Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1497 I Can Only Hold The Person On The Right

Small figure, big tone.

This little prince wearing Taoist robes was supercilious, as if the monks outside the imperial city were just mobs.

"Um... dare to ask this little prince what is his cultivation and where did he get rich?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the childish child in front of him, no matter how he looked at it, it was unreliable. Judging from his many years of experience in cheating and abducting, this is not rejuvenation, nor Tianshan Child Elder, this is a child through and through. Pure, not deeply involved in the world.

However, it has a very strong tone. Whether the one million rare earth resources have summoned a super expert, or just produced a piece of garbage, it still needs to be carefully identified.


"What is that? There is no cultivation in front of the prince, it's just a matter of a finger!"

"This king sees that you are trapped in the ruins. You are really a hot chicken. I will follow behind this king and lead you out of the encirclement!"

The kid in Taoist robe said in an old-fashioned way.

"It's true. The monks guarding the outside world are all masters of the four gods and even the masters of the gods. They are very invincible!"

Li Xiaobai asked with some doubts, he felt that the little brat in front of him was extremely unreliable.

"It's only natural, let's get along, this king wants to kill people, it's just a blink of an eye!"

The kid in the Taoist robe put his hands behind his back, swayed three times at a step, and walked out of the gate of the imperial city with a wobble.

"Someone came out again!"

"Besides that guy, are there other creatures in the imperial city?"

"No, who is this child, who appeared suddenly, why did he come out directly?"

"Didn't the master of Caiyuan Xingyu just say that creatures in the restricted area will not go out at will? What does this kid want?"

When the monks saw another child appearing beside Li Xiaobai, and this child had actually come out, they couldn't help feeling a little flustered for a moment.

The creatures that walk out of the restricted area must have great supernatural powers.

"Back quickly!"

"Stand back!"

The Judgment Pen youth, who had been observing the imperial city, also felt chills on the back of his neck when he saw the scene in front of him, and he felt a sense of fear spontaneously.

He has been staying at the foot of Linyuan's restricted area all year round. He is very aware of the capabilities of the creatures in the restricted area, and he must never judge them by appearance. Even though the other party is just a child, he may be a big devil who kills without counting.

Moreover, the reason why the restricted area became a restricted area is because some gods and gods once fell, and they were burdened with blood and unknown. Those who were infected will live unknown in their later years, and what's more, the entire ethnic group will be affected, which is extremely dangerous.

"See, this is the journey of the strong, and you can feel the domineering aura of this king from three miles away!"

The kid in Taoist robes was arrogant and energetic, striding forward, and the monks around him took a step back when he took a step forward, with excitement in his eyes.

Li Xiaobai was very speechless in his heart, this little brat felt so good about himself, he was clearly afraid of the title of creature in the restricted zone, how did he become a domineering one?

"That guy came out too!"

"What to do, do you want to go!"

"Is the cultivation base of the creatures in the forbidden zone really strong? Doesn't it feel bad?"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai also came out, the monks rioted. This guy has cheated them a lot of treasures, and the only way to get back the resources is now.

"Gah, what are you afraid of, you have swallowed so many treasures from us, and you have to get back whatever you say!"

"Fuck him, I handed over the bottom of the box!"


A monk couldn't bear his temper, and finally made a move. The situation changed, and the powerful aura crashed down. For a moment, Li Xiaobai felt that he was locked by a powerful aura, and he couldn't avoid it.

Completely out of instinct, all the clothes on his body were taken off, and he lay flat on the ground, his defense power surged by four times.

"My lord, come on!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the little boy and said.

"Hmph, surrendering before the fight started, how hot!"

The child in the Taoist robe said disdainfully, facing the monk's siege with a face full of fearlessness.

"Which one of you will go first?"

"Do you want me to single out a group of you, or do you go up one by one?"

"Why waste so much talk with him, kill!"

Many masters shot suddenly, they couldn't bear it, decided to test a wave, stick and leave.

"Chaos Golden Watchman!"

The little Taoist pointed his sword together, pointed at the intruders, and the terrifying aura condensed in the void melted away in the blink of an eye.

These few monks were so neatly fixed.

"What kind of evil technique is this?"

The monks were stunned. What is the chaotic golden watchtower? They can stop people with a single finger. They have never heard of the second type except for absolute cultivation suppression.

"It seems to be similar to the skill of being 100% caught by empty hands. This kid has some skills. Could it be 100% immobilization?"

Li Xiaobai was also quite surprised, as expected of a system product, even the skills used were somewhat similar.

"The power of the law of time!"

"The creatures in the restricted area control the law of time, quickly retreat, run!"

Seeing this scene, the judge pen youth who had been watching the battle closely, his pupils constricted, turned around and ran away without saying a word, and the rest of the monks in the Yuanxing area followed closely behind, tearing the void with their hands, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


"The power of the law? Or the power of the law of time?"

"What do you mean, this child controls the power of law? That is the power that can only be controlled by the fairyland!"

"No, look at the few monks who have been immobilized. They are not simply immobilized. The power in their bodies has not been lost!"

The behavior of the judge pen youth reminded the monks. After careful observation, although the monk was immobilized, it was not a simple immobilization, and the power in his body did not flow away, which showed that the passage of time around him was different from that of the outside world.

"Is it really the power of law?"

"The creatures in the restricted area of ​​the imperial city control the law of time!"

"And that guy, why is he lying on the ground, is it also some kind of law?"

The rest of the monks also slowly realized that something was wrong.

The power of the law, this is a power that only the strong in the fairyland can see a little bit of power. To become an existence in this realm, all of them are the founders of the sect and the leaders of the great forces.

The forbidden creature in front of him actually has such power!

"Go around and do that cheating guy first, he needs cultivation resources, and his cultivation level is definitely not high!"

A monk appeared beside Li Xiaobai in an instant, raising the knife in his hand without dragging his feet. The terrifying light of the knife slid through the sky and cut straight to Li Xiaobai's neck.

In an instant, Li Xiaobai's hair stood on end, the talisman in his hand was crushed, the space was replaced, and he escaped by moving three feet horizontally.

"Little prince, what are you doing, why don't you stop him!"

"Uh... Well, I can only fix the person on the right, I haven't learned the one on the left..."

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