Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1496 Special Temporary Worker Little Prince

"It's okay, just squat here and don't have to go to other places. The brothers in the past have explored the battlefield of the heavens. Compared with the secrets they have discovered, this ancient city is more valuable!"

"For Dayu and I, coming to the battlefield is not for treasure resources. News clues about the ancient battlefield are more important than anything else!"

The judge pen youth said coldly, he expected that this ancient city would not be so easy to deal with, so he urged others to come forward to test the water.

The key is that the ancient city is guarded by bronze armor, and its strength is unfathomable. They can't get in, they can't explore the imperial city, and they can only rely on Li Xiaobai to get information.

"Do you think there are clues to the ancient starry sky road hidden in this imperial city?"

A creature asked, also from Yuan Xingyu, with a majestic and powerful aura, staring at the two guards at the city gate with eyes like torches, eager to try.

The latecomers had never seen a creature in bronze armor, so they seemed very fearless.

"This is natural. The battlefield of the heavens is opened once a year. The brothers and sisters have entered and searched a lot, but they have never heard of clues to the ancient road in the starry sky. Now that there is such a strange city, if they find something, it must be someone who is here. in it."

"Don't act rashly, the power of the imperial city is beyond imagination, and it is very likely that it was forged by a certain fairy!"

The judge pen youth said lightly.

The monks outside the city kept clamoring, tearing their faces and cursing Li Xiaobai angrily, hoping to force him out.

Li Xiaobai looked at the gathering of more and more monks outside, his brows were tightened, he couldn't get out at all, he had never experienced the power of the four god-peeping realms, let alone the higher realm of psychic powers, which was not the same as Feng Wuhen, the dean of Deity Academy, is a powerhouse of the same level.

And growing up in a big force, maybe the strength is even better, which is not what he is able to deal with now.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the battlefield was always at dusk. I don't know exactly how long it has passed.

Occasionally, some monks couldn't bear to make a move and were directly beheaded by the bronze armor. The crowd calmed down a lot, but these monks had no intention of leaving.

Originally, they were burning with anger, and after hearing the analysis of the young man from Judgment Pen just now, they also felt that there was a big secret hidden in this imperial city, and whoever could come to this battlefield was not a master of the great powers, There is no shortage of resources at all, they want to find out the news of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

"Boy, you cheated us. This matter is easy to change. Since you are not willing to trade resources, you might as well share a piece of news as compensation."

"It is rumored that there are clues to the ancient starry sky road in the battlefield of the heavens. If you can tell me the relevant news, let's pretend that what happened just now didn't happen, how about it?"

A powerful creature stepped forward with an imposing manner.

There are two horns growing on this man's head, obviously tempering the blood power in his body to a considerable extent, and he is faintly turning into a monster shape.

The power is vigorous, and a huge sense of oppression can be felt from a long distance.

"Ancient Starry Sky Road?"

"What are you doing with this thing?"

Seeing a creature actively communicate, Li Xiaobai's mind became active, and he also needed news.

"Naturally, we have to embark on a journey, and we're going to fight a lot. The first battlefield, the ancient road to the starry sky, is the real battlefield for monks, not a small fight in the world of immortals and gods!"

"No one wants to use what they have learned to train a domesticated livestock. Only after being devastated and surviving can they have a chance to move to a higher level!"

The tauren said coldly.

"I can't see that you, a bull head, are quite pursuing. The ancient starry sky road is in the imperial city. It's a pity that you can't get in."

Li Xiaobai sighed.

"In the imperial city, where is it?"

The tauren's eyes flashed scarlet, and the aura around him became a little manic, until he saw the bronze armor of the city gate guard shaking.

"At the end of the deepest part of the imperial city, there is an endless abyss where you can't reach your fingers. When you go down to the deepest part, there is a vast and boundless unknown territory. The ancient road to the starry sky is hidden in it!"

Li Xiaobai said with a very determined look.

"Amitabha, monks don't tell lies, but what you said just now is true?"

The team of monks came forward, there were more than a hundred people, the leader of the monks looked fierce, but his tone was very gentle.

The weeping monk just now was also in the queue, but he was not at the front.

"Amitabha, master, this is not a secret, there is nothing to hide, anyway, you can't get in, even if you get in, the abyss is enough to swallow you all, it's better to practice well and accumulate strength is the kingly way."

"Thinking about the battlefield of the heavens at a young age is a bit whimsical."

Li Xiaobai said old-fashionedly, he was not all telling lies, half-truths, half-truths, and listened to the judgments of these powerful monks by the way.

"Can you make a detour?"

"The guards are not vegetarians, it should be impossible."

"However, the ancient starry sky road is actually in this imperial city. Where did this city come from, and what did it do before?"

The monks whispered, Li Xiaobai's words just now caused an uproar, and the creatures of the imperial city admitted that the ancient starry sky road is in the city!

How to get in, the younger generation lacks cultivation, and the stronger older generation cannot enter due to the rules of the battlefield. This is a deadlock.

Looking at the people in front of him who had no intention of leaving, Li Xiaobai's mind sank into the system mall. There was one item he hadn't used, so he decided to take a gamble.

The special temporary worker experience card can summon a special temporary worker, which exists for an hour (the price is 1 million rare earths)

Note that the strength of special temporary workers is unknown, their cultivation level is unknown, and their identity is unknown!

This is a new function of the system mall, special temporary workers, which looks good on the surface, but it is actually a huge pit.

The cultivation strength and identity of this special temporary worker are all unknown, which means that it is possible that the one summoned is a peerless strong man, or it may be just a weak chicken. The gamble is too big.

However, it seems that the only way to break out of this predicament is to rely on the system mall.

"Draw him a million first!"

Li Xiaobai took away one million rare earth resources in an instant. Fortunately, it wasn't rare earth crystals, so the harvest of cheating and abducting for so many days can still withstand it.

drop! Detected that special temporary workers have arrived!

The system prompt sounds.

A white light appeared in front of Li Xiaobai's eyes, and a figure slowly emerged, with the clothes fluttering, looking full of fairy spirit!

Looks like a master!

"May I ask which senior is here?"

Li Xiaobai's heart was a little agitated, he must have fallen into his soul, right?

The brilliance dissipated, Li Xiaobai was dumbfounded, the figure in front of him was only 1.5 meters tall, small, with a red face, dressed in Taoist robes, with a smile on his face, he was actually a child!

"You can just call me little prince, if you want me to beat someone up, just say it!"

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