"Look here first. I still remember that Fat Lord and I built this house for that dog with my own hands. The iron chains are all there."

"This iron chain is extraordinary. It is the essence smashed by the elder sister with a hammer. It is a pity that it has not been refined into a magic weapon. It is just an ordinary chain that has been smashed into refined iron."

Liu Jinshui looked at the dog house with a look of nostalgia on his face.

Once upon a time, the brothers were the strongest when they gathered together, but it's a pity that they are now fragmented, scattered as they go.

"And that said?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he hadn't noticed earlier that the iron chain was different, the elder sister forged it with her own hands, even if it wasn't a magic weapon, it was a rare masterpiece!

He sneakily reached out to take away the iron chain, but the next second the thick iron chain disappeared without a trace.

Liu Jinshui touched the interspatial ring on his hand and said, "Little brother, this is a souvenir, it's of no use value, you won't need it, let's leave it as a thought for Brother Wei, for the past few years, Brother Wei has been fighting against two dogs. I miss it too!"

Li Xiaobai "..."

With a slow hand, he was snatched away by the sixth senior brother.

This product is really digging and searching, and no fat or water will flow out!

"Brother... I miss Ergou very much... Look at this..."

"You don't need to say too much, as a brother, you already know your heart. Ergou is talented and intelligent, so he will be fine. There will be a day when we brothers will meet!"

Liu Jinshui patted Li Xiaobai's shoulder, his face full of determination.

Li Xiaobai was suddenly speechless, and could only complain in his heart that he was running out of hands. It seemed that the 500-year gap period still had some influence, at least now his sensitivity to treasures seemed not as keen as before.

"What senior brother is looking for is below, why don't you let senior brother do it for you?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the endless abyss and asked.

According to the avatar, there is a bigger and wider world below, which is most likely the ancient road in the starry sky.

"You don't have to, just a little item, you can just send it down for brother, junior brother."

Liu Jinshui said cheerfully.

"Alright, brother, sit still."

Li Xiaobai nodded, the golden chariot under his feet turned into a stream of light, and swooped down in the blink of an eye. The cliff was so high that it took a full quarter of an hour for his clone to climb it.

"Brother, what's under this abyss?"

"It is rumored that there is news of an ancient road in the starry sky hidden in the battlefield of the heavens, but is it related to this?"

Liu Jinshui's state is very wrong, this guy seems to be unwilling to use his strength to cultivate, it's not just for the simple reason of his mouth.

It's all nonsense that one's own strength will collapse the battlefield. Li Xiaobai kept scanning the sixth senior brother suspiciously.

"Ancient Starry Sky Road?"

"That stuff isn't in this corner. By the way, what are you doing looking for the Starry Sky Ancient Road, Junior Brother? That place is not fun, and it's not the place you should go."

"Below here is a certain piece of wreckage after the first battlefield was shattered. It belongs to... Makabaka, and it is an area that strangers should not approach."

As Liu Jinshui was talking, something went wrong again.

"Belongs to what?"

Li Xiaobai couldn't help asking, he suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, what is Makabaka?


Liu Jinshui spoke again, his mouth shape and pronunciation were completely different, and he was taken aback for a moment.

"Hey, can't you even say that?"

"Your fat man's words will be banned in any place where the birds don't shit!"

"When I get back that thing, Fat Master, I will definitely turn your world upside down!"

Liu Jinshui's face was full of anger. He violated some kind of taboo, his behavior was restricted everywhere, and even his speech might be blocked at any time.

Li Xiaobai also calmed down, he understood that the other party could not say anything he wanted to ask, and even if he wanted to say it, he would be harmonized by some mysterious power.

That mouth shape wasn't talking at all, and it couldn't be judged by lip language. This was the first time he had seen this kind of situation, and he had never heard of it before.

No matter how powerful the evil forces behind it are, even a top master like Liu Jinshui, the sixth brother, will be imprisoned and restricted.

The golden chariot touched the bottom, and the two got off slowly.

Liu Jinshui looked at the stone wall behind carefully, and seemed a little puzzled, "Why are there scratches left by animal claws here?"

"It seems to be going down all the way. Have other creatures come here in these years?"

Li Xiaobai didn't speak, and quietly followed behind him. He wanted to see what kind of gourds the sixth senior brother sold, and what kind of treasures were buried in this abyss.

The walking route is very familiar, it is the route that the avatar walked before, and there is a clear white mark under his feet, pointing straight ahead. Liu Jinshui seemed to realize something, quickened his pace, and finally stopped in front of a white circle.

Li Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, the worst thing happened.

Fortunately, the avatar was restored before, and the jar was put back again.

"Why is there a circle?"

"Who drew it? Fat Lord, I wouldn't be so stupid as to mark the things I buried!"

"There must have been other creatures, and it's been a long time, I can feel it!"

Liu Jinshui's eyes burst out with destructive heat, and he muttered to himself, looking a little crazy. He lay down on the ground and began to dig randomly, his hands were covered with mud, and he still didn't use a single bit of cultivation.

"Yes, yes!"

"What the hell is this? The fat man put in a coffin back then, how has it turned into a wine jar now!"

"Someone came, someone moved inside, and took the coffin away!"

Liu Jinshui carried the jar out, dug for a while, then fell down on the spot with a dull expression on his face.

"It's gone, it's really gone, who the hell took it away!"

"Ahem, brother, what is it that you put here?"

"Since the person who stole it left such a wine jar, maybe there are some clues in it?"

Li Xiaobai coughed twice and said.

"Yes, yes, it is impossible to put a jar for no reason."

As soon as Liu Jinshui pulled the stopper off the wine jar, his brows immediately twisted into twists, the stench, the disgusting stench came over his face.

"What is this costume?"

"Little brother, can you take a look?"

Li Xiaobai said, "Brother, since it's packed in a wine jar, could it be for food? For example, the flesh and blood of some powerful creature?"

"That's also rotten and smelly flesh and blood, can you taste it?"

Liu Jinshui looked at it for a moment and said.

"Little brother is not interested in eating."

"Then do it yourself, brother."

After hesitating for a while looking at the wine jar, Liu Jinshui still decided to taste the "delicacy" in the jar.

Dip a little bit with your fingers, slowly put it into your mouth, hold your breath, and savor it carefully, your eyes gradually burst out with two amazing killing intents from calm, your face twisted a little bit ferociously, and your lips and teeth squeezed A few words came out.


"God damn Ergou, the fat man is going to strip you alive!"

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