Liu Jinshui said calmly, not feeling embarrassed at all.

Li Xiaobai wondered in his heart, these six senior brothers are quite stingy, and they are cheating their mothers, but their cultivation bases are really superb. Why do they even occupy the resources of the four cultivators in the realm of peeping the gods and the realm of the gods?

Does this thing work for you?

It is said that five hundred years have passed, senior brother has done so many earth-shattering events, do you still need to practice now?

"Brother, where are we going?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"A majestic pass, forged by the flesh and blood of the human race!"

Liu Jinshui smiled mysteriously.

"But the Human Race Emperor City?"

Li Xiaobai said, the most valuable part of this battlefield is this human imperial city, and all the brothers and sisters have stayed in this city, maybe there is something hidden that he didn't find.


"Junior Brother actually knows about the Emperor City of the Human Race. I think I have already seen it."

Liu Jinshui was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was relieved.

Li Xiaobai stepped on the golden chariot and galloped across the wasteland with the big and the young, returning the same way.

Hundreds of years have passed, and this fat man has not changed at all. Not only has he not aged, but he still looks like a thief.

Moreover, he was nailed to death on the stone pillar before, and the tragedy is still vivid in his mind. After escaping from birth, nothing happened at all. There was no mention of revenge, and he felt that there was something wrong.

"Brother, who nailed you to the bottom of the lake?"

"You don't want revenge?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Liu Jinshui and asked.


"It's nothing more than an ant. Brother, if you want to kill someone, you can do it with a flick of your finger!"

"I have more important things for my brother right now."

Liu Jinshui's eyes showed disdain. For people of his level, there are very few people in the world who can be called enemies.

Something is wrong, something is wrong.

If anyone in the world knows Sixth Senior Brother Liu Jinshui best, he is the little Junior Brother. Let alone five hundred years, even after five thousand years, he can still feel that the fat man is not telling the truth.

How could this kind of master, who would cheat anyone who sees him, and would repay him when he was nailed to the pillar of shame, swallow his anger?

"Brother, why don't you tear the void and let's go there together?"

"My little brother's cultivation is still shallow, the speed of this golden chariot is not fast."

Li Xiaobai looked at Liu Jinshui and said.

"Brother's strength is too strong. If the void is torn apart, this world will be torn apart in an instant!"

Liu Jinshui said without squinting, looking at the nose with the eyes, the mouth with the nose, and the heart with the mouth.

Li Xiaobai was speechless. He felt that there was something wrong with the sixth senior brother's body, so that he hadn't shown any strength since he escaped from trouble.

"What are you doing back in that corner, hurry up and find the next secret place to fight!"

The little prince is dissatisfied, his time is running out, and he will be taken back by the system soon.

"Fat Master, I want to go back to the imperial city to get back an item."

Liu Jinshui said.

"What is it?"

"You'll know when you get there."


Another half an hour.

The golden streamer returned the same way.

The one-hour temporary work period of the little prince has expired, and he was taken back by the system.

Liu Jinshui's eyes showed deep doubts. With his eyesight and knowledge, he couldn't understand how this little boy disappeared!

There are not many monks staying outside the Human Race Emperor City, only a few monks who are not willing to give up are still observers from a distance, hoping to see the moment when a certain change occurs in the Emperor City.

"This is it!"

Liu Jinshui took the lead and rushed in impatiently with his short legs.

The two bronze armors at the city gate did not respond, Li Xiaobai felt awe-inspiring, sure enough, his guess was correct, this imperial city would only block monks whose blood was not pure enough, and was completely open to human monks.

This is a city exclusively for pure-blooded humans!

"Did you see that guy ran back again, and brought back a fat man!"

"Who is that fat man, and why can he enter and exit the Imperial City at will? Didn't that guy run out just to find that fat man?"

"What about the kid who claims to be the little prince? Why is it missing?"

The monks who had been hiding in the dark saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened and their mouths opened wide.

"No, being able to enter and leave the forbidden zone of mythology at will, shouldn't the fat man also be a creature in the forbidden zone of mythology?"

"Who said that creatures in the restricted area can only come out from inside? Isn't that kid outside now?"

"Could it be that the mythical creatures in the imperial city all ran out to play, and didn't go home until dinner time?"

A cultivator made a shocking guess that being able to enter and leave the imperial city at will, what is it not a mythical forbidden creature?

This is a terrible guess, and it is very likely to be true. If it is true, at this moment, the battlefield of the heavens is probably filled with a large number of mythical forbidden creatures. If it is contaminated with unknown, this life is in danger!

"This matter must be reported, and the brothers in the clan must be informed. It is too dangerous. This restricted area has no binding effect on mythical creatures, and you can enter and exit at will!"

"I don't know how many creatures are leaking out, but don't offend them!"

A group of monks were sweating coldly on their foreheads, and they were so frightened that they were terrified when they thought about it. If this was true, there would be no safe place for the entire battlefield.

The monks outside were in a mess, and their figures turned into streamers of light and disappeared into the sky and the earth.

In the city.

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui knew nothing about it.

"Brother, who built this imperial city, and where did the two guards at the gate come from?"

"I don't know who built the imperial city. I only heard that it is called Renzu. He is the first human being born in the world and the father of all human monks."

"That's already a legend. I don't know how many trillions of years ago the creatures of the era can only be admired."

Liu Jinshui said leisurely, "As for the two guards at the city gate, they are the city guards from the past. The two old men who stepped into the coffin with half a foot survived the tragic battle."

"Should have died, but reappeared here. Presumably it is the support of the immortal obsession. With the obsession in the heart, I still have to move in the world to complete my mission."

"They are all miserable people!"

"I see. I wonder what the names of these two seniors are?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

Liu Jinshui whispered two words, "The sky is broken, and the earth is short."

"Five hundred years ago, he was just an ordinary guard, but he has experienced the great battles of the past, and his body was bathed in the blood of the fallen emperor. Now he can be regarded as a figure in mythology."

"He is really a hero. I once found an inscription in the city, with the handwriting of a senior sister engraved on it. I don't know where the other senior brothers are now?"

Li Xiaobai asked as he walked.

"I don't know, the fat man has been trapped for three hundred years, how can he know the whereabouts of other people, they just won't die with their abilities..."

The two walked deeper and deeper, and finally Liu Jinshui stopped at the edge of the endless abyss where the dog house was.

What he was looking for was down there!

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