"Which domain are you monks from? Have you ever found any abnormalities here?"

A young man carrying a huge judge's pen asked Bodhidharma.

"Ah... no... I didn't notice anything unusual."

Bodhidharma is very nervous, this is not pretending, he is really nervous, he thought that the cultivation base of the second level of the ethereal spirit is enough to run wild here, but he did not expect that a random person's cultivation base is much higher than his .

What happened to this world?

Are all the monks outside the territory so awesome?

"Have you ever noticed anything unusual?"

"I can see the golden beam of light just now. Could it be that I'm blind? I'm a monk in the Yuanxing domain, and I'm all looking for money. How about fair competition?"

The young man reached out and took off the judge's pen, his eyes were full of blood, but the words on his mouth were very gentle.

"Yuan Xingyu?"

"Amitabha, I didn't expect to meet a monk from Linyuan's restricted area in this first battle. It's really interesting!"

Another monk walked forward slowly, with burn marks on his face, his eyes were closed tightly, and tears were streaming from the corners of his eyes, which looked very strange.

"An eminent monk from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?"

"Amitabha, all benefactors, the poor monk felt a ray of Buddha's radiance in this city, and guessed that the treasures here are destined for my Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Today, I would like to ask all benefactors to save face, how about giving the treasures of this place to the poor monk?"

"The right is that the poor monk owes you a favor."

The monk, who was crying all the time, clasped his hands together and said gently.

"It's nonsense, so what about the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, it's just a group of flower monks!"

The judging pen in the young man's hand outlined the talisman, and bursts of majestic aura poured out of it.

"It's important to get the treasure first, this city is weird, look what that man is doing!"

A monk at the side reminded him that there was actually a young man inside the city gate who was leaning over and talking with the two bronze armored men, and then he took out a space ring and placed it on the ground

"You need to pay a fee to enter the city!"

When the monks saw this scene, they immediately came back to their senses, and shouted at the young man at the city gate, "Boy, what did you give him!"

"It's nothing, these two masters said that those who enter the city will be killed without mercy, so they dare not enter the city!"

At the gate of the city, Li Xiaobai waved his hands again and again, looking frightened.

"Ask him why, just take it down!"

A monk was about to make a move, and in a flash, he came to Li Xiaobai. Just as he was about to make a move, the bronze armor trembled again, and a three-foot green front shot out, passing by several people, and between breaths, The head fell to the ground, blood spattered three feet.

After doing all this, the bronze armor returned to normal.

There was silence in the field, and everyone's mouths opened involuntarily. There is such a horror in the battlefield of the heavens. Just now, the sword energy made their hair stand on end. It was a power beyond common sense, enough to wipe Flatten everything.

"Who is the guard of this city gate, who actually has such a terrifying method!"

"By the way, the young man just paid the entrance fee, so the bronze armor didn't embarrass him. Do we have to follow the rules?"

"It should be so. There is great terror in this city, and there must be great opportunities!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai's peaceful appearance, a group of monks couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

They arrived late, so they didn't know how much the entrance fee should be paid, but seeing that Li Xiaobai just took out a space ring directly, the supplies they wanted to pay were only a lot!

"Amitabha, the benefactors were rude just now, how much does this benefactor need to pay to enter the city?"

"The poor monk is eager to seek the Buddha's treasure, and I hope this benefactor can give some pointers!"

The monk, who was still crying, put his palms together in a gesture of compassion, and said to Li Xiaobai.

"Master, if you persuade them not to approach this city, they will become unlucky!"

Li Xiaobai also clasped his hands together, and began to dissuade the monk from his extravagant thoughts.

"Amitabha, this statement is wrong. There are dangers everywhere in this city. The poor monk Guan Xiaoyou seems to have the intention to enter it, and is willing to go together!"

"As the saying goes, saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell will go to hell. Since the poor monk can't persuade the little friend to turn back, he will escort the little friend Zhou Quan all the way. If he encounters a strong enemy, let him kill the poor monk first !"

The tears in the corners of the monk's eyes flowed even more fiercely, and he looked like he was going to follow him to the death, which made Li Xiaobai get goosebumps all over his body.

The monk felt that there was something wrong with his brain, and he didn't look very bright.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, this guy must know something, these are your companions outside, tell me the secret of this ancient city, otherwise I will send you down to reunite later!"

The young monk holding the judge's pen pointed at Li Xiaobai and said sharply.

An invisible sense of crisis rose from Li Xiaobai's heart. The feeling of being firmly locked in by others was uncomfortable, but it was worthwhile to dig a wave of resources for success.

"Don't, don't, these are my siblings, fellow Taoists, please let them go!"

"Just now, I have a feeling that I have a close relationship with these two bronze armors, and I got the two seniors to enter the secret through sound transmission. The cost of entering the city can be whatever you want, as long as you are sincere, you can enter."

Li Xiaobai was so frightened that he waved his hands again and again, looking scared.

"Sincerity is enough?"

"No specific amount?"

"Boy, how much did you pay, are you trying to deceive us?"

The young monk who pointed to the judge's pen frowned slightly and asked.

"Senior brother, I'm timid, and half of my belongings are here."

Li Xiaobai pointed to the space ring on the surface and said, the meaning is obvious, all the payment fees are placed in front of the city gate.

"Go up and try!"

The judge pen youth pushed a monk beside him out. The young monk also seemed a little trembling, and took out a space ring and placed it on the ground.

He bowed to the two bronze battle armors, and then walked cautiously towards the city.


Another three-foot green peak swept across, and a bloody head flew up, splashing blood on the spot.

Everyone was shocked, this time they were engrossed, but they couldn't even see the movement of the bronze armor clearly.


"It really doesn't work!"

"It really depends on your heart? Doesn't it mean that the amount of fees paid varies from person to person?"

The judge pen youth frowned, this is the most difficult to deal with, if you give too much, you will lose, and if you give too little, you will not be able to get in.

"Go over and give me more!"

The monks in the rest of the team also started to act. They understood the rules and paid the entrance fee, but no one was willing to pay more. If they paid less than half of their wealth like Li Xiaobai, the loss outweighed the gain.

I can only test a little bit, hoping that someone can test the bottom line of the bronze guard.


There was constant buzzing in the arena, and the bronze battle armor continued to shoot, heads were thrown high, blood stained the ground, and silenced groups of monks.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Xiaobai couldn't help clasping his hands together, making a gesture of compassion, "Amitabha, so good, master, you see so many monks died, why don't you go to hell?"

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