciples around them were also like this, madly inhaling the second-hand smoke in the void.

The efficacy of this Huazi is too miraculous, just absorbing a ray, they immediately have the feeling of breaking through in place, not only the disciples, but even the elders feel the same way, this is very scary, this shows how much this thing is cherished Far above their imaginations, Li Xiaobai actually took out things of this level as soon as he said they would.

The only explanation is that, as Master Xue said, the disciple in front of him is indeed not Cai Kun himself, but a master who disguised himself and sneaked into the Deity Academy!


Bodhidharma wanted to say something more, but Elder Huang immediately reprimanded him, "Forbidden speech! It's good to realize the magical effect of this Huazi. You are a young generation of masters who want to represent the academy. The opportunity to break through is now. Concentrate on it." Realize!"

"Master, this..."

"Shut up, suck Huazi, and practice the exercises!"

"Hold your words, pump Huazi!"

Elder Huang hated that iron could not be made into steel, and shouted angrily, forcefully holding back the words that Bodhidharma had brought to his lips.

The juniors want to insist on that meaningless arrogance, but the elders are not stupid. This Huazi just took a sip and solved a lot of confusion. It is almost a certainty for the disciples to make a breakthrough in cultivation!

How can you miss a good opportunity because of impulsiveness?

Didn't you see that General Yu, who was still invincible just now, was twitching his nose non-stop at the moment? If it weren't for the presence of many masters, he had no doubt that the opponent would swallow all the smoke that Huazi wafted out.

The other true disciples were reprimanded in the same way, and their faces turned green, as if they had eaten flies.

"Your master is right. This is the opportunity that my younger brother bestowed on you. Don't miss this opportunity because of impulsiveness. We won't give you a second chance if you regret it later."

"It's still not good at learning. If you don't know how to seize the opportunity, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the practice world!"

Li Xiaobai clicked his tongue and sighed, and there was another wave of ridicule while swallowing the clouds, there was no way, Huazi's effect was too good, so good that this group of people was enough to suppress their hatred first.

The faces of the surrounding disciples turned greener, but they didn't say much because of the teacher's reprimand, and the mysterious power contained in the smoke was indeed terrifying, and their comprehension soared, and all the enlightenment tea and the eleventh battlefield were all thrown away. A short minute is better than dozens of days of penance.

The effect is simply not too cool!

Li Xiaobai looked around, all the monks were intoxicated, and even the dean closed his eyes slightly, as if he was perceiving something.

After the cup of tea, the monks slowly opened their eyes one after another.

"Infinite uses!"

"I have a hunch that after I go back today, I'm afraid that I will break through the shackles immediately and be promoted to a new level!"

"This Cai Kun entered the forty-ninth battlefield, as if he has changed himself. Is it true that seizing the core of the battlefield has such an effect?"

The disciples all showed shock on their faces. It was just a small cigarette butt that made them almost break through collectively. This is comparable to the effect of a powerful person preaching!

"Cai Kun!"

"Is this also a treasure from the Forty-ninth Battlefield?"

"With such a treasure, it is enough to make a sect prosper, so hand it over to the academy quickly. If my Deity Academy can get this thing, everyone will be like a dragon!"

Bodhidharma's expression also changed. He regretted that he had just gotten angry with Li Xiaobai, which caused him to take a few mouthfuls of Huazi. This is a god, definitely a god!

If you can take it frequently, there is almost no limit to your cultivation breakthrough, and you only need one sip to be enlightened!

If the forty-ninth battlefield gave everyone a vague feeling, the appearance of Huazi immediately made them realize the reality. This kind of treasure must be shared and must not be held in the hands of another disciple!

"Cai Kun, answer honestly, where did you get this thing?"

Elder Huang asked tremblingly, staring straight at Li Xiaobai, he had basically confirmed in his heart that this person was an unworldly master, and it was really hard to guess what level of master the other party was when he took out such a treasure casually.

"This item was taken from the royal family of Beiliang, only this one, but I know that there are a lot of such treasures in the royal family of Beiliang. Since Brother Damo wants it, you might as well go for it. I think it will be rewarding." .”

Li Xiaobai said lightly that he had offended the royal family of Beiliang the most at the moment, so he simply did nothing to give him a reputation of being guilty.

"The royal family of Beiliang?"

"Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. I swear in the name of my adoptive father. If what I just said is half a sentence false, the old man will be struck with thunder!"

Li Xiaobai said confidently.

"It's no wonder that there hasn't been any rumors in the Beiliang area recently. The old man thought they were hiding the younger disciples. I didn't expect such a treasure to appear!"

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