Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 150 Qilin Divine Beast Two Dogs

The truck ran wildly all the way, Er Gouzi cursed, and the steering wheel flew up.

But the people behind were getting closer and closer, they had already settled within a hundred meters, and they would catch up in a while.

Half an hour ago, Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing didn't want to waste the precious truck resources in their hands. After all, they negotiated with Li Xiaobai for more than a month before they got such an opportunity to experience it first-hand.

So they decided to make a big deal.

Driving a big truck and hitting people around, rushing wherever there are many monks, killing a lot of people.

The list rankings on the small tokens are also improving rapidly.

It was fun just now, but after a while, Er Gouzi realized that something was wrong, and rushed into several groups of monks one after another. It saw the same person, and it was obvious that he was being targeted.

After realizing that there was nothing they could do about each other, Er Gouzi began to flee.

But at the same time, more than a dozen monks rushed out from all directions at the same time, following the truck from a distance, unable to figure out the other party's purpose.

Er Gouzi's heart was trembling, Li Xiaobai was not around, he was a little uncertain.

In the process of escaping, it heard the conversation of several people behind it. It seemed that the target was itself, and it wanted to capture itself into a place called Huolin Cave. The name is not a good place.

Commander Ji Wuqing slammed on the gas pedal and ran all the way.

Behind, more than a dozen monks followed the truck unhurriedly, not to say that they were incapable of catching up, they just wanted to observe more.

"Mr. Chen, capturing the Qilin beast is a big deal. Do you want to ask Huolin Cave for instructions? We also have a team in the secret realm. Do you want to recruit them together?" someone asked.

"No, don't you understand the principle of disagreement? This Qilin beast has not yet grown up. Let's bring it back to the Huolin Cave. Then we will be the first-class creditors. Why let those guys get involved!"

A white-haired old man in the lead said lightly.


"Also, this mount is also extraordinary. Even the old man can't see the way in it, and can't sense the slightest sign of life. It's really strange. Don't hurt the mount when you take a shot later. Take it back to study and study together."

The old man continued.

He was very excited, the resonance from the blood in his body was unmistakable, it was a Qilin!



On the truck, Er Gouzi stared closely at the figure behind him, and when he saw a dozen or so monks spread out and disappear in place, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Wow, it's too bad, those people are going to attack, charge, charge!"

"Hehe, the gas pedal has been pressed to the bottom, what else do you want?"

Ji Wuqing yelled at the voice of the male duck, it was all due to the bad idea of ​​this stupid dog, now he has caused a lot of trouble, he will not be killed, will he?

"Wang, grandma, you're really here!"

Er Gouzi jumped, and someone slapped the window beside him. Although he didn't break the defense, the powerful force forcibly changed the direction of the truck.

The horn in the car was honked loudly, Er Gouzi tried to frighten the other party with the sound of the horn in exchange for breathing time.

It's a pity that these are all in vain. It ran into a well-trained team. The opponent did not attack by force, but used various means to fight a war of attrition, trying to block the truck's forward momentum.

Er Gouzi saw the other party's thoughts, and his heart tightened.

"Wang, Mrs. Wu, don't stay on the sidelines, hand over all the spirit stones on your body!" Er Gouzi roared.

Ouyang Shuang'er was taken aback, and said tremblingly, "Ergou...Brother Dog, all the treasures on the little girl have been taken away by Mr. Li."

It's true, the shoes have been taken away, and now she is still barefoot.

Er Gouzi got angry, "Wow, I'm so angry, Li Zi missed a big deal!"

"Broken chicken, hurry up, Mr. Ergouzi knows that you have something private, hurry up and take it out, or everyone will die!"

A look of struggle appeared on Ji Wuqing's face below, and finally she turned her heart, opened her mouth and spit out three high-grade spirit stones, and reluctantly threw them into the mailbox.

This is the wealth it has collected during this period of time.

"Mo Dan, you poor man, you have missed the important event of Mr. Er Gouzi!"

Seeing that Ji Wuqing only had three high-grade spirit stones, Er Gouzi's heart sank. Three high-grade spirit stones could not solve any problems at all, and could only delay their escape.

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the roof, and someone went up!

"Heck, you bastard, if it wasn't for you to do something, how could this deity be targeted by people. This deity sees that these people are looking for you, why don't you just get out of the car, this deity will drive to Li Xiaobai to rescue you Yes!" Ji Wuqing said.

"Wang, shut up, if Lord Ergouzi can survive today, I will be the first to roast you!"

Er Gouzi bared his teeth and grinned, his face ferocious.

It clearly saw that a white-haired old man behind him was about to make a move.

"Qilin secret technique!"

The old man pinched the seal with his hand, and the scorching breath swept across. Behind him, a huge fiery Qilin primordial spirit manifested, and the roar resounded through the sky.

Er Gouzi felt that his hair had a slight tendency to burn.

The interior of the carriage instantly turned into a huge stove, dry and hot.

There is an air conditioner in the truck to cool down the temperature, but it also needs to spend spirit stones, and there is a serious shortage of spirit stones now, so they cannot be wasted.

Huo Qilin caught up with the truck, bypassed the front of the truck, and stretched out two paws to resist the impact of the truck.

Although the truck was still rushing forward, its speed slowed down instantly.

Moreover, the fuel consumption on the fuel gauge suddenly doubled or more. Er Gouzi finally understood why Li Xiaobai cheated Lingshi all kinds of things on weekdays. Feelings, which seem very cool, are just a gold-swallowing thing. beast.

Playing like this, it feels like you can't play without hundreds of high-grade spirit stones.

After a few breaths, the speed of the truck gradually slowed down. Under the exhaustion of the huge fire Qilin, the fuel gauge finally returned to zero and stopped in an empty place.

More than a dozen monks quietly appeared around the truck, forming a siege and besieging Er Gouzi.

In the cockpit, Er Gouzi was at a loss what to do, the truck had no spirit stones, it lost its support and could only be slaughtered.

Ji ruthlessly shrank by the gas pedal, trying to reduce her sense of existence, and Ouyang Shuang'er did the same. She felt that she had suffered a disaster for no reason, and she had nothing to do with her hair, but was blocked by someone inexplicably.

If there is a next time, kill him and not ride in the same car with the broken dog.

"Old man Chen Ping of Huolin Cave, please follow me back to the mountain with the holy beast!" The white-haired old man cupped his fists and said flatly.

Er Gouzi was stunned, is it a holy beast?

Why don't you know?

"Wang, your lord Ergouzi doesn't like this. Today, lord Ergouzi admits that he will be killed and scratched, so please listen to me!"

Er Gouzi put his heart to one side, and said viciously, it is just a rookie, and there is no possibility of escaping.

The old man frowned slightly, "You have ancient Qilin blood, how can you call yourself a dog, don't lose your value, quickly follow me back to the mountain, accept the baptism, and become a member of my Huolin Cave!"

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