In a word, Li Xiaobai's mentality collapsed.

What the hell is the person who can only freeze the right side?

Is there still a difference between left and right?

Looking at the countless ferocious faces on the left, cold sweat oozes out layer by layer on Li Xiaobai's forehead, his instinct is right, this guy called Little Prince is really unreliable.

At the critical moment, the chain actually fell off!

"Ahem, why don't we go back first and have a long-term plan!"

Using both hands and feet, Li Xiaobai crawled towards the inside of the imperial city.

"Look at how cowardly you are, it's a big deal, my king's skills are flawed, so why can't I deal with it?"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai wanted to return to the imperial city, the kid in Taoist robes showed disdain on his face.

"How to deal with it?"

"How are you going to respond?"

Li Xiaobai was stunned and couldn't help asking.

"It's fine to go to the far left. When I reach the far left, I will kill all these guys in one go!"

The kid in Taoist robe said it as a matter of course.

Li Xiaobai froze for a second, the golden talisman in his hand flashed again and again, and in an instant he returned to the gate of the imperial city, hiding behind the two bronze armors.

I was almost killed by this product, and sure enough, this kind of luck-based items are all cheating money.

Anyone who gets into the soul is a lie!

"Why are you running? Could it be that what the king said is wrong?"

The kid in Taoist robes strolled in the courtyard, immobilizing all the monks on his right in the void, frightening the monks from all directions so that no one dared to step forward.

"Don't you know that as long as you turn around, the left and right directions will immediately change?"

Li Xiaobai reminded in a low voice, feeling that the kid doesn't seem too smart.

"Turn around?"

"Hiss, why didn't I think of it, I can't see that you are so timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but you still have a bright mind!"

The little prince's eyes lit up, his figure turned around, his horse stepped forward, and his hands made sword fingers together, and once again angrily shouted, "Chaotic gold watchman!"

The bodies of all the monks who had been immobilized were lightened, but before they came back to their senses, they saw that the monks on the other side were all frozen to death on the void.

What happened?

So fast, they can't see clearly, it feels like they have skipped time!

Li Xiaobai saw it clearly, just now the judge pen youth said, this is the power of the law of time, it looks very powerful, even these masters have no power to fight back, but unfortunately they have flaws, they can only stop the people on one side.

And this guy's brain is really not easy to use!

Only this trick.

"But it's really powerful. It's a supernatural power. It should be able to be exchanged from the city with a hundred replacement symbols."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, children are unreliable, he doesn't count on them anymore, but the riots it caused and the suppression of monks created a good opportunity.

With a thought, a thick stack of golden talismans was crushed, and figures flickered among the crowd, and in the blink of an eye, they had already appeared hundreds of feet away.

"Little lord, the wind is tight, blah!"

With a wave of Li Xiaobai's hand, the golden chariot under his feet disappeared without a trace.

"He ran away!"

"What kind of supernatural power is this? When I come back to my senses, the person has disappeared!"

"Is this a forbidden creature?"

"No, the creatures in the restricted area have escaped. My monks may be in danger. We need to send a message quickly and stay away!"

Seeing the disappearing figures of the two, the cultivators shuddered for no reason. They thought things simply. The strength of creatures in the restricted area cannot be judged by common sense. Sloppy.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that there is another restricted area in this world. I have never heard of the location of the imperial city before. I have to report to the Buddha when I go back!"

Several old monks also conspired with each other, waiting for the monks to leave.

The eight restricted areas in the Immortal God Realm have always checked and balanced each other, and they lived in peace. Now there is a ninth restricted area, and the creatures in the restricted area have even escaped. If it spreads to the outside world, the balance that has been stalemate for many years will undoubtedly be broken.

In the Immortal God Realm, I am afraid that there will be a bloody storm!

The imperial city is guarded by bronze armor, and no one can enter. They are not worried about being caught first, and they have already obtained important information by staying here today.

The news of the Starry Sky Ancient Road is hidden in the depths of the imperial city!

Perhaps the next time the battlefield of the heavens opens, it will be the day when the ancient road in the starry sky reappears in the world!

Li Xiaobai didn't know what was going on in everyone's mind. At this very moment, he was leading the little prince all the way.

This kid in Taoist robes was not afraid of anything, sitting cross-legged on the golden chariot and admiring the scenery along the way.

"By the way, I have never seen such a scene before. Where is this place, and why do I appear here, young master?"

The child squinted his eyes, very comfortable.

"This is the world of immortals and gods, full of monsters and gods, it only eats children like you, one bite at a time!"

Li Xiaobai glanced at him and said expressionlessly.

"It's nonsense, how can there be gods in the world, but they are just some strong people pretending to be gods!"

"Where is the god, tell him to come out, this king will compete with him!"

The kid in the Taoist robe scoffed, not believing what Li Xiaobai said at all.

This fat boy should have come from another dimension, not the power system of the Immortal God Realm, which is very weird!

But since it is produced by the system, everything makes sense, so don't worry too much about it.

"Children, do you grow up eating celery? With such a loud tone, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue."

"Where are you from?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The royal family!"

"Which royal family?"

"In the entire Tianmen Town, there is only me and the Wang family!"

The little prince stood proudly, very proud.

Well, this guy's brain is not good enough to ask why.

"On weekdays, I practice hard all day behind closed doors, but today I actually came out. I need to indulge myself."

A look of fascination appeared on the child's face, and the outside world was very novel to him.

Still a country bumpkin who has never seen the market, Li Xiaobai thought to himself.

"How to indulge?"

"Of course it was murder and arson!"


The golden streamer galloped across the wasteland, and after leaving the imperial city, he never saw other buildings, nor did he see other monks.

The location of the imperial city should be quite remote, and all the information that should be obtained has been obtained, so there is nothing to miss. This is the battlefield of the heavens, and as long as the operation is done properly with this little kid, you should still be able to make a fortune.

"There is less than an hour left, so hurry up."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, looked around, and found a group of monks.

These people are well-dressed and well-dressed, and they appear to be from well-to-do families.

"Where are the fellow Taoists going?"

"There is a secret place in the northwest, do you want to go there together?"

A few people looked at Li Xiaobai and asked, there is a hidden danger in the secret realm, which needs cannon fodder, and the more casual cultivators on order, the better.

"It turned out to be a secret place in the northwest. I was taken aback. I thought it was the city in the southeast that was discovered."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and then seemed to react suddenly, waved his hands again and again and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing, my cultivation base is low, and the secret realm won't join in the fun. Let's go ahead and say goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed the golden chariot under his feet and left in the direction it came from.

Several people frowned and stopped in place.

"He seemed relieved?"

"What is the Imperial City? Could it be a new secret realm?"

"He seems very afraid that I will find out where the imperial city is?"

"There are other senior brothers and sisters in the secret realm, why don't we go to the imperial city in the southeast first?"

"Of course, let's go, keep up!"

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