at the same time.

Not far from the imperial city.

A small group of people is moving forward cautiously.

"Senior sister, why haven't I seen anyone after walking for so long?"

a young man asked.

"It's a good thing not to see people, but if you see them, it's life and death. In this battlefield of the heavens, each fights independently. It's a blessing to be able to avoid the crowd and plunder resources alone!"

A woman in the lead said lightly, her breath was very cold, and it smelled like strangers should not get close.

"That's right, Junior Brother Hua, don't be crowed. The old thing has explained before going out this time. The battlefield is not a battlefield of a certain domain or a few domains, but the entire fairyland of the younger generation can enter. There are countless masters in the world, so don't be careless!"

A strong bald man behind said in a low voice.

"Hmph, I haven't seen any masters before, so I don't believe there is a realm stronger than my Heavenly God Realm?"

"Even if the young masters from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and the top ten restricted areas come out together, I will not be afraid!"

"If you want me to say that we are too cautious, with our senior sister's cultivation base, we should push it all the way, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!"

The young man's eyes showed disdain. He came from the Heavenly God Realm, a piece of soil under the feet of the gods. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a place where all nations come to court. In their eyes, except for the Heavenly God Realm, the others are all backcountry.

"Don't be careless, this is an opportunity to get to know the sons of the forbidden areas!"

The leading woman scolded, there was an explanation from the clan when they came here, and it was their main task to find out the strength of these old enemies, especially the mysterious forbidden zone called the extremely evil pure land, which was listed as the youngest in recent years. The forbidden zone has only hundreds of years of history, but like a comet, no one knows its true identity.

If there are monks fighting in this area, she must get the first-hand information!

Just as a few people were exploring, the sky in the distance suddenly brightened, and a beam of golden light shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.

Precious light blooms in the void and turns into various totems, which are so mysterious that no one can understand them.

"This is... a strange treasure was born!"

"And it's not far from us, go quickly, don't be caught by others!"

The woman made a judgment in an instant, her hands turned into a blue color and tore through the void, and several people disappeared inside.

After a few breaths.

At the foot of the imperial city, the void was damaged without warning, and a large crack opened. A group of young men and women came out, looking around cautiously.

There were also a few teams that appeared together, all of them were young masters from the surrounding area, and they rushed over the moment they noticed Baoguang.

"Ma De, the senior sister is moving so fast, they can still keep up!"

The young man spat secretly and cursed.

"Hush, you are a cultivator from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, don't act recklessly!"

The woman frowned slightly and scolded in a low voice.

Not far away, a group of monks appeared in a crack in the void, all dressed in monk robes and cassocks, and the expressions of compassion on their faces came from the place where the Buddha's light shines everywhere.

The rest of the monks who came out of the cracks in the void were not good, and they all came from the strengths of the major domains.

"Senior sister, look at the city gate!"

The young man pointed at the gate of the imperial city and shouted. At this moment, he saw a few monks lying crookedly outside the gate.

And inside the city gate, there was a figure looking up to the sky and screaming.

"Hahaha, the baby belongs to me alone, and none of you can get it!"

The voice was a little crazy, causing the monks around to stop.

This is also a young man, holding a three-foot green spear in his hand, stepping on a golden chariot, with disheveled hair, looking a little embarrassed.

"May I ask where is this place, brother?"

"What happened here just now?"

A bald monk with a benevolent brow and a kind face said with a smile, his voice was thick and full of air, his face was full of concern but he never took a step forward.

He was very cautious, looking at the few people lying on the ground whose life and death were unknown, he did not dare to rush there.

"Who are you?"

Li Xiaobai stood on the golden chariot, looking nervous at the monks constantly appearing around him.

"Who are you, who sent you here?"

"The treasures of this imperial city belong to me alone, and no one can touch them!"

"Don't worry, little brother, the poor monk and the others have no malicious intentions. The poor monk came from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. He heard howls from here before, so he came here to have a look!"

"Amitabha, monks don't tell lies, poor monks and others just want to cure diseases and save people, they won't compete for resources!"

The kind-hearted monk said cheerfully.

"Baldy, this city is weird, there must be a treasure born, first enter the city and then talk about it!"

A man in golden helmet and armor said lightly, his eyes were like torches, trying to see through everything in the imperial city.

"I'll see who dares!"

"Whoever dares to enter the city, these dead bodies are a lesson for you!"

"You have to know that among them are masters who have the realm of the ethereal second level. If you want to compete with a certain family for treasures, you should first weigh your own strength!"

Li Xiaobai was furious, but he was overjoyed, just waiting for this sentence, as long as these guys rush into the imperial city, the bronze fairy armor will kill all the intruders in an instant.

And he can also take the opportunity to judge what is the root of this imperial city that distinguishes him from other monks.

"Hahahaha, Void Spirit Second Layer, did you hear what he said?"

"It's just the second level of the ethereal spirit, and it's trying to block my steps!"

"I thought it was so powerful, kill it!"

The man in the golden helmet and the golden armor seemed to have heard some joke, pointed the spear in his hand at the imperial city, and followed with all the monks behind him.

From their point of view, the only place where there might be a problem is this ancient city, but since the opponent is alive and kicking inside the city gate, it means that at least there is nothing wrong with the city gate and they can rush to kill.

Seeing this, several monks from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss also followed closely behind, but they said, "Almsgiver, please stop, don't hurt your peace!"

"Senior sister, let's go there quickly!"

"There are more wolves and less meat, so you won't even be able to drink soup when it's late!"

The young man not far away looked at his senior sister and said.

"Wait a minute, I always feel that something is wrong here!"

The woman stopped the people behind her who were about to move around. At first glance, this was indeed a very normal situation in the practice world. It happened almost every day, but her intuition told her that something was wrong!

"What could be the matter, you see this kid is alive and kicking around in the city, and those two bronze armors didn't behave in the slightest..."

The young man was a little impatient, but he was abruptly choked back halfway through his words.

The moment the golden-armored monk stepped into the city, the two bronze battle armors at the city gate shook violently, and a sword glow went straight into the sky, turning into a sharp blade that covered the sun and slashed at several people head-on. .

"Damn it, this bronze armor is alive, retreat quickly!"

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