Li Xiaobai's face was about to distort into an embarrassing shape, this is worse than eating a fly, this is really special stuffed eating shit!

And it's still shit, a jar of old shit, who made it, and who buried it, what a damn bad luck!

The avatar looked indifferent, and asked mysteriously, "Have you tasted it yet?"

"What's the product?"

Li Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, and asked involuntarily.

"Don't you feel the smell of this baby is very familiar?"

The avatar closed his eyes, as if he was reminiscing, Li Xiaobai's heart was surging when he saw it, and he really savored this product carefully, but the other party's words also reminded him, this kind of operation is a little familiar.

It seems that he has seen similar behaviors in the Fairy Continent before. It was Er Gouzi. When we first met, this guy took him all over the street, just to see its spoils.

Now this familiar operation is back again, the Terran Emperor City, the place where brothers and sisters have been, there is no doubt that this poor dog has also been here, and this piece of shit belongs to it!

Deliberately depicting the arrow guide, still so out of tune, after some manipulations, I thought I could find some treasures, but I didn't expect to see only such a thing.

But this also reveals an important message, Er Gouzi once stayed here!

"Okay, this matter doesn't need to be savored. I want to know that all those people gathered here. The key lies in where this place leads, and where this human emperor town is guarding before it turns into debris."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand. He has no clue about this matter, and no useful clues can be found. It is rumored that there is a secret hidden in the battlefield of the heavens, which leads to the ancient road to the starry sky. Below this endless abyss, it's just that the unknown darkness is not something that his mere Void Spirit First Layer can set foot in.

"I just don't know where the core of the battlefield of the heavens is. It would be perfect if it is also in this imperial city."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart and returned the same way, but this was undoubtedly his daydream. The core of the battlefield was located in the center of the battlefield. This imperial city was far away and no one had seen it before, so it was obviously not in the central area.



"I don't know how to gain?"

Outside the city gate, all the monks looked forward to it, and when they saw Li Xiaobai appear, all of them showed surprise on their faces.

"Ah... a lot of harvest."

Li Xiaobai looked up, and couldn't help shivering. There was a huge black area outside the imperial city, and there were crowds of people moving there. Void cracks were constantly tearing in the distance, and monks entered the field continuously.

In the half an hour since he left, the monks were all transmitting voices to their respective forces, and in just a short while, hundreds of people had gathered.

They were all stationed outside the city, staring at the front with staring eyes. Li Xiaobai's scalp was numb. Naturally, he would not be afraid of anything in the imperial city, but there was a limit after all. When he returned, the battlefield of the heavens would open again. Many monks hold hands, how should he go back?

Visually, they are all comparable to the cultivation level of the elders of the Deity Academy.

"Thank you, brother!"

"Fellow daoists are working hard!"

"It's a blessing, not a disaster, to have such a warm-hearted existence in my fairy world!"

Amidst the laughter and laughter, Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, and with a click, a large wave of stones rolled to the ground, just like the one given to the crying monk before.

The laughter and laughter stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere in the field froze and fell into silence.

Everyone's complexions gradually became ugly, staring at the rolling stones on the ground, bloodthirsty light bloomed in the depths of their eyes.

"Brother, what is the meaning of this, why does everyone just get a stone?"

"I'm not as savvy as the master, so it's more reliable to get some rare resources!"

A monk said.

"Emperor City's special product, the Emperor's Blood Stone, a stone that has been bathed in the Emperor's blood, is helpful for understanding the Dao of Heaven and Earth."

Li Xiaobai opened his mouth and said, there is not even a hair in the imperial city, it is indeed rich in stones, there are ruins everywhere, and there are a lot of them at random.

The monks were silent again. The stone was just an ordinary stone. There was indeed blood on it, and it was indeed possible that it was stained with the blood of the powerful past. It's just a bloody stone.

"Brother, isn't he playing tricks on me?"

"The battlefields of the heavens, the creatures of the imperial city, and the resources of defrauding monks. All I have given are the resources needed for the four parts to see the realm of the gods and reach the realm of the gods. Daoists even have these in their pockets. The cultivation base should not be high, right?"

A young man who followed Judgment Pen had burning murderous intent in his eyes. He had also given resources just now. If he hadn't taken care of the two bronze armors, he would have gone forward.

He was tricked by someone. The guy in front of him, who is suspected to be a creature from the Imperial City, never thought of exchanging supplies with them. He is a sinister and cunning person!

"So what, you hit me?"

Li Xiaobai took two steps back, and retreated to the side of the bronze armor.

"Gah, I got tricked!"

"This guy is playing with us, take a few stones to perfunctory, and hand over all the resources he swallowed!"

The monks were furious and shouted angrily.

Li Xiaobai was unmoved, he had nothing to exchange with these high-ranking monks, and these people looked down on the things they searched in the fairy world. If it is passed on by people, it will be even worse if it is distributed to everyone and the identity will be leaked.

"Fellow daoists, calm down. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to see this imperial city. You might as well appreciate the stones under your feet. There are traces of thousands of years on them."

"Zhuzi, An dare to bully me!"

"If it weren't for these two bronze armors, you would have been bombarded to pieces!"

"If someone comes out to fight one-on-one, he is timid and hides his head and shows his tail, what kind of a hero!"

The monks who gave the resources just now looked livid. In exchange for some good things, they took out their wealth, but they were actually cheated!

"I knew things were not that simple. The intelligence of this restricted creature is extraordinary, not an ordinary creature. In the restricted area, he should be regarded as one of the most mellow bloodlines."

"But he is very thirsty for our cultivation resources, which shows that his strength and cultivation are nothing more than that."

The cultivators at the rear squinted their eyes and carefully observed the imperial city. They had just arrived, and they had not had time to donate their resources and escaped disaster.

I didn't expect to meet this kind of intelligent body in this kind of place. This is a high-level life that is exclusive to the restricted area. It knows routines and has extraordinary wisdom. It should be an important role in the imperial city. It's just that the current cultivation level is still weak. Among them, such creatures are usually sealed up, and after several eras, they will break out of the ground until the golden age opens.

In their view, Li Xiaobai is such a character.

"Could this guy be the son of a restricted area?"

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