The golden-armored monk's scalp exploded, and the moment the bronze armor moved, he felt an unprecedented terrifying aura descending, which was a power far beyond common sense.

A three-foot green front condensed above the head of one of the bronze armors, rose against the wind, and fell towards the monks below without any consideration.

"Hey, there is something wrong with these two bronze armors, this kid is trying to kill me!"

"Uncle Amitabha, that Buddha, retreat quickly!"

The dozen or so figures rushing forward could no longer stop the car, so it was too late to turn around and leave.

The soaring bronze sword qi slashed down, and the majestic aura instantly divided the earth into two, and the figures of the golden-armored monk and others were cut to pieces.

After doing all this, the sword energy dissipated, and the imperial city returned to calm, as if what happened just now had never happened.

Looking at the huge gully that opened on the ground, a group of young men and women who hid far away swallowed their saliva.

"Who said just now that there are more wolves and less meat?"

The leading female cultivator asked.

"Junior Brother Hua, don't talk about such provocative words in the future, if it weren't for the wave of senior sister's vigilance, we would have explained everything in it!"

The bald man patted the youth on the shoulder and said.

"This is a game, but who is that young man, why was he able to enter the city, and why didn't those bronze armors attack him?"

The female cultivator pondered, unable to figure out the key point, so she just observed secretly.

I saw that the few monks who were lying on the surface without life all stood up at this moment, groped around the ravine, and then joined the young man.

"These people are indeed in the same group. They pretended to attract the monks around them, and then used the two bronze armors in the ancient city to kill all the intruders. What a vicious heart!"


Outside the imperial city.

Li Xiaobai joined Bodhidharma and the others, the power of the bronze armor was unpredictable, under the sword aura just now, even people and treasures were wiped out, and there was no loot left.

But the focus of several people is obviously not here.

"Did you hear that?"

"The Void Spirit Second Layer people don't pay attention to them at all. Do you know those people just now?"

Li Xiaobai asked, frowning slightly. He felt that the matter was not simple. The realm of the younger generation of monks in the Immortal God Realm seemed to be different from what Bodhidharma said!

"Those monks are young masters from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. As for where the golden-armored monk came from, I don't know."

Zhao Haichuan frowned and said.

"Brother Dharma, didn't you say that you know all the young masters in the fairy world? Why are these people so different from what you said?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Bodhidharma and asked.

"I'm talking about the Twelve Realms of the Extremely Evil Pure Land. Who knew that the cultivators of the Extremely Blissful Pure Land also came..."

Bodhidharma obviously lacked confidence. The wave of troops just now had a severe blow to his confidence. If it weren't for the two bronze armors, he might have confessed here today.

Li Xiaobai was speechless, this Bodhidharma's words were too watery, he didn't know the realm of the few people just now, but they obviously surpassed the level of the imaginary realm, and they might be in the realm of the four gods like the elders of the Tianshen Academy.

"But why are you safe and sound when you enter the city?"

Bodhidharma couldn't help asking, this is the most puzzling question for him, anyone who goes in is a dead word, why can this guy come and go freely?

"Maybe it's because I'm more handsome and handsome."

Li Xiaobai is also puzzled by this question, and can only draw such a conclusion temporarily. "There are still a few fish that slipped through the net over there, we were discovered!"

Zhao Haichuan pointed to a group of hideaway monks on the other side and whispered.

"Don't worry about it, I feel that this city is not simple, let's make another big one."

Li Xiaobai said with a final decision.

"If you want to die, don't drag us. City restrictions are useless to you. You just have to explore by yourself. We are one step ahead."

Bodhidharma said coldly, the cultivators in this battlefield are all unfathomable, and he will no longer pretend to give up his life to others.

"But now those who come here are far from knowing the extremely evil Pure Land monks, and there are more foreign masters. If they don't stay with me, are they not afraid of losing their lives?"

"This city is indeed terrifying, but as long as we find the key to it, this is the source of our blessings!"

Li Xiaobai said unhurriedly, not worried that these people would run away at all.

To be honest, he was terrified when he saw the cultivation base of that group of people just now, and he became more determined not to leave the city.

"the last time……"


After a few breaths.

Another golden beam of light shot straight into the sky, this time it was even more exaggerated. On the golden pillar of light was carved a dragon painting style, and there were faintly moving stars, which was mysterious and unpredictable.

It's just that all of these are special effects, without any real effect, but they are enough to attract monks.

In the distance, the group of young men and women looked at the scene in front of them with extremely complicated expressions.

"Senior sister, they are fishing, what should we do, should we withdraw?"

The young man looked at the group of people who were busy not far away, his eyes were full of horror. While they were still thinking about how to evade the monks to obtain resources, someone actually started to murder the strong with great fanfare!

"I can't withdraw. There is a big secret hidden in this imperial city. We must have been discovered, but since people don't care about it, just wait and see what happens!"

The leading female monk said lightly.

She is extremely curious about Li Xiaobai, such a monk who can enter and leave the ancient city at will, and who is not afraid to face a powerful disciple like the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and can act calmly, his own strength and cultivation must not be underestimated.

It is very likely that she is above her. It really is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in the battlefield of the heavens, which should not be underestimated!

"For the future journey, we need to walk on the wrong path. There are really people out there. If you make a wrong step, you may die!"

"Yes, Senior Sister!"


The golden beam of light above the sky only lasted for one breath, and it was almost fleeting. If this little trick evolved too much, it would show its feet, but for those with advanced cultivation bases, one breath is enough.

Minutes after the end of the month.

A few more cracks appeared outside the imperial city, and groups of monks with different makeup came out slowly, with deep breaths and bewitching colors in their eyes.

A little farther away, there are more cracks and landslides in the sky, and a large number of monks walked out.

This time Bodhidharma and the others did not pretend to be dead, but waited outside the city gate together with Li Xiaobai, looking at the figures constantly appearing behind them, they said in their hearts that it was a lie if they were not afraid.

Li Xiaobai whispered, "Did you see, everyone here can tear apart the void, what kind of cultivation does this have?"

"Above the four god-seeing realms, since it may be the realm of the gods, why don't we retreat first?"

Bodhidharma began to back down. To be honest, he hadn't seen the void being torn apart a few times in the Deity Academy.

"Don't panic, we have bronze battle armor, look at me for a while and act..."

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