"Qilin blood?"

"Master Ergouzi is an ancient beast?"

Er Gouzi was completely stunned, why didn't he know that he was a Qilin beast, and if he was a Qilin beast, why would he be so weak?

In the car, Ouyang Shuang'er and Ji Wuqing were all shocked. This Ergouzi who can only brag and swear is actually a Qilin beast?

Damn, how does this thing get along with the Qilin beast?

"That's right, I'm a monk from Huolin Cave, the blood of the Qilin beast flows in my body, I can't be wrong, you are Qilin!"

Chen Ping said very firmly.

The dozen or so monks around were also serious, not joking at all.

"The divine beast is a gift from heaven, not something a pig or a dog can compare to. From now on, there is no need to say the word Er Gouzi. Let me go back to the mountain."

Chen Ping didn't wait for Er Gouzi to react, stretched out a hand, grasped it from a distance, and firmly fixed it in the void.

"Wang, Master Er Gouzi is a supreme existence, how dare you treat me like this!" Er Gouzi barked.

Chen Ping frowned, it was a shame that the Qilin beast barked like a dog.

Stretch out a finger, tap lightly in the void, seal Er Gouzi's mouth, and ingest it out of thin air.

Let Er Gouzi punch and kick in the void, Chen Ping said, "Qilin beast is a sign of auspiciousness, every word and deed of the beast represents the most core etiquette in the world, and you must not do whatever you want. Such an ugly appearance, don't let it happen again." Do!"

"When you return to Huolin Cave this time, the beasts must grow up as soon as possible. When you start the bloodline inheritance, you will clarify your identity and open up the memories of the ancient times. In this world, there are more than one beasts with the bloodline of Qilin. You will gather together. Compete with each other until the strongest is produced!"

Chen Ping said slowly.

"Wang, old man, how can you decide the future of Lord Ergouzi!"

Er Gouzi's expression was not angry, but he was already caught, unable to resist.

"Shut up, Qilin bloodline, divine beast of destiny, how can you say such vulgar words, from today on, you are not allowed to speak again, until the moment your memory comes back to life!"

A trace of sullenness flashed across Chen Ping's face. Which one of the beasts of Qilin's bloodline has eyes above the top and is full of nobility.

Among the monsters, if anyone is related to Qilin, they are all kings among the monsters, and their status is respected. How can there be anyone like this Qilin beast in front of him, who is like a dude!

With a trick in his hand, Er Gouzi's mouth was completely sealed.

Ouyang Shuang'er was panicking in the car, Qilin divine beast, bloodline inheritance, the competition among the divine beasts to choose the overlord, she seemed to have heard something great.

This kind of secret related to the sect's background, the other party actually said it out in front of her without any scruples. There is only one possibility, the other party has no intention of keeping alive.

She is only a half-step Nascent Soul cultivation base, not even a Nascent Soul stage, facing such a master can only be slaughtered.

Sure enough, after old Chen threw Ergouzi Wuhuadati to the monk behind him, he turned his gaze to the location of the big truck.

"I also took this mount back with me. It is very rare for a mount that can withstand the old man's fire Qilin Yuanshen."

Mr. Chen carefully perceived the heavy truck. The mount did not show any signs of life, and there was no trace of burning at the part where Qilin's paw slapped just now.

The strength of this mount is incredible, not an ordinary monster!

"The woman in there..."

asked the monk on the side.

"Just kill it."

Old Chen waved his hand impatiently and said casually.

In an instant, Ouyang Shuang'er in the passenger seat felt like falling into an ice cave.

"Senior, the youngest daughter is the daughter of the lord of the Zhenyuan Kingdom. My father has a good relationship with Zhongzhou Xingtianzong. Please let the little girl go for my father's sake."

"My little girl is willing to swear with her Dao heart that what happened today will never be rumored!"

Ouyang Shuang'er couldn't sit still anymore, she climbed out of the car in a little panic, her body trembling uncontrollably.


"The daughter of Zhenyuan Kingdom has a good relationship with Xing Tianzong, so what?"

"Xing Tianzong is nothing, and he deserves to save face with the old man. Even when the sword demon was alive, he would not dare to make trouble in front of me in Huolin Cave."

Old Chen said calmly, his eyes full of disdain.

After waving his hand, the cultivator on the side stepped forward, his palms turned fiery red, and scales bulged up, grabbing at Ouyang Shuang'er.

Feeling the scorching heat blowing towards her face, Ouyang Shuang'er felt desperate, and she was too aggrieved to die. If she had known this, she should have set off with Grandpa Huang.

"Father and mother, the child is not filial, so he cannot be filial at your knees."

Ouyang Shuang'er closed her eyes, tears rolled down her cheeks.

in the cockpit.

Ji Wuqing lay on the seat, smoked a Huazi, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring, as if she had made up her mind.

From the gap under the driver's seat, a small piece of high-grade spirit stone was picked out, which was its last private money.

"Hehe, it was originally intended to be used in an emergency, but it should be considered an emergency now."


Er Gouzi stared at the monk who was about to kill Ouyang Shuang'er. He had never felt so powerless.

Although this Ouyang Shuang'er is just a passerby, but after getting along for a long time, it can be regarded as having some feelings, not to mention that the other party died because of him, and it feels very angry.


Shocking roars and hisses pierced the sky, and the aura of antiquity erupted from the truck, sweeping the audience.

As the powerful pressure descended, all the Huolin Cave monks present felt their hearts tense, the Qilin blood flowing in their bodies suddenly froze, and the primordial spirit faintly trembled.

The monk in front of Ouyang Shuang'er suddenly turned pale, and the fiery red scales receded like a tide.

When touching Ouyang Wushuang, it turned into an ordinary human palm.

"This is blood suppression!"

"The aura of antiquity far surpasses the blood of creatures in ancient times. What kind of creature is this mount!"

Old Chen was shocked. It was incredible that the giant steel beast in front of him could suppress their blood. You must know that even the ancient beasts like the golden-winged rocs could not achieve such a degree of blood coercion.

It's almost like a symptom that only appears when facing the ancestor.

"Stand back, run the exercises, and activate Qilin's blood!"

Elder Chen quickly issued an order.

Ouyang Shuang'er was a little stunned, and suddenly she didn't have to die, which made her feel like she was on a roller coaster.

But at this moment, the familiar voice of a male duck came from inside the carriage.

"Hehe, Er Gouzi, this honorable Ji Wuqing has come to save you!"

In the compartment, a colorful bird swooped up, rose against the wind, and instantly turned into a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun.

Wearing a purple gold phoenix crown, wearing a golden armor, dragging a slender and slender colorful phoenix feather.

On the bird's beak, the dazzlingly brilliant flames frantically flickered, and even the surrounding temperature was a little higher.

Falcon-like eyes fixedly stared at the Huolin Cave master next to Er Gouzi.

Everyone gasped, "This is a fucking phoenix!"

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